ALL LIVES MATTER – What about the pre-born?
All lives matter! We must begin where life begins and that is in the womb. When innocent blood is shed through Abortion the Bible clearly says a curse comes upon the land (Genesis 4: 10-11).
- The ground cries out for justice! This is a root issue and because it has not been dealt with many doors have opened which have brought destruction to America which includes civil unrest, racial strife, and violence in the land.
So do black lives matter as well as white, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and any other race for that matter? Yes, of course it does! God honors the sanctity of all life. When a nation kills his children it will be capable of doing anything to its population.
NOTE: The Black lives matter movement will be discussed in the “Civil Righteousness” section…from a Black perspective.
If we do not study history we are doomed to repeat it. How could Nazi Germany kill 6 million Jews? Where was the respect for life? At the Nuremberg trials the Nazi general’s made claim that they were obeying the laws of the land in regards to the destruction of the Jewish population. The judges responded by saying there is a higher law that man must be made accountable to and that is God’s law – “Do not Murder”.
NOTE: Watch this video clip as an introduction to this section…”All Lives Matter”!
180 – Over 5 Million Views:
God bless,
Rick Warzywak – Michigan Oak Initiative
“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:13-16)
Eyewitness 2 – “The Next Generation”
This is a fascinating 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging journey taking us through a 38 week pregnancy. It is done with revolutionary digital ultrasound technology.) After viewing this you will see that life begins at conception! The web site link to purchase this DVD is
- Question: Why is Abortion morally wrong?
- Amazing Picture of “Baby Samuel” by Michael Clancy (USA Today Photojournalist)
- Other Common Questions/Comments Answered on Abortion by Andrew Bahn
- Physical Consequences of an Abortion!
- Psychological Consequences of an Abortion
- “Sing a Little Louder” – testimony of a German Christian during WWII in Nazi Germany.
- Ending Censorship and Consideration of Historical Precedents.
- Planned Parenthood a Killing Machine – Has Racist Roots!
- Does Planned Parenthood really sell baby body parts? SEE VIDEO PROOF!
- Political Correctness in the Pulpits
- Why is abortion morally wrong?
After being invited into a number of university classes and debate forums to address this issue, the effect that liberalism had on young, pliable minds has never ceased to amaze me. We have a generation that has not been given proper information and insights to contend for and defend righteousness issues. Peer pressure, along with the authority image that professors and teachers display, and the “all knowing” persona they convey, has twisted the minds of many young people. Augmenting this is the skewed research that is used to prove the practice of abortion as acceptable behavior.
If they were given the opportunity to see the other side (God’s view) in these “so-called” places of idea exchange, the culture war would be won! The fact of the matter is that churches have not addressed these issues properly, and coupled with the reality that many young people do not attend church, we have a huge problem on our hands.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness (Isaiah 5:20).”
I have found that the issue of proving the Bible is true and providing the evidence which is included in this book are essential for our schools and universities. With the revelation of God’s Word, conscience will then take hold of individuals and the truth will have its impact. In classes I had spoken in, polls were taken before and after. Before I had presented the case for truth, polls have shown that more than 80% of the students didn’t believe abortion (and homosexuality) was a moral or sin issue. This is utterly horrific! After I had addressed various groups and challenged them with the truth of God’s Word, opinions began to change.
Many people in our nation have unfortunately been desensitized into thinking that having an abortion is not morally wrong. This is a tragic position to take and America will suffer great consequences because of it. The sin of slavery brought the consequence of 600,000 lives lost in the Civil War. How much more judgment will the blood of 55 million babies bring to our nation? There is a holocaust going on in the womb. It is not only a righteousness issue but one of justice!
“Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil (Ecclesiastes 8:11-12).”
Abortion is murder! It breaks one of God’s Ten Commandments – “Thou shall not kill.” Unfortunately, the womb has become a very dangerous place on earth, with abortion becoming the second most common medical procedure after circumcision. Over 99% of all U.S. abortions have nothing to do with the life or health of the woman. They are done simply because of a woman’s desire for convenience, absence of distress, and her so-called happiness. We must remember that abortions destroy new life once it has already begun. This is not some sort of benign tissue that is being destroyed. The so-called fetus is a living baby!
