Prov. 3:27 says, “Do not withhold good and honor from those whom it is due”. The people below felt honor was DUE to you Rick Warzywak. We are all on a journey and yours has not gone unnoticed. Although some days we are sure feel like an uphill battle, progress has and is being made to pave the way for the future of our State and Nation for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. Every day we benefit from your dedication, which keeps us moving, as you sacrifice precious time away from family and friends for the sake of the Gospel.
Below you will find words of encouragement from people around the world. If you would like to add your personal experience and testimony with Rick Warzywak please feel free to comment in the section at the end.
Dear Husband: This image sums up the last several years that I have observed you standing in the gap, crying out in prayer, and rallying people to come together in unity and one accord as we pray for our state and our nation. You continue to amaze me with your insights, vision, and connections to network the prayer/ intercessory ministry through Transformation Michigan. Your utmost desire for unity among the body of Christ has been on-going and, at times, frustrating for you, but you continue to push on and through. (….God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him -Hebrews 11:6). You are my favorite teacher and I continue seeing you operate with excellence in the apostolic, evangelistic, and pastoral gifts as well. Go Rick !
I must admit that at times I become concerned and yes, annoyed, that you will not rest adequately because you are relentless with completing the assignment (assignments – lets make that plural) that the Lord has given you. However, your personality and your drive is to give 150+% to whatever you are given to do — so…. after over 55 years of knowing you — it is what it is ! Our spiritual journey from becoming new Christians within months of each other in 1980 (I was first ha-ha) ; Bible school classes with Faith Tech; you evangelizing the sales staff at Morley Candy; ministry /leadership in various churches and home fellowships; leaving your job (Yikes!) to pursue full-time ministry as a campus preacher; mobilizing for the Jesus video in mid to northern Michigan; praying in the capitol building with intercessors for years; our ‘pilgrimages’ to Toronto (20 times maybe to Atwell Street), Morningstar, Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda’s etc., etc. searching for “More Lord” and finding Him, His blessings and His rewards. And surely last but not least, and most importantly — raising our 4 children: Amanda, Matthew, Megan and Micah in the admonition of the Lord. Oh the memories that light the corners of my mind and heart from those years! I am so proud of each of them and their accomplishments and I know they will carry a Godly legacy forward into the generations for our grandchildren. You were by my side as we became homeschooling pioneers — (back when no one knew what was and we had to be members of a legal defense organization in case we were hauled into court! ) We’ve had our highs and our lows and have come through it all with the Lord’s blessings.
I pray for continued blessing over your health and stamina in the years ahead. Your diligence and faithfulness in the ‘little things’ over the years has catapulted into the largest prayer movement we have seen in our lifetime. Your planting and watering of the seeds of prayer and revival (along with so many other faithful prayer warriors & intercessors) are about to come into manifestation as our Lord gives the increase. Yay God – well done Rick !
Love Always — Barb

Pops, Now that I’m older and have kids of my own, I have come to understand the sacrifice and effort you and mom have put into us in those younger years. I remember you calling me “Pal” at certain times throughout my childhood and now I find myself carrying on that legacy by calling my boy “Pal” which brings me back to the days of growing up in Northern Michigan.
I want to say that I’m truly proud of your determination, lack of fear, holding onto the truth and fighting for fundamental truths established through biblical principles. You have sacrificed much over the years starting by leaving a well-paying job to follow your calling. Many men could not fathom that and would have to muster their faith to try to even come close. I applaud your convictions and drive and also relish the moments when my kids are clawing at you for attention. You are “Pa” to them, and you will forever be my father and I’m grateful.
May Gods light continually shine upon you and be the glory and lifter of your head. As you have always said “when the going gets tough the tough get going”. We appreciate and love you very much.
Matt Warzywak (Son)
Dad, Happy Birthday! 🙂 Today we get to celebrate YOU. Your life, your legacy and all that you are.
Many daughters haven’t been blessed with a dad like you-and in fact, many friends have come
through my life and have told me how envious they are of me for having a father like you.
I am truly thankful for the amazing father that you are to me.
Throughout my life I’ve always watched you work so hard-both in ministry and work. I’ve watched you do what others wouldn’t. You give your time, energy, and pour your heart into crusading for what is just and right. Your gift of connecting people is powerful and you truly know how to unite people together for a great cause.
