2012 Will Provide Opportunity for Change in Our State and Nation

The Michigan Capitol House of Prayer (MICHOP – 321 West Ottawa St – Lansing) is one of its kind as few states if any have a prayer house across the street from a state capitol.  2012 will provide an opportunity to change the course of our state and nation in the elective process.  I ask you to answer these questions:

Can day and night prayer move the hand of God in our behalf to bring Divine intervention?

Are we responsible to pray for those in authority over us?

Is America in danger of losing its freedoms?

Is it important to elect people who have a Biblical worldview?

Will the next elections this coming fall determine the future of Michigan and the nation?


This is why MICHOP is vitally important.  I initially stated that we needed a bare bones of $18,000 to pay the lease through 2012.  We have our rent paid up through January as of now.  The reality is that we need to raise up to $30,000 for supplies, additional technical needs, newsletter and website needs, hosting special events within the facility.  In the past we have had Ret. Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Henry Gruver (Prayer walking), state leaders and legislators, Kamal Saleem, IHOP from Kansas City, Lou Engle and others in for various functions and gatherings.  We are making an impact in legislation through initiatives from MICHOP. 

What is the ideal to have the most impact on state government?  After discussions with my treasurer and staff… if we could raise $48,000 plus we could put on a part-time staff person that would have office space at the prayer facility.  Why not hire a young intern who has a heart for prayer and a desire to change the governmental mountain?  We could have this person visiting legislators on a weekly basis to build confidence and trust.  Relationship is everything!  This amount ($48,000) would fund the entire facility for 2012 and it would be a first class efficiently run prayer house.  Compared to other ministries this is a very small amount.

Lift your vision higher.  Can we do this together and partner as one.  Prayer is the foundational answer along with mobilizing the grassroots to take action.  We need your financial support to sow into something that will have an impact.      

Please watch this video and then if God is speaking to you go to our Donate page