Weekly Newsletter for Jan. 10th 2014

The New Year has begun and we are hosting a National Prophetic voice – Rick Joyner will be at the Rochester Assembly of God on February 7-9.  A great awakening is coming to America and God is speaking on how the church should be preparing for challenging days ahead. What will we learn? Conference topics include:

thy kingdom come conference

*Will America experience Martial law?

*What must we do to experience the glory of God?

*What is the importance of prayer and the Moravian Watch?

*What are prophetic perspectives for the coming 3 years?

NOTE:  We are also going to deal with the issues of racism in America; revival principles; challenges regarding Traditional marriage in MI; and how to prepare financially in the days ahead. Other guest speakers are Pastor Richard Criso; Pastor Diane Chappelle and Darrian Summerville.

For more information on the conference and Speakers including their biographies Click Here

SCHEDULE FOR “Thy Kingdom Come” – Conference:

Friday Main Session with Rick Joyner – Feb.7th 7:30 pm

Rick Joyner in his sessions will be sharing on prophetic perspectives on what our nation will be experiencing the next few years. Is Martial Law coming to America? Will we experience a “Great Awakening”?  How should the church prepare for the “last battle”?  How important is unity and alignment? He will also share revelations he received from the Lord regarding the church in the coming years that were more rewarding than anything he has received.

*Praise and Worship led by Nate Marielke

Saturday Conference Sessions – Feb. 8th, 2014

Note: Choice of 2 Workshops at 10am

Traditional Marriage with Brad Snavely and William Wagner: 10:00AM – 11:45AM

Traditional Marriage is under attack in the state of Michigan as well as our nation. The question is what can we do to make a stand? Both Brad and William are leading the charge to give the church insights on what can be done politically and constitutionally.  Grassroots activism is essential and a strategy will be provided.

Financial Matters with Fulton Sheen:  10.00AM – 11:45AM

What will the financial challenges be the next 3 years? What are things that need to be considered to make proper choices? How can we prepare as a church? Fulton will give an overview as well as insights, providing solutions where individual families can posture themselves to prepare themselves for the financial challenges our nation will face.

LUNCH BREAK – 12Noon – 2PM

Darrian Summerville and Rick Joyner – 12 noon to 1:45pm

Special Lunch Invitation only: For Pastors, Ministry Leaders, House of Prayer Leaders, and prayer leaders. The MI and VA Moravian Prayer Watch of the Lord will be reviewed and updates on the progress will be given by Darrian. Rick Joyner will offer insights directed to leaders.

*Please contact Rick Warzywak at rw247365@gmail.com if you desire to attend.

Pastor Diane Chappelle and Darrian Summerville: 2:00PM – 3:15PM

Racism is rearing its ugly head in America. It is an evil that causes great division especially in the church. Pastor Diane and Darrian will share insights regarding the roots to give us a better understanding on what can be done. These insights will be shared by two generations that are represented.

Pastor Richard Crisco:  3:30 – 4:30PM

Principles that led to great revivals and awakenings in the past will be given. Pastor Richard will speak from experience as he was part of the Pensacola Brownsville revival. God has given him insights to activate the church and be part of this great move of God that is manifesting today in the earth.



5PM – 6:15PM: Praise…Worship…Corporate Prayer…Prophetic Declaration

The Transformation MI worship team which is made up of guest musicians and prophetic singers will be leading a interactive prayer, praise, worship and declaration of God’s word over our state and nation.  Darrian Summerville who was a worship leader at TheCall Detroit on 11/11/11 will help lead the team during this time. People can choose to go to dinner or join us in this time seeking the presence of God.

6:30PM: Praise and Worship with Nate Marielke and Darrian Summerville

Rick Joyner Keynote Speaker

SUNDAY 10AM: Rick Joyner – Keynote Speaker- all are welcome to attend this Sunday morning service at the Rochester Assembly of God.

SOLUTIONS BOOK RELEASE –  “Solutions for Hope and Change”

Our goal is to distribute these at the Thy Kingdom Come Conference! We need $850.00 more to print 10,000 copies.  Can you help with an offering?  Many have given already!  Help push us over the top.  See this link for a description of the project.


You can hit donate button on our website:  TransformMI.com or mail check specifically to this address