Point to Ponder: “In every abortion, something living is killed. That is an indisputable biological fact, not a moral judgment.” George F. Wilson
When does an unborn baby become a real person? Science tells us that when the 23 chromosomes of the sperm unite with the ovum’s 23 chromosomes, a new 46 chromosome cell is formed. When the fertilization process is complete, a new human being exists. This cell is a complete genetic package for development into a mature adult. Nothing will be added except time and nutrition. It has been medically proven that a baby’s heart starts beating from 14 to 28 days after conception. By the 30th day, almost every organ has started to form. The baby will move his arms and legs at six weeks, and by 43 days, his brain waves can be read. By eight weeks he has his own fingerprints, can urinate, make a strong fist, and feel pain. In 1963, before abortion was made legal, even Planned Parenthood declared that abortion was the killing of a baby. In 1973, one of their pamphlets stated, “One sperm joins one egg = baby!”
God’s Word makes it clear that these tiny packages are living babies (Psalm 139:13-14, 127:3). Mary was found with child, not tissue (Matthew 1:18). Children are a gift from God and He is the only one who has the right to bring them home unto Himself (Deuteronomy 32:39). These children are not unwanted, as “pro-choice” groups say. There is, in fact, a shortage of newborn babies for adoption! An adoption movement must begin in America!
Point to Ponder: What is wrong with a society when a baby can be aborted for a price of $300-$600, yet it costs $10,000 – $30,000 to adopt a child?
Abortion is the breaking of God’s law, and when a society decides to kill its children, it will be capable of doing anything. There is blood on our land and we will pay a dear price for it unless we repent as a nation. Some say if we make abortion illegal women will go back to using coat hangers in a back room somewhere. The question is not one of the method used to abort a child, but whether it is taking a human life or murdering an unborn child.
This is the real issue! God’s Word considers that baby a living human being. We have no right to take that child’s life. Abortion is murder, and is most certainly a moral issue that can bring physical and spiritual consequences. Statistics show that after a legal abortion, a woman faces increased possibilities of future miscarriages, tubal pregnancies, premature births, sterility, breast cancer, and long-lasting emotional disturbances. Abortion will also bring eternal judgment if one does not ask for forgiveness and receive the mercy of the Lord, Jesus Christ. This individual is then required to repent, turn away from any such future activity, and stand for pro-life causes.
It looks like a baby to me! How can one abort this living child?
(8 weeks old)
Point to Ponder: “Regardless how many laws are passed legalizing this great evil, the laws of nature have already been passed. Nature itself reveals that abortion is the lowest level to which depraved humanity has yet fallen. Even the beasts will instinctively sacrifice their own lives to protect their young, but we have proven willing to sacrifice our children for the pettiest reasons of convenience and selfishness. While we bemoan the whales and the spotted owls, we massacre our own young, helpless and innocent, by the cruelest torturous means.” Rick Joyner – Oak Initiative
(This famous photo was taken by Michael Clancy a photojournalist hired by USA Today. The baby’s hand came out of a hole in the womb made by a surgeon. As the doctor lifted his hand “Baby Samuel” responded and reacted to the touch and squeezed the doctor’s hand. The doctor then shook the tiny fist. This picture changed the life of Michael Clancy, the photojournalist, and he is ardently pro-life today. The nurse indicated to him this happens commonly in these procedures. See the Web site
I was adopted at the age of 6 weeks and have been studying the issue of abortion for quite a few years. Married with 3 boys, I am active in the studies of the pro-choice argument. I also volunteer at local adoption agencies to help with counseling. The truth about abortion [pro-choice] has been conveniently hidden in various deceptive practices. With ultrasound/sonogram technology and other recent research the abortion advocates are on the run as lies are being exposed!
Through the years, pro-abortionists have relied on misconceptions and lies in order to justify killing unborn children. Many of these arguments may appear sound — that is, until you discover the underlying truth. The following are some of the more popular arguments with a reasonable and logical response”. – Andrew Bahn
- The Fetus is part of the pregnant woman’s body, like her tonsils or appendix.
A body part is defined by the common genetic code it shares with the rest of its body; the unborn genetic code differs entirely from the mother’s. Being “inside something” is not the same as being part of something. A car is not part of a garage because it is parked there. Human beings should not be discriminated against because of their “place of residence.”
