Newsletter for Dec. 13th 2013

Final stages of the website development – – of a calendar sign up for regions in MI is underway. A transition is being made to face the challenges of the day by a growing prayer movement. This letter will include some prayer directives and insights from national leaders.


MICHOP – Last Tuesday I went to the MI Capitol House of Prayer to pray.  Others were on site that day. The situation was very volatile as thousands came to protest the “Right to Work” law that eventually passed. I have included a video of one situation that developed.


Our prayers were for peace and even though this situation looks bad it could have escalated into something far more worse.    It was very chaotic loud and I see people who are being taken in by the seeds of socialism and yet they want freedom. How ironic. Pro-abortion people were there. We witnessed a mired of hatred coming out of people toward the very system that brings freedom to its people.


America is changing…we need Divine visitation and intervention. A house divided cannot stand! 


Here is the video of the violence we witnessed


POINT TO PONDER: As I walked around the capitol praying hearing chants, marching, yelling, profane signs, abortion advocates, threats by the left with blood on the streets…I thought if the church could have this passion for prayer, life in the womb and other moral issues we would bring forth a “Great Awakening”.


What will it take to awaken the church to birth houses of prayer and go into their prayer closets? We see class warfare here and it is in the church as well. God will bless our state and nation if we pray as one and stop all accusations and judgments against each other.


God bless,


Rick Warzywak – Transformation MI/MICHOP/Oak Initiative


DID YOU KNOW??? – Rick Joyner met with Reinhard Bonnke recently and he is obtaining his citizenship in the US and purchasing a home in North Carolina. Reinhard feels it’s time to evangelize America as he has a passion for our nation. Rick Joyner is a friend of Franklin Graham and he just connected the 2 organizations and had lunch together at Samaritan’s Purse in Boone. We will see what this meeting will manifest for America. We need a great awakening!




This is a word that was first circulated in The Morning Star Journal, Volume 6.2. Because so many have re-read this and felt that it addressed our present situation, we decided to resend it as a Prophetic Bulletin. With the exception of a few word changes for the sake of clarity, this is exactly what was circulated in April 1996. I still agree with the interpretation included.





This was a message recently given out to distribute by Cindy Williams and Barbara Yoder. It was given earlier this week but very pertinent.