You did and do all of this without any expectation of getting something out of it or furthering your own interests. I’m so proud of you for all that you are doing and have done!
I remember coming downstairs in the morning as a kid to you reading your Bible with a cup of coffee-and perhaps a cookie or two-and how you always encouraged us to stay grounded in the Bible. To do our own research and find our own answers. You always took time to teach us in a fun way through illustrations and examples which had a life lesson attached to it.
Your generous heart is always giving-growing up I always remember at dinner time-how you would serve Mom and us with the best cuts of meat first-and you would take what was left. I still see you doing this to this day-you always look out for others before yourself.
You would always make sure to bring us little gifts home from your work trips (those chocolate “dinosaur” eggs were our favorite!)
You would leave me handwritten notes as a young adult encouraging me in my new job-to not give up even when I felt like I couldn’t take one more day. I still have some of those notes that I saved.
Throughout the years all these things you did were massive in shaping who I am today.
A lot of people don’t get to see the man that we get to see as your family-the funny man dancing in the living room to his favorite song, (yes, I have the video-HAHA!), the jokester who talks in a Chewbacca or Yoda voice, the voicemails you leave just to check in, the love you have for your grand cats and grand dogs, or your hoverboard skills (ok this one I made up) but we get the best of both worlds.
I love you dad.
Thank you for all that you do and are doing for not only us, but so many others that you have impacted throughout your life.
You are amazing and I can truly say that I have the BEST. DAD. EVER. – Megan
Amanda &Nuno Marques and grandchildren Caleb, Eliana, Edyn & Judah in Australia – We love you!
Dad, when I think of you, one word immediately comes to mind, that word is strength. Over the years from growing up and even up to now, I’ve seen an everlasting, unique, type of strength that you carry. You are known to push through any obstacle that arises and and take it head on. I’ve seen it over and over and the success of your perseverance. From that strength also stems a contagious passion to pursue dreams and take the steps to making them a reality. And as your son, you have instilled that very strength of never giving up and to put faith and trust in God. I love you, appreciate you, and most of all, I am so proud of you and so proud to call you my Dad. There are many facets within this strength you carry that causes love, boldness, and grace to outflow. Thank-you for teaching, and showing how to navigate the valleys and mountain tops of life with God as the head. I have never seen a man such as yourself work so hard to achieve the goals before you. You are an incredible man, with a big heart, who wants only the best for people. You are a Father figure to be sought after. I am so proud to call you my Father.
Love and miss you,
I met Rick in 2012 over Christmas where he and his wife Barbara welcomed me into their home and treated me like family the minute I showed up. The thing is, I wasn’t family….just yet. I was their daughters’ new boyfriend. A guy working 60 hours a week at a tire shop and playing in a rock band on weekends.
Not a lost soul, but still trying to “figure it out”, while baffled that I was able to find such an incredible woman as Meg, I was invited into her family home. The Warzywak Home. A home not so common anymore, one full of love, laughter, belonging, purpose…(and great food!). At the head of the table, Rick Warzywak – father of four, loving husband, and a son of God.
Rick has a gift of connection that I’ve seen him use with so many people over the years…his passion for God and purpose is catching and his eye for those in need is Eagle-like. I look up to him as a father figure and a role model. It’s one of life’s great things to find your purpose and he has done that while encouraging those in his life to do the same. He shares lessons he’s learned, insights on current events, teachings of the Bible, and even just great conversation.
Rick’s love for his family is second to none. His 4 kids are fully grown but never afraid to call dad and ask for advice or just to catch up- he’s a planner, a story teller, motivator, a grandfather, father, patriot, jokester, loving husband, my father-in-law, a believer, and an answered prayer. Love you pops – thank you for everything you do for us! God bless you! -Snap

Rick: You have spoken to us about having a vision and writing it down. I have seen you goal driven over the years and many things come to pass, not thought possible years ago. Your dedication has influenced and touched the lives of thousands, including mine. You are a blessing to our family, and may God continue to use you in all you do. I am so proud of you!