- Isn’t the unborn an embryo or a fetus – just a simple blob of tissue — not a baby?
Like toddler and adolescent, the terms embryo and fetus do not refer to non-humans, but humans in a particular stage of development. Fetus is a Latin word meaning “young one” or “little child.” Is stage of development related to a person’s worth? Is a two-year old worth less than a 6-year-old, etc?
From the moment of conception the unborn is not simple, but very complex. The newly fertilized egg contains staggering genetic information, sufficient to control the individual’s growth and development for an entire lifetime.
Prior to the earliest first-trimester abortions, the unborn already has every body part she will ever have. At 18 days, after conception, the heart is forming and the eyes start to develop. By 30 days, she has multiplied in size ten thousand times. She has a brain and blood flows through her veins. By 42 days, the skeleton is formed and the brain is controlling the movement of the muscles and organs. After the first trimester, nothing new develops or begins functioning. The child only grows and matures.
This picture illustrates a living preborn baby at just 8 weeks from conception.
- It is uncertain when human life begins, therefore isn’t this a religious question, not a scientific one?
Even though this argument is hardly used by the majority of pro-choice anymore, there are still a few who think it is a relevant argument. Bottom line is the question can be answered one of three ways. One could answer it in a religious theory; however, not everyone is of the same religion and some just plain don’t believe in religion. So answering the question of when does human life begin in a religious theory makes it open to much debate. Another way the question could be answered is in a philosophic theory. Again not everyone’s philosophy on a subject is the same and again the theory is left open to much debate. There is finally another theory which can answer the question of when does life begin. It is the biological theory. Biological human life is defined by studying the scientific facts of human development. This field of study has no disagreements and no controversy. Bottom line is that there is truly only one set of facts. The more knowledge that has been learned about human development, the more science confirms that life, biologically speaking, begins at conception. This means that at conception there is a human who is very much alive, human, complete and growing.
The biological fact is not a spiritual belief, nor is it a philosophical theory. The biological fact is not debatable, not questionable. It is a universally accepted scientific fact.
- The unborn child isn’t a person with a meaningful life. It’s only inches in size, can’t think, and is less advanced than an animal. Doesn’t this prove it is not a person?
A living being’s designation to a species is determined not by the stage of development, but by the sum total of its biological characteristics – which are genetically determined. If we say that a fetus is not human, then we must state that it is a member of another species – an impossibility. What makes a human “human” is that he/she came from humans. A dog is a dog because he came from dogs – both the mother and father were dogs.
Does size determine personhood? Is an NBA basketball player more of a person than someone half his size? If you lose ¼ of your bodyweight through a diet, do you lose ¼ of your personhood? If personhood is determined by one’s current capacities, then someone who is unconscious or sick could be killed immediately because he/she is not demonstrating superior intellect or skills. Age, size, IQ or stage development are simply differences in degree, not kind. An unborn child has a unique personhood that is developing. It has a mind; soul; spirit and body.
- The fetus may be alive, but so are eggs and sperm. The fetus is a potential human being, not an actual one. Isn’t the fetus like the blueprint, not a house, and acorn and not an oak tree?
Something non-human does not become human by getting older and bigger — whatever is human must be human from the beginning.
When the egg and sperm are joined, a new, dynamic, and genetically distinct human life begins. This life is neither sperm nor egg, nor a simple combination of both. It is independent, with a life of its own, on a rapid pace of self-directed development.
- A fetus isn’t a “person” until viability.
Viability (the point when an unborn baby could survive outside of the womb) is an arbitrary concept. Why isn’t personhood associated with heartbeat (begins just 21 days after conception), or brainwaves (43 days after conception), or something else? The actual point of viability constantly changes because it depends on technology, not on the unborn baby.
Based on the same viability logic, many “born” people are not viable because they cannot survive on their own without the aid of others. Should we abort them too?
- Every person has the right to choose. It would be unfair to restrict a woman’s choice by prohibiting abortion.
All civilize societies restrict individual freedoms when that “choice” would harm an innocent person. Do men have the freedom of choice to rape a woman if that is his choice? After all, it’s his body, why do we have a right to tell him what to do with it? Why do we have a right to impose our morals on him? By emphasizing a rapist’s right to choose, we clearly are completely ignoring the rights of the woman.
