AZ Audit Report with Notes


1. They discussed the envelopes, they discussed the balance, they discussed the electronic equipment and from everything that was said during this presentation it shows that they were major major problems in the election. 
2. They showed a pattern of envelope ballots in the electronic voting systems. Remember Maricopa County Sec. of State and other officials didn’t cooperate with the forensic audit. They obstructed the audit so this is a major problem. If they were so sure the election was fair they would have fully cooperated. 
3. During the presentation they showed that the Maricopa County employees deleted files before they handed over the electronic equipment which is the computer systems.
4. They also show that they approved signatures that weren’t even in the signature box but were blank and they were approved as valid.
5. They also showed that they approved signatures that were not in the signature box but the blanks were approved as valid. But the certification print was actually under the print of the ballot…how can that be possible.  
6. REMEMBER…regarding the forensic audit they just receive the routers and Splunk logs.
7. During the presentation they showed that the systems were actually connected to the Internet and they were talking to outside systems.
8. When you look at the entire presentation you look at exactly what happened here in Maricopa County as those employees tried to cover things up as they certified certain signatures that where there were no signatures. There were a lot of duplicate ballots and a lot of duplicate envelopes, so when you start to look at just this part you can see there’s a problem in the election.
NOTE: Remember we were told that this was the most secure election of our lifetime and the systems when they were received had no security patches, there were no antivirus signatures that were added to it and they had everyone using the same username and password. By the way, those people that deleted the files before they handed them off to the forensic audit team were caught on camera, so do you think it was criminal activity? Absolutely!

9. It was shown there were enough fake votes, mystery votes, fraudulent votes, phantom voters the official canvas does not even match who voted, ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County . There is enough evidence to overturn the election many times over.
10. Election data appears to have been intentionally deleted and ballot images were corrupt or missing this is not even the whole state of Arizona but only Maricopa County.
11.  There are easily over 50,000 ballots that are suspect!
12. Dr. Shiva investigated the “Mail In” ballot envelopes…to  address the issues related to the ballot signature cards. He shared the early voting ballot return vote ballot images and found there was no signature in the box. If there were any dots in the box he recorded it and if there was a signature which could make it out he recorded it. Remember, this is just the envelopes where the ballots are inside the envelopes. He was looking at the signature box on the envelope and he found a lot of duplicates.  There are more than 17,000 duplicates his team found.  34,448 votes from those who voted more than once in Arizona in the 2020 election 17,000 votes that never should have been included in the audit. Now remember, Trump statement Biden won by what 10,457 he found 17,000 duplicates are ready they’re not saying who they were for remember this is just showing patterns of how all this was done so the other thing that he found was that in a lot of these envelopes they certified this signature even though the box had no signature.
13. Dr Shiva also found that sometimes the certification was under the printed arrow of the envelope. How could that be?  The stanp goes over the print on the envelope and this was underneath the print of the above which doesn’t make any sense
14.  Cyber ninjas Doug Logan COS Cybernet when he presented looked at the ballots and he found 255,326 early votes that show in the VM 55 that do not have a corresponding EV 33 entry so how did that happen they were 9000 more ballots returned that have been sent…3432 more cast votes than voters.  397 mail-in ballots returned that show as never sent. He also found that 23,344 people voted via mail mail and ballot even though they showed as having moved and no one with that last name shows as living at that address. How did that happen? There are also 22,382 people voted in person after having moved out of the county does that make any sense. Remember the margin of victory was 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory and other races that had been caught.
15. When looking at the actual computer systems…the last time the system admin patch was August 6, 2019 more than a year prior to the election. The same was true for the antivirus signatures and the program they wanted to update. Maricopa County found out that they failed to preserve the operating system security logs within the top required-out under federal law which requires election data to be preserved for 22 months following election. He also noticed that they had a single password for all users and administrators. The pastway was created on a system initialization taht was never changed. The system also had two hard drives. The Cyber Ninja said this is not unusual but both of them were bootable which is not approved. The configuration and one of the drives had information that had nothing to do with the election.As he was looking at the entire system and digging deeper he found that more than a million files were deleted between November 1, 2020 and March 16, 2021. So the question is who deleted this? When he was looking at it he noticed that the EMS admin the username was set up to overwrite logs 211 2021 462 log entries overwritten March 3, 2021 37,686 log entries, overwritten April 12, 2021 330 log entries were overwritten. He also said there was also deletion of log files the day before the data was to be turned over to the auditors.Is this a coverup??? Why would you delete something you’re supposed to keep everything on the system by law for 22 months. 
NOTE: Remember, the erasure of election date is illegal according to federal statute. So they don’t know who actually did it. Why? Because the EMS admin that username was used by everybody. BUT…you know what happened –  they knew the date they knew the time because the logs and there were cameras in the room so they were able to match the camera records with the date and time of the erasing of the log files and they know who the people are.
16. It was also noted that there were hundreds of anonymous logins on the system. Why are there anonymous logins logging into the system? That is very strange! Is it not odd right there now Maricopa County auditors claim they found no Internet history and the systems were not connected to the Internet. But when looked at by Cyber Ninjas they found something completely different. They found significant intern Internet history and unallocated disk space when the EMS system attempted to connect to the Internet despite the county’s claim that the system does not connect to the Internet.  Now Maricopa County were tweeting out like crazy saying no that’s fake that’s false and this is it is an air gap network. Well an air gap network does not mean it is not connected to the Internet. Very small devices can piggyback to connect machines to the Internet without being detected. So it seems just with what they presented right here and they’re not finished…this is just the beginning and it seems there is a cover-up going on.
17. The Cyber Ninjas said the election should not be certified!!! It seems that everything doesn’t check out. Their system was supposed to be the most secure system ever. But by finding duplicate ballots, verifying signatures where there are no signatures, the audit report identifies more than 57,000 questionable votes intentionally deleted, election files and other suspicious voting machine activity. Cyber Ninjas based their conclusion on these factual findings that the election should not be certified. The reported results are not reliable.  
18. Again, major issues identified as there are more than 10,000 double votes across county lines, tens of thousands of ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election who could not have physically receive their ballot legally, the systems related to election integrity had numbers that would balance and agree with each other the voter rolls of the registration management process itself as many data integrity issues for instance over 200 individuals were easily identifiable as likely being the same person but having two different voter IDs and voting twice in the election. Without access to the county’s detailed records including personal identifiable information and registration systems it is more likely there are many tens of thousands of improper votes in the election from double voters deceased, voters voted for which cannot find no trace in the public records with an association to their voting address. Proper voter registration law and procedures were not followed they were unexplained large purges of registered voters right after the election of people would voted in the election there was backdating of registrations adjustments made to the historical voting and voter records files were missing ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing logs appear to be intentionally rolled over and deleted.
NOTE: There’s a problem here remember there is a law says 52 US code section 2511 criminal penalties. Just read section 2 here knowingly and willfully deprives to fraud or attempted to private or for the residents of the state of affair and impartially conducted election process by the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false fictitious or fraudulent under the laws of the state in which the election is held be the procurement casting or tabulation about that are known by the person to be materially false fictitious or fraudulent under the laws of the state in which the election is held. Think about what they’ve done, they tried to cover up certain things by deleting things on the system

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