Love always: Your daughter-in-law, Krystle

When asked to send something regarding how I met Brother Rick, I had to search my memory to remember when and how we met. It was back in 1984 at a church we were attending in Hillman. Rick and Barb had 3 children at the time, we all attended church and Rick started a home bible study. It amazes me how God works things out, my life as a christian changed dramatically through this study. Being raised in the church, I knew about God, religion, the bible, but I truly did not Know God, not until Brother Rick began to teach about relationship, and who God was. My spiritual walk with God began with this study, and I know that I would have never grown in my relationship with the Father had it not been through Rick’s teachings. Brother Rick has a unique gift of bringing the word of God to life, making the Father real and relatable. I had no knowledge of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the spirit or being filled with the spirit until Rick explained the need of a deeper walk with the Father. I and several members of my family were all filled with the spirit at one of our studies and life got very interesting.
God has blessed us with gifted people along lifes journey, Rick is one of them. A dedicated family man, who along with his wife have brought many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, souls were saved and lives changed through their unwavering faith and dedication to the Father. I will never be able to thank them both for what they gave to me and my family. Recently my older sister was dying of Covid we were not able to be with her at the hospital, however Rick was able to pray with her and this gave her the peace she needed. The lord took her home a few days later but it was such a relief for us and her children to know that she heard the anointed prayer of a Godly friend in her final days. Knowing this man and his family for 36 years, he has been faithful and has answered the call of the Father and is still working to fulfill his call of winning souls for the Kingdom. Rick has been a true friend and blessing to me and my family, a simple thank you will never be enough for the deeper walk with our Lord and saviour that his teaching has given us. BE Blessed Brother Rick – Brenda and Linda, and all the Fletchers

Happy Birthday from Rick Joyner
Rick and Barb both have been instrumental in our journey’s with God. Looking back, we saw where they really made an impact on our lives, and in our family life. First memories are of a class they taught at BLCC for young parents. Many in our peer group had been getting married and started growing their families at the same time. As a couple, they invested time into a several week class on parenting and what that looks like from a biblical perspective. The things that were shared and taught, impacted not only us, but our children and their futures. I (Eryca) had a close friend ask me where I learned so much about parenting, family, and biblical principles. I commented that we had many amazing people investing in our lives when we were young. Thank you for taking the time to sow into our lives. May God bless every investment made for the Kingdom- and may it increase.
The influence of this couple does not end there for us. They both shared, taught and journeyed with us during the revivals in the 90’s. We learned and grew in our personal relationship with the Lord, and in the giftings of the Spirit. Never were either afraid to go after the Kingdom of Heaven, even if it got “messy”. I personally was impacted by Rick and Barb as they mentored many in prophetic worship. Rick was excited and full of zeal to release the power of God through worship and coordinated gatherings and coached literally everyone. Barb was a mouthpiece for the Lord—praying and declaring and singing the Word of God into the airways. She is still impacting my life as we have had the privilege to study God’s Word together.
We value the model that Rick and Barb are to so many. They are REAL. What you see is what you get. There is a love and tenacity for God and His Kingdom in both of them that is admirable. The fruit of the Spirit is evident in their lives. Truly they are growing in wisdom, humility, love, and favor. We appreciate how their giftings compliment one another and this has made them a powerful team for the Kingdom of God.
God bless you Rick and Barb and the work of your hands for the Kingdom. God bless you private time with the Lord, with one another, and with family and friends. May you continue to increase in wisdom, discernment, and favor with God and man. May your love walk overflow and draw others into the Kingdom of God. May you release His glory wherever you tread. May your relationships be blessed. I pray that peace would be the umpire of your hearts. (Col 3:15) May the Father grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart be flooded with light-so you can understand and know the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints. And may you know what is the immeasurable, unlimited, and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER IN AND FOR YOU who believe. (Ephesians 1:17-19) Thank you – Eryca and Andy Kroll
Verse of the Day // January 20, 2021 // Very timely, of course.
“Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” – Ephesians 6:18 MSG UNKNOWN (this is for my friend, Rick Warzywak, who lives and breaths this verse every day)

I think I first met Rick in the lobby of a Kim Clement Detroit meeting when a friend introduced me to him as a drummer/percussionist. He was looking for musicians to do 5-hour non-stop praise and worship at an upcoming event he was organizing and said he’d call me. I was impressed with his enthusiasm and passion at that very moment. I did not know it would pull me into an amazing ministry and journey as time moved forward. We shook hands and walked into the Kim Clement meeting and, as he sat down, I walked up on stage and got behind my percussion setup. After that show he chased me down and said something like, “you’re my drummer!!!”. That made me happy and I didn’t even know the guy but the Spirit confirm it.
