Newsletter for April 29th, 2013

martial lawRick Joyner has sounded an alarm to take action after seeing the aftermath results of the Boston bombing. How can two people shut an entire city down?


Rick feels this was a trial run for something of greater proportion to happen in the future.


Please share this YouTube clip with as many as you can in your sphere of influence. We must be awakened to the danger that is lurking in America.



Here is the link


Below are links to other important Video clips to help keep you informed.  Check them out!


We encourage everyone to participate in the National Day of Prayer proceedings at the State Capitol, your city hall, or local community this coming Thursday May 2nd! 


Why are we Building a Prayer Movement?


Our nation is in danger. This is one of the reasons we are building a day and night prayer movement throughout the 83 counties in our state. Have you signed up for your time slot in the Michigan Watch of the Lord?  Go to and click on the prayer clock.


Retired Lieut. General Jerry Boykin Coming to Michigan


General Boykin will be in Michigan on June 6 and 7th. He is VP of Family Research Council, was a founding member of our Delta force, commander in Black Hawk down in the battle at Mogadishu, former head of US intelligence and a leader of the Green Berets.


General Boykin’s coming to Michigan is very timely when looking at the repercussions of the Boston bombing. We have a flyer available at this link so you can distribute with locations and times. General Boykin will provide solutions regarding…”We the People”…on what can be done.


Share this information and invite all Christians, Conservatives, Tea Party members, and all who are concerned about America’s future. There is no registration fee!


James Goll and Bishop Larry Jackson just visited our state


These are some incredible YouTube clips that we have links for below regarding words given by James Goll over Detroit, the Upper Peninsula, and our universities at the Great Awakening 2013 – “Re-lighting the Moravian Lampstands” conference.. I will be providing many more clips in our upcoming newsletters. Also there is a two-part section by James Goll on prayer and a fragrant offering of incense.


Enjoy listening to them as a prayer devotional or over a cup of coffee.


Word over Detroit by James Goll


Word over Universities in Michigan by James Goll


Word over the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by James Goll


Two-part teaching on prayer and incense by James Goll:

Pt 1 –

Pt 2 –


NOTE: I post many things on my personal Facebook page so request to ‘Friend” me if you want to follow me there.


God bless,


Rick Warzywak – Transformation Michigan