Newsletter for June 6th 2014

A new vision from Lou Engle was shared  recently with Michigan leaders. Many attended a gathering in Virginia 2 weeks ago from around Michigan.  A whirlwind of direction and revelation came through prayer leaders around our nation…especially from Lou Engle.  Fresh wind and fire is now upon us.

Communication is key at this time.  We will continue to build a Koinonia relationship among those who carry the DNA of day and night prayer to birth a great awakening. From this will manifest Ekklesia prayer communities who have authority to transform regions.

NOTE:  National prophets have declared we have 2 years as 2016 will prove to be more than a challenging year for our nation.

What happened with Lou Engle and other state Prayer Leaders in Fredricksburg, Va? Watch this video from Rick.

A.  Prayer Strategy for the Homosexual Movement – 100,000 coming into the Kingdom

B.  Wailing Women on the Wall at the Mall in DC

C.  The Moravian Prayer Ride

D.  Michigan – Connecting the States


 Watch  this important video on the Moravian Prayer Ride


We are the Ekklesia. Find out more by watching this video.

POINT TO PONDER: When you study history it is very evident that prayer is what always birthed awakenings and movements. What would happen if ministries, churches, and individuals would grasp, support, and get behind this effort which is the Moravian prayer watch of the Lord? The question is will you be part.



I need help in identifying through your spheres of influence praying groups in counties throughout Michigan. My goal is to identify 1 to 5 praying groups in every county in our state to connect in such a way to be part in birthing the next great awakening.



Relationship is desperately needed among those who carry the spiritual prayer DNA of the Moravian Watch of the Lord. On Thursday, June 5 at 10 PM EST will be the first of three scheduled conference calls in the coming weeks. On our first call will be with Dean Briggs who is Lou Engle’s right-hand man in developing the technological strategy that will connect states together as well as regions in Michigan in a day and night prayer movement. The next call will have Darrian Summerville (VA House of Prayer Movement) and then the last one we will have Lou Engle as our guest..

CALL NUMBER: 712.432.3100                              CONFERENCE CODE: 940350


LOU ENGLE’S IMPORTANT MESSSAGE – This is Lou Engles messsage in VA on May 22nd…Scroll down where you see his face and click then forward past announcements to when you see him coming to the platform:

“Behind every ideology there are spiritual powers and we tried to deal with them by cutting off the branches through politics and education. You must deal with the source or the root of the things which are principalities and spiritual powers. We must always remember our fight is not with people and the challenge in the prayer movement is you how do we communicate spiritual warfare and love to individuals simultaneously to this YouTube generation.


Again, the challenge is that you cannot mobilize prayer without calling for war. Once you call for war…once what you thought to be private becomes public. So the church gets misunderstood and we are presently facing this dilemma. There is not only a stone wall resisting principalities and powers (homosexual agenda) as we stand for truth but there is a Wailing Wall. God is now raising up a prayer Wailing Wall as we stand as a stone wall for the truth of God’s Word.” – Lou Engle 


God bless,


Rick Warzywak – Transformation MI/HiddenOnes/MICHOP