I was extremely blessed by what unfolded after that night and the many years of worship meetings across the State of Michigan. He did not know that I was already involved with our “Wellspring Praise”, a warrior worship ministry with my wife, Kathy, and 20 to 30 warriors in the Jackson county area. Worship as a spiritual weapon was deeply understood by Kathy and I. It was God pulling the right-minded, same-spirt warriors together. Immediately with Rick’s first worship gathering, I jumped in and started to help him with promoting his ministry, Transformation Michigan, and its many events. It wasn’t too long and he invited me to be on his board of directors.
It has been an amazing partnership and journey. I am honored to know Rick and serve him. I love him dearly. There is no one like him with his deep commitment and passion for prayer and the spiritual transformation of Michigan. I have been called the “Energizer Bunny” a few times but he leaves me in the dust. I pray for Rick’s energy, health and safety. The results of all his efforts are everywhere and will continue to grow for generations. My musical and praise journey as been greatly blessed by getting to know Rick. There’s lots of Rick-connections proof shown here: Thank you, Jesus, for Rick. God bless him. – Bill Latocki
Lee met Rick in 2006 when he first launched Transformation Michigan. I first met him as he was opening MICHOP in 2009 or 2010. Lee and I were attending a function at the state capital and Rick invited us to come tour the new house of prayer. I spent the first few years after meeting Rick trying to learn the correct pronunciation of his last name. It was smooth sailing once I mastered that.
We have traveled to Israel, South Carolina and California with Rick. He is a born leader and visionary, and has one of the greatest passions for prayer and gathering people to pray than anyone I have ever known.
Rick reminds me of the Prophet Elijah, at least the way I envision him—a man of few words, intense, austere, and about his Father’s business. It gives Lee and me great pleasure to honor him and to encourage him to continue pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
May his latter years truly be his best, and may the Lord God continue to bless him, Barb and their entire family. – Lee and Sylvia Williams
If Rick Warzywak has blessed your life and those around you please leave a comment below of those experiences. May Blessings surround you – from the Transformation Michigan Team!
I remember Rick Warzywak coming to The Center for Discipleship for a prayer time six years ago, and the zeal for prayer that he brought with him. He enthusiastically encouraged the men to get a prayer partner and really take prayer seriously. Two of those men have been praying once a week at 3:00 in the morning for the entire six years! 5 women met weekly on a prayer call for 3 years. Other prayer teams have been bolstered by some of these same people. That may not seem like much, but multiply the lives that have been touched and challenged, and I think that’s Rick’s legacy. Spurring people on to participate in building the Kingdom of God by networking in prayer, and action! We love and honor you, Rick! ~ Randy and Nancy WIlliams

Thank you, Rick, for being a warrior for the kingdom of God. I feel like the Lord has made you a secret agent of His, as you have been strategically placed in specific areas of influence where most people are hesitant to go. Your boldness inspires me greatly. I so appreciate your wisdom, knowledge and how you are able to encourage other Christians to stand up and be confident in God’s word. I get excited when I see a social media post by you or as you are stepping up to a podium to speak, because each time I think to myself “This is going to be GOOD!”.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Lord, to our state and to our country. Thank you also to Barb, who has such a sweet countenance, and I know is a quiet strength of love and support to you. Thank you both for being an inspiration to our family. -Sincerely,Jennifer Brancheau
It is so hard to pin point one thing that Rick has done or is doing. Brenda and I met Rick at Beaver Lake Community Church…. we knew right away that he was somebody that was called by God to bring a message that has been lost to the church for a number of generations… His tenacity and boldness should be copied by other pastors. Its been his teachings, and his ability to organize and to include people, that has brought Brenda and I into a place, and moving in circles that we never would have dreamed we would be in. I Praise God for the refreshing that I needed, that was brought through Rick… God picked a good man in Rick… and whats more important, is that Rick heeded that call, and continues to heed that call….
God used Rick to show Brenda and I that our calling, was to include so much more then just Pastoring a flock… Getting involved, going to the different rallies, being asked to take a shift on the prayer calls. And the truly biggie for me was taking a worship shift in not only our states capital, but our countries capital as well… We look forward to our continued friendship… Our prayers will never stop for Rick and Barb… The power of the Holy Spirit lives in both of them… the gifts are evident… And Ricks faith has been contagious, spreading throughout the body of Christ…May God Continue to Bless them both… and Rick…. lets continue to go get em!