We have laws that restrict false advertising, and others that protect us from tainted foods or bad products. We have laws against discrimination and violence. When other’s rights are at stake – particularly when their lives are at stake – society is expected to, and must restrict the individual’s freedoms of choice. The fact is that people who are pro-choice about abortion, are often not pro-choice about other issues with less at stake.
Throughout history, nearly all violations of human rights have been defended on the grounds of the right to choose, e.g. “you don’t have to own slaves if you don’t want to, but don’t tell us we can’t choose to. It’s our right.” The civil rights movement fought to take away this “slavery choice,” while the woman’s movement fought to take away an employer’s free choice to discriminate against women. The pro-choice position always overlooks the victim’s right to choose. Women don’t choose rape. African Americans didn’t choose slavery. The Jews didn’t choose to be killed in ovens in the Nazi Holocaust….and babies don’t choose abortion.
- Every woman should have control over her own body. Reproductive freedom is a basic right.
Abortion insures that 750,000 females each year do not have control over their bodies. Why? Because they’re killed. About ½ of the total babies aborted each year in the United States are female – killed before they are even born, not even able to enjoy the basic right to life. What about the unborn baby female’s rights?
We don’t have absolute control over our bodies. A man is not permitted to expose himself in public. In most areas of the country, women are not allowed to sell their bodies through prostitution. We’re also not permitted to take illegal drugs.
Too often, the “right to control my life,” becomes a right to hurt an oppress others. Whites used blacks to enhance their own quality of life, but did so at the expense of blacks. Men have often used women to live their lives as they wanted, but at the expense of women.
- Abortion rights are fundamental for the advancement of women.
The founding feminists were pro-life, not pro-choice. Susan B. Anthony, referred to abortion as “child murder” and viewed it as a means of exploiting both women and children.
Another leading (founding) feminist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, said “When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we wish.”
What happened? Abortion rights activists tied abortion to “women’s rights” in the 1960’s as a profit motive. There are many of today’s active feminists who still oppose abortion. Feminists for Life was started in the early 1970’s to counter the misdirected mainstream feminist movement’s change to pro-abortion.
- “I’m personally against abortion, but I wouldn’t take that right away from someone else.”
To be pro-choice about abortion is to be pro-abortion. Suppose drug dealing were legalized and you heard this argument:
“I’m personally not in favor of someone dealing drugs at schools, but that’s a matter to decide between the drug dealer and his attorney. We don’t want to go back to the days when drug dealing was illegal, and people died in back alleys from bad cocaine. I personally wouldn’t buy drugs, so I’m not pro-drugs. I’m just pro-choice about drug dealing.”
Basically, being personally against abortion but favoring another’s right to abortion is self-contradictory and morally baffling. It’s exactly like saying, “We’re personally against child abuse, but we defend our neighbor’s right to abuse his child if that is his choice.”
Someone who is pro-choice about rape might argue that it’s not the same as being pro-rape. What’s the difference, since being pro-choice about rape allows and promotes the legitimacy of rape? Those who were pro-choice about slavery believed their moral position was sound since they personally didn’t own slaves. Similarly, most people in Germany did not favor the killing of Jews, but did nothing to stop the killing.
Some people have an illusion that being personally opposed to abortion while believing others should be free to choose it is some kind of compromise between pro-abortion and pro-life positions. It isn’t. Pro-choice people vote the same as pro-abortion people. Both oppose legal protection for the unborn, and both are willing for children to die – even if they do not directly participate in the killings.
- Abortion is legal. Things that are “legal” are OK, aren’t they?
The government has a reputation as a protector, although closer examination reveals that this is an inconsistent position. Anything “legal” is actually a defacto endorsement from our government. Abortion is legal, so many women go blindly through the process believing that “if the government says its OK, then it must be fine.” Countless women who have abortions are shocked at the realities of the experience — both physically and mentally — wondering, “why wasn’t I warned?”
If abortions were illegal, there would probably be around 100,000 a year, as opposed to 1.5 million today — so it’s easy to conclude that this would save lives. Hearts would not be changed however – this is only accomplished through a consistent education program.
