Sweep the House Clean ….and Sustain

TheCall coming to Detroit on 11.11.11 for a 24 hour national stadium wide prayer gathering will be a historic event.  We believe the heavens will open and the Lion of Judah will roar defeating spiritual enemies on the land. 

The question many ask is – what’s next?

It is one thing to clean the house through desperate prayer and repentance. . .  but can we sustain what has been accomplished.  The answer is a resounding yes!  One of the main goals is to raise up contending houses of prayer in Detroit, Dearborn, Lansing and regions throughout Michigan as well as the nation that will not allow the enemy of our souls to regain a foot hold again.  It will take perseverance and opportunity with an offensive prayer and evangelistic mindset.  We must engage every aspect of our culture if our children and grandchildren are to have a free nation to live in.

We do have a plan.

On 11.11.11 a number of sustainment initiatives will be released.  We are declaring Michigan as the next Hernnhut where day and night prayer will arise in 83 counties.  A breastplate prayer move developed by Bishop Larry Jackson will be released.  There is the possibility of every unsaved person in the state and nation being prayed for individually if the church could grasp this.  TheCall will release a mandate (Cindy Jacobs) to enlist 10,000 intercessors in each state before the 2012 elections.  Generations will be bridged and divisive walls will come down.

What am I trying to say?  We have a sustainment plan to make sure what is gained is not lost. It will take the body of Christ moving in unity, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.  But it will also take an attitude of a warrior to fight to advance the Kingdom of God on earth.