Pastor Jerry Rohn First Renissance Community ChurchSterling Michigan
ChaplinWest Branch Gospel Riders#252 Christian Motorcyclist Association
Co-FounderBroken Pieces Ministry

I met Rick back in 2006 on the fourth floor of the Capital where they would pray for the MI legislature on Wednesdays from noon to 1:00 PM before session. He shared with me that he felt God told him to establish a 24/7 prayer network in all 83 counties in MI. He asked me to attend a kickoff conference in Traverse City where he planned to share that vision, and I have served on the Transformation MI Board since its inception. Rick Warzywak is the most tenacious, tireless, faithful man of God I have ever known. It has been a privilege to have worked and ministered with him, as well as to call him my friend and my brother.. Take Care & God Bless, Fulton Sheen

Rick – We first met in 2000 at the Capital our heart beat for prayer and for our state was the link that bonded us in Christ. We have traveled to Israel, Washington DC, California, Missouri, South Carolina and across our state. We were ordained together, have hosted numerous conferences together, prayed on night watches, spent countless hours in MICHOP and Transformation Michigan meetings and conference calls planning prayer strategies for our state. TRULY, you are the Ever Ready Bunny (Batteries not included!) Over the past 20 years we have watched you wear out a half dozen cars toting guest speaker across Michigan; who, by the way, jokingly commented about your crazy driving technique, stood in wonder why you scheduled them to speak in four different cities in one day and they were leaving Michigan with gray hair because you simply wore them out trying to keep up with you!
Through the years we have carried, cried, and covered each other in prayer. You are always the same, (just like your crazy hair). The Lord only made one Rick Warzywak! I stand amazed at your unique gifting that the Father has placed in you to connect leaders, dignitaries, and unite pastors, churches and intercessors regardless of church denomination. Through good time and ruff times your character, your love for others and your ability to work nonstop never stops! Bless you Rick!! May the next 21 years be greater, more fruitful and may you walk in greater favor in the Kingdom of God.
I love you dearly my brother, truly you are my brother from another mother! The short blonde intercessor in Rochester Patti Morris
Rick and I first met in approximately 2009 when sharing the stage at Rochester Christian Church Lt. General Jerry Boykin. I was new to the apostolic/prophetic five-fold movement and as I became more involved this “Rick guy” seemed to be everywhere. Later upon learning of Cindy Jacobs’ word over Rick I observed he totally lives up to his “Circuit Rider” calling.
Our ministry paths crossed many times over the years:
*Oak Initiative gatherings in Ft. Mill, SC
*Shekinah Christian Church
*Awaken the Dawn/Tent America, D.C. and Lansing
*Gateway Hope Center
*Dinner and Dearborn tour with General Boykin
*Prayer gatherings in Lansing
*And just about anytime I attend a ministry event in Michigan!
I will forever remember attending the Michigan Prayer Leaders Prophetic Council in Lansing in 2017. Rick called together pastors, intercessors, and leaders from around the state; about 40 were in attendance. As he began the meeting I leaned to the person next to me and said, “Shouldn’t we start with prayer?” She spoke up and said, “Lana asked about beginning with prayer.” Rick said, “Yes, Lana, go ahead and pray.” Around the table were seasoned pastors and intercessors I greatly respected. I was humbled, and even intimidated as I began to pray. On the drive home The Lord convicted me, “If you’re concerned about praying in front of people – that’s your flesh.” Thanks Rick for the opportunity to learn this important lesson!
Another memorable moment was enjoying dinner in Jerusalem with Rick and Barbara when Barbara looked at me and said, “Are you feeling okay? You’re turning red.” I was having a rather serious allergic reaction and she was the first to notice.
Rick and I came to know one another better as I helped edit the latest edition of his book, “The Radical Remnant”, and I began assisting behind-the-scenes with the nightly Michigan prayer calls. During the few times we haven’t seen eye-to-eye we’ve always been able to communicate through differences in a healthy way – very refreshing and godly!