Finally, what is legal is not always right. Law doesn’t reflect morality – rather the law should reflect a morality that is independent of the law. Case in point: was abortion immoral on January 21, 1973 and moral on January 23, 1973? In the 1940’s a German doctor could kill Jews legally, while in America he would have been prosecuted for murder. In the 1970’s and American doctor could kill unborn babies legally, while in Germany he would have been prosecuted for murder. Laws change. Truth and justice don’t.
More importantly what does God’s Word say – “You Shall Not Murder!” This is the moral standard that we ultimately need to abide by. God gave us a conscience to see what here is deemed legal is not right in His eyes. Consequences will manifest from wrong actions.
- It’s unfair to bring children into a world when they’re not wanted.
There’s a major difference between and unwanted pregnancy and an unwanted child. Every child is wanted by someone. There are currently 200,000 couples in the US desperately seeking to adopt, yet less than 25,000 babies available each year. Demand is so great, that couples are forced to adopt in China and Russia, often spending more than $20,000 to do so.
Not just “normal” babies are wanted – many people request babies with Down’s Syndrome and there have been lists of over a hundred couples waiting to adopt babies with Spina Bifida.
Slave owners argued that slavery was in the best interest of blacks, since they couldn’t make it on their own. Exploiting people and stripping them of their rights is always easier when we tell ourselves we’re doing it for their good rather than our own.
- Having more unwanted children results in greater child abuse.
In the first 10 years after abortion was legalized, child abuse increased by over 500%. Is it any wonder? Isn’t it easy to conclude that “if it’s OK to abuse our unwanted children by killing them, then why not our “born” children?” Studies also have shown that child abuse is more frequent among mothers who have previously had an abortion.
Further, most abused children were wanted by their parents. A study conducted by Professor Edward Lenoski of the University of California concluded that 91% of abused children were from planned pregnancies. In society, 64% of pregnancies are planned – concluding that among abused children, a significantly higher percentage were wanted children compared to the percentage of wanted children in society at large.
- Abortion helps solve the problem of overpopulation.
The current birth rate in America is less than what is needed to maintain our population level. In 1957, the average American woman in her reproductive years bore 3.7 children. Taking into account all causes of death and the increases in average life span, zero population growth requires that the average woman bears 2.1 children. Since 1972, the average in America has been 1.8 children – a figure that is below zero population growth. In fact, any increases since 1972 have been due to immigration.
What about elsewhere? There are now 6 billion people on Earth. The planet’s population will most likely continue to climb until 2050, when it will peak at 9 billion. Other predictions have the world’s population peaking at 7.5 billion in 2040. In either case, it will then go into a sharp decline. With fertility rates low and anti-foreigner sentiment rising in Europe, the United Nations recently released a study that suggests Europe will need mass migration from the Third World to populate it. The report, written by the United Nations Population Division, states that South Korea, Japan, Europe and Russia are facing population crunches. If Japan continues its current abortion policies and fails to raise its average birth rate of 1.4 children per married couple, they will have fewer than 500 people by the year 3000 (see “The Overpopulation Lie“). By 2050, the population of Russia will reduce to 150 million. In the 1970s, Russia’s population rivaled America’s, at more than 225 million people.
Finally, the entire population of the world could be placed in one gigantic city within the borders of the state of Texas (with a population density less than many cities around the world).
- If abortion were made illegal, there would still be many abortions.
There are laws against rape, burglary, armed robbery and illegal drug dealing, yet every one of these crimes continues to happen in our society. Does the fact that these crimes still happen inspire us to make them legal? Clearly not, as laws should exist to discourage bad things from happening. Laws concerning abortion have significantly influenced whether women choose to have abortions. In one survey, 72 percent said they would definitely not have sought an abortion if having one were illegal.
- If abortion is made illegal, thousands of women will die from back alley and clothes hanger abortions.
This is a favorite myth put forth by pro-abortionists. Prior to legalization, 90 percent of abortions were done by physicians in their offices, not in back alleys. Further, women still suffer and die from “legal” abortions in America (see “Abortions Gone Wrong“).
- Abortion is a safe medical procedure, safer than full-term pregnancy and childbirth.
