What Hinders A Move Of God?

After studying past revivals such as the Welsh and Azusa Street revivals we see common mistakes that were made which hindered a greater fullness in what God wanted to be accomplished. Can we learn from these historical accounts as we proceed in Michigan?

The three main difficulties were control, racism/division, and not allowing the Holy Spirit to fully move. These factors hindered and cut short what could have been even a greater release of God’s intentions on earth. I have to search my own heart as I share this and want to get out of the way. It is a battle of flesh vs the spirit Humility is the key where we must be willing to go to the back of the line and be hidden.

As we all desire to see Divine Intervention in Michigan and the nation can we avoid past historical mistakes? All things are possible and we can in Jesus name. The church must move together as one where none of us feel we are the selected individual, church, or ministry to save a city, region, or state. Christ is the head of the church and each of us carry a particular DNA to fulfill the grand plan of God. We are parts of the body where love is to lubricate the joints. We must learn the principle of deference where we will get behind others God given initiatives and they in turn will help you in yours. This unity of purpose will accomplish the end which is what will bring in the great harvest that is being prophesied.

Point to Ponder: May we consider more working with the Lord and loving Him as to opposed to working for Him this year – 2012.