Rick is forever humble, forever passionate, and truly a man with a servant’s heart. Surely when Rick stands before the Lord one day he will hear, “Well done good and faithful servant” and will receive a magnificent crown! – Lana Kristal

Here is our testimony of love for Rick that dates back a few years! Hi Rick! We send our love and pray for you and everything you put your hand to. You may never truly know how much you have impacted our lives in the Lord! We could share many different occasions but want to look way back!!! In the winter of 1989 you and Tim Quinnan traveled to Cheboygan to Lenard and Jean Tartuta’s basement Bible study to teach on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! Because of your passion in sharing the truth from your heart and teaching, we both were baptized with the Holy Spirit. The transformational dumamis power totally changed our lives. We can still remember the moment and it will always be in our hearts! Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing all that Jesus gave to us as believers and for being part of our lives as we share His power and authority with those we meet. We love you and Barb! – Mike & Marcia Wilson
If Rick Warzywak has blessed your life and those around you please leave a comment below of those experiences. May Blessings surround you – from the Transformation Michigan Team!
My name is Kenneth Bielous and I am the Sound Technician at Place of Refuge Ministries in Fowlerville Michigan. Our Pastor Robert Storey introduced me to Rick several years ago. I have had the honor of working with Rick when he has been the guest speaker at our church. I have also attended many events at the Lansing House of Prayer. I was also with Rick at the Capital for many prayer watches. I consider Rick a good friend and a mighty man of God. His determination and commitment to God’s calling is truly amazing and very inspiring. The latest call to arms is our 70 day and beyond prayer call. What started out as a group call between 30 or so believers has now turned into a movement of thousands. I am honored to be a part of it and will stand by Rick and his team till the end. Holding the Line with Rick is an honor and privilege. May God richly bless him and you for all the work and labors of Love for our Lord.
I first came to know who Rick was in Lansing in the AGLOW prayer meetings in The Capitol Building. I remember being impressed by the vision God had given him to unite all 83 Michigan counties in prayer. That was several years ago, but little did he probably know that it was God’s plan to have Michigan Intercessors used to working together for such a time as this as our nation is battling to keep its freedom both in the natural and spiritual realms, with Michigan being one of the main battleground states!
Intercessors from other states have spoken that they are impressed and somewhat envious about how organized and united Michigan intercessors are across our state. Rick has been a key leader in causing this to happen. I believe one reason God has been able to use Rick in such an important role, is his humility. He is not self seeking or desirous of glory – he just wants to get the job done when it comes to prayer, knowing unity of the brethren is key.
I ask God to bless Rick and his wife Barbara and family In remembrance of all his sacrificial service. Amen!
Sincerely, Cindy Carswell
My wife Alice and I have been friends with Rick and Barb Warzywak for 50 years. We went to college together at Eastern Michigan University and later Rick and I worked together in the fundraising industry. We have had many shared experiences and value this couple as some of our closest friends.
During our college years we partied a lot and grew close as couples. Rick and I had strong bonds rooted in sports, machismo, and rock and roll, we were close knit buddies. After I got married (Rick was a groomsman) and left Michigan, we stayed close even with the distance between us, we continued to work together and visit when we could. All of us had an interest in the spiritual world, I liked an Indian Guru and Barb was heavy into astrology, we picked up a lot of this crazy ideas in college and young adulthood.
Rick first witnessed to me in the early 80’s just after the birth of my first born children (twins). We were close friends and I told him that he was off on another of his wild searches, I was hurt and felt that he was not being honest with me, we were too close for him to lie to me, so I just figured it was another wild tangent that they were on. Rick persisted and Barbara too, from a distance and when the Holy Spirit brought us into the right situation where we were asking the right questions, I contacted him and he was right there with the answers I needed to ignite that mustard seed of faith that I had.
Once we had received Christ in 1985, he immediately drove the 500 miles to celebrate with me and begin to disciple me. He taught me about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and other theological truths and introduced me to “Faith Tech” where my wife and I received valuable teaching. I have seen Rick’s ministry grow from the early days when he preached alone on the public sidewalk to today when he can mobilize thousands of people. Rick has always excelled at whatever he set himself to do, and Alice and I thank God that he set himself on our trail until he saw us born again and filled with the Spirit.
Clifford and I have known Rick and his family for over 30 years. We met him when our children were all in the Christian school in Fairview. We appreciate Rick so much. We have gone to his Bible studies, we have had home church and just fun get togethers. Always had great times with him and his family. We have learned so much just listening to him, whether it be God’s Word or what’s going on in the political news. When I listen to him I always think how does he remember all this stuff. Rick you are amazing.