Abortion is not safer than full term pregnancy and childbirth. Less than one in 10,000 pregnancies results in the mother’s death. Government statistics indicate the chances of death by abortion are even less – however, deaths from childbirth are accurately reported, while many deaths by legal abortion are not – completely skewing the statistics. Abortion actually increases the chance of maternal death in later pregnancies. Women face injuries to the uterus, cervix, urinary tract, infection, hemorrhage, heart failure, embolism, sterilizations, ruptured intestines & bowels, coma, and even death. In addition, there are countless cases of abortionists sexually abusing their clients while under anesthesia. In fact, you’re four times more likely to die in the year following your abortion. Further, woman who have abortions suffer mental health declines, while those who deliver their child actually have improved mental health
- What about a woman whose life is threatened by pregnancy or childbirth?
American Life League’s ( medical advisors say the answer is a simple, unequivocal “no”— and any claim to the contrary is bogus. And many other doctors across the country agree. American Life League circulated a statement (3/00) concerning this position to a select number of doctors around the country. More than 100 physicians have signed the statement — including former abortionists Bernard Nathanson and Beverly McMillan. The statement reads, “I agree that there is never a situation in the law or in the ethical practice of medicine where a pre-born [unborn] child’s life need be intentionally destroyed by procured abortion for the purpose of saving the life of the mother. A physician must do everything possible to save the lives of both of his patients, mother and child. He must never intend the death of either.” See “Life of Mother Exception?”
While he was the United States Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop stated publicly that in his thirty-eight years as a pediatric surgeon, he was never aware of a single situation in which a pre-born child’s life had to be taken in order to save the life of the mother. He said that the use of this argument to justify abortion in general was a “smoke screen.”
- What about a woman who is pregnant due to rape or incest?
Less than 1% of all abortions are due to rape or incest. Furthermore, since conception doesn’t occur immediately after intercourse, pregnancy can be prevented in nearly all rape cases by medical treatments including the morning after pill (MAP).
Nearly all the women interviewed in a recent survey said they regretted aborting the babies conceived via rape or incest. Of those giving an opinion, more than 90 percent said they would discourage other victims of sexual violence from having an abortion because of the psychological and physical difficulties it had brought forth.
Finally, if you found out today that your biological father had raped your mother, would you feel you no longer had a right to live?
- Abortion Reduces Crime!
Roe v. Wade did not reduce the rate of illegitimacy, which is widely believed to contribute to crime. Indeed, illegitimacy shot upwards in a straight line from 5% in 1962 to 33% of babies born today. The legalization of abortion had no visible affect whatsoever on this disastrous trend. Only in the more conservative cultural climate of the late Nineties did the illegitimacy rate start to plateau – and at the same time the number of abortions dipped as well.
A study by Levitt and Donohue point out that the crime rate started to fall about 18-20 years after Roe v. Wade in 1973. However, this reasoning also implies that these same individuals born soon after 1973 should have grown up to be especially law-abiding teens in the early Nineties. Did they?
No. Instead, this generation born after Roe v. Wade went on the worst youth murder spree in American history. According to FBI statistics, the murder rate in 1993 for 14-17 years olds (who were born in the high abortion years of 1975-1979) was a horrifying 3.6 times higher than that of the kids who were 14-17 years old in 1984 (who were born in the pre-legalization years of 1966-1970).
What about black male youths alone? Levitt and Donohue’s theory suggests that their behavior should have “benefited” more that whites’ behavior from abortion. Instead, their murder rate grew an apocalyptic 5.1 times from 1984 to 1993. See “Does Abortion Really Reduce Crime?“
- How could one vote for someone who is pro-Abortion?
This is a question that at one time was fairly easy to answer, but something had shifted overall in the American church culture in the past few years. Apparently, in the last election of 2008, I soon discovered that many people were not voting “God’s conscience”. What God’s Word had so plainly indicated on the abortion issue – Do Not Murder – was being clearly disregarded. Fear of the Lord in the people had diminished, the conscience seared, and people stopped believing judgment could ever happen. Fewer people today believe the Bible as a standard of truth where life’s decisions are to be measured against. Preference has ruled over conviction in this last election! Many individuals based their choices on selfishness not considering what God’s Word says. It is only God who can bring blessing to a race, culture, or nation – not any man.
