The Prayer Room at MSU

The Prayer Room at MSU
Establishing the Place for Prayer

God has been moving powerfully on campus the past several years as we have set ourselves to seek Him continually in worship and prayer,  and bringing the body of Christ together as one.  This Prayer Room will serve as a valuable ministry outpost to the campus community and local churches.  It will be a space that is available for those who want to pray for Revival at MSU, on-site with His sight.

Students will come in by day to cry out to God on behalf of their fellow students, professors, roommates and friends, or come to seek Him in the night.  They will leave as anointed messengers, full of Holy Spirit, ready to be God agent and answer to those prayers.

“The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few– THEREFORE PRAY to the Lord of harvest, to SEND OUT laborers . . . ” head over to their website and see whats going on.