Years ago some friends of ours gave us a surprise 25th wedding anniversary party. At the last minute they asked Rick if he would be willing to officiate the renewal of our wedding vows. Which he did. And it was a blessing indeed… I also appreciate Rick for taking the time to counsel our oldest son and wife before they were married. Yes, Rick has definitely been a good friend and a wonderful witness to our family. God bless you Rick we love you… Ohhhhh by the way I didn’t mention his so call jokes. What can I say about his jokes? Hmmmmm! Well I will leave it at 🤣🤣 Karen and Cliff
I’ve known Mr Warzywak for as long as I can remember our families grew up together. Once upon a time he worked for Morleys chocolate Company so having Home church and Bible Study at his house was the best because every now and then we would get chocolate,,,,, and … ok the studies were pretty great too! So many fond memories, one being myself sassily walking by Rick at Beaver Lake Church at 10 years old with my big ole cup of coffee in hand,, Rick almost tripped down the stairs, he was horrified i was drinking coffee. Ha!! ;o) I’ve Always appreciated your passion for God, your family and just life in general!
Rick you are like the energizer bunny!!! Super Thankful for your UNWAVERING faith through out all these years!! My own faith has grown in leapts and bounds especially in these last couple months, your dedication for God and country, these prayer calls, you don’t know how much I look forward to them! My prayer life has exploded and I can’t thank you enough for that!!
Also super thankful for “fun fact” Rick not shooting me the one time I showed up at his house at midnight throwing pine cones at his daughters window. HaHaHa!!! Rick may have thought I was one of his daughters many suitors at the time LOL!! fyi my car had broken down a couple miles away. :O)
Rick I thank the Good Lord for you everyday!! May you be blessed in all that you put your hand to do!
In closing, I pray I live up to being the “wonder woman” (inside joke) of not just my family but to those around me.. Thank you Rick, you are my inspiration!! LOVE AND HUGS to You Mr. Warzywak,Sarah Ames
I think it’s gaod to go ! So you will send the link to him as usual and hopefully he looks at it in morning right away 🙂
Thank YoU !
When we read what Nan wrote about Rick bringing the Jesus video to every home in Michigan it sparked a long lost memory for us! So we also have no idea how far our connection goes back with Rick.
We can say we have appreciated his boldness and his courage to always bring Christ everywhere he goes. Whether it is standing with a banner, walking the parades or pulling together prayer times we have seen God’s favor continuously increase over the years for “God’s own fool”. That is in no way to be disrespectful. It is the title of one of our favorite songs from Michael card! We are grateful to be a part of that favor and we will come be fools as well!
Blessings a hundredfold upon you and your family Rick! – Nate & Lisa Blury
If Rick Warzywak has blessed your life and those around you please leave a comment below of those experiences. May Blessings surround you – from the Transformation Michigan Team!
What an incredible honor and privilege to be included with all of these amazing men & women of God who honor and adore one another. Holy Spirit showed me recently in a dream the incredible tapestry of Light that He Is weaving, and words cannot properly convey the thankfulness and reverence that I experienced when He revealed to me that I am being included in this incredible weave with all of you. The brilliant bright blue color was nearly indescribable. The very next day I was praying in the Spirit while watching ‘Relaxing Walker’ video on YT…somewhere in Jerusalem, and there was a courtyard with a huge inlay like a watchface on a beautiful stone wall (please forgive me if I don’t know what it was), and as the camera panned to capture the footage of it, it was backlit with that same glorious brilliant blue 💙 light. It was absolutely incredible! Thanks for letting me share.
Happy Birthday Blessings Rick! You are a dedicated man of God and a man of integrity who knows the meaning of the word perseverance in the very core of his being! You have been a very visible example to so many of the fearless pursuit of God and His Kingdom! You have a rich legacy in your beautiful family but also so many others that you have mentored and discipled. May you continue to pursue God’s purposes as the Holy Spirit directs you and May the richest blessings of Heaven be poured out upon you.
Laura Frawley
Happy Birthday Blessings Rick! You are a dedicated man of God and a man of integrity who knows the meaning of the word perseverance in the very core of his being! You have been a very visible example to so many of the fearless pursuit of God and His Kingdom! You have a rich legacy in your beautiful family but also so many others that you have mentored and discipled. May you continue to pursue God’s purposes as the Holy Spirit directs you and May the richest blessings of Heaven be poured out upon you.