People considered the economy, hatred of George Bush, social injustice, race, and culture more important than the killing of innocent children (abortion). This is my perspective of course, but you must be the judge. People wanted “change” but I desire “God’s mercy” instead. Only righteousness will exalt our nation. In this last election many voted race, culture, and social justice over the righteousness of God. Will this bring cursing or blessing? It remains to be seen.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)
I truly believe that we have become a “dumbed down” nation and generation of people who are ignorant of some very `basic principles in God’s Word. This is due to the weakness and failure of parents and the church in general to strongly convey what God’s opinion on the sanctity of life is. Abortion is murder of an innocent and helpless child all for the sake of convenience. Years of secularized and godless education is finally bearing bad fruit to such an extent that it has impacted and overtaking our youth culture. The older generation is asleep failing to make a stand.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
Has our nation lost its own conscience? Will we now suffer great and tragic consequences? Time will tell! Whenever a society decides to dispose of its children as we do it has the capacity to do anything that is immoral. The conscience of our nation has become seared and hardened. It had rejected the standard of truth which is God’s Word. Any nation in the past who had slipped into the moral depravity of taking the life of its young (abortion) has fallen in the past. America will be no different! We serve a God of justice and He will intervene into the affairs of men.
“Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” (Ecclesiastes 8:11)
The sixth commandment says, “Do not murder”, and according to Deuteronomy 28 when a nation chooses to break God’s commandments it is inevitable that judgment will follow. The question to me is when. Read this chapter over in Deuteronomy 28 carefully in the Bible and apply it to America. We have the ability to bring blessings and curses upon our family, race, culture, and nation by the choices we make.
Presently we see locusts eating away at every fabric of society where freedoms we once held will be lost if an awakening does not occur. I will still remain an optimist because God is merciful, so I will not give up but will continue to convey the truth regarding abortion and hope that people will repent and ask God for forgiveness. Has our nation stretched God’s patience to a point where now judgment is upon us? I hope not!
“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)
- I had an abortion. What can I do?
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
“And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” (1 John 4: 14-16)
“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” (Romans 10: 9-11)
“Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord — that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11)
By even reading this reply you have made a step in the right direction. God is love and He has great compassion and extends mercy to all. God is willing to forgive and began a healing process that can last through a period of time or be instantaneous. Be assured if you make a heartfelt appeal it will be heard as God is not willing for any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). The mental, emotional, and spiritual strain and anguish will be lifted off of you because Jesus Christ is a burden bearer. Have faith in God and make a willful choice to love, serve and obey Him from this time forward.
The very center of your hurt can now be used to help set others free from a bad choice they had made. You now can be released into your God given destiny because of the choice that was made to ask God for forgiveness. His grace is there for you in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
Ask God to heal your mind, body, soul, and spirit. The day will become brighter and those thoughts which have haunted you will lift. Read your Word daily and give God thanks. Talk to Him every day as He considers you a friend. Your life is will now turn and you will see things with a new perspective. Jesus Christ came to set you free from all bondages. He came, died and rose again for you to take away the sins of the world.
NOTE: There will be a number of responses to the appeal above posted in the future from women who had experienced an abortion. It is sometimes better to hear from those who have experienced what you have gone through!
[FACT SHEET Courtesy of the Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791]
DEATH: According to the best record based study of deaths following pregnancy and abortion, a 1997 government funded study in Finland, women who abort are approximately four times more likely to die in the following year than women who carry their pregnancies to term. In addition, women who carry to term are only half as likely to die as women who were not pregnant.(16)
The Finland researchers found that compared to women who carried to term, women who aborted in the year prior to their deaths were 60 percent more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to die of suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries related to accidents, and 14 times more likely to die from homicide. Researchers believe the higher rate of deaths related to accidents and homicide may be linked to higher rates of suicidal or risk-taking behavior.(16)
The leading causes of abortion related maternal deaths within a week of the surgery are hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. Legal abortion is reported as the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States, though in fact it is recognized that most abortion related deaths are not officially reported as such.(2)
The risk of breast cancer almost doubles after one abortion, and rises even further with two or more abortions.(3)
Women with one abortion face a 2.3 relative risk of cervical cancer, compared to non-aborted women, and women with two or more abortions face a 4.92 relative risk. Similar elevated risks of ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women are apparently linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage.(4)
Between 2 and 3% of all abortion patients may suffer perforation of their uterus, yet most of these injuries will remain undiagnosed and untreated unless laparoscopic visualization is performed.(5) Such an examination may be useful when beginning an abortion malpractice suit. The risk of uterine perforation is increased for women who have previously given birth and for those who receive general anesthesia at the time of the abortion.(6) Uterine damage may result in complications in later pregnancies and may eventually evolve into problems which require a hysterectomy, which itself may result in a number of additional complications and injuries including osteoporosis.
Significant cervical lacerations requiring sutures occur in at least one percent of first trimester abortions. Lesser lacerations, or micro fractures, which would normally not be treated may also result in long term reproductive damage. Latent post-abortion cervical damage may result in subsequent cervical incompetence, premature delivery, and complications of labor. The risk of cervical damage is greater for teenagers, for second trimester abortions, and when practitioners fail to use laminaria for dilation of the cervix.(7)
Abortion increases the risk of placenta previa in later pregnancies (a life threatening condition for both the mother and her wanted pregnancy) by seven to fifteen fold. Abnormal development of the placenta due to uterine damage increases the risk of fetal malformation, perinatal death, and excessive bleeding during labor.(8)
Women who had one, two, or more previous induced abortions are, respectively, 1.89, 2.66, or 2.03 times more likely to have a subsequent pre-term delivery, compared to women who carry to term. Prior induced abortion not only increased the risk of premature delivery, it also increased the risk of delayed delivery. Women who had one, two, or more induced abortions are, respectively, 1.89, 2.61, and 2.23 times more likely to have a post-term delivery (over 42 weeks).(17) Pre-term delivery increases the risk of neo-natal death and handicaps.
Abortion is associated with cervical and uterine damage which may increase the risk of premature delivery, complications of labor and abnormal development of the placenta in later pregnancies. These reproductive complications are the leading causes of handicaps among newborns.(9)
Abortion is significantly related to an increased risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancies, in turn, are life threatening and may result in reduced fertility.(10)
PID is a potentially life threatening disease which can lead to an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and reduced fertility. Of patients who have a chlamydia infection at the time of the abortion, 23% will develop PID within 4 weeks. Studies have found that 20 to 27% of patients seeking abortion have a chlamydia infection. Approximately 5% of patients who are not infected by chlamydia develop PID within 4 weeks after a first trimester abortion. It is therefore reasonable to expect that abortion providers should screen for and treat such infections prior to an abortion.(11)
Endometritis is a post-abortion risk for all women, but especially for teenagers, who are 2.5 times more likely than women 20-29 to acquire endometritis following abortion.(12)
Approximately 10% of women undergoing elective abortion will suffer immediate complications, of which approximately one-fifth (2%) are considered life threatening. The nine most common major complications which can occur at the time of an abortion are: infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock. The most common “minor” complications include: infection, bleeding, fever, second degree burns, chronic abdominal pain, vomiting, gastro-intestinal disturbances, and Rh sensitization.(13)
In general, most of the studies cited above reflect risk factors for women who undergo a single abortion. These same studies show that women who have multiple abortions face a much greater risk of experiencing these complications. This point is especially noteworthy since approximately 45% of all abortions are for repeat aborters.
In a survey of 1428 women researchers found that pregnancy loss, and particularly losses due to induced abortion, was significantly associated with an overall lower health. Multiple abortions correlated to an even lower evaluation of “present health.” While miscarriage was detrimental to health, abortion was found to have a greater correlation to poor health. These findings support previous research which reported that during the year following an abortion women visited their family doctors 80% more for all reasons and 180% more for psychosocial reasons. The authors also found that “if a partner is present and not supportive, the miscarriage rate is more than double and the abortion rate is four times greater than if he is present and supportive. If the partner is absent the abortion rate is six times greater.” (15)
This finding is supported by a 1984 study that examined the amount of health care sought by women during a year before and a year after their induced abortions. The researchers found that on average, there was an 80 percent increase in the number of doctor visits and a 180 percent increase in doctor visits for psychosocial reasons after abortion.(18)
Abortion is significantly linked to behavioral changes such as promiscuity, smoking, drug abuse, and eating disorders which all contribute to increased risks of health problems. For example, promiscuity and abortion are each linked to increased rates of PID and ectopic pregnancies. Which contributes most is unclear, but apportionment may be irrelevant if the promiscuity is itself a reaction to post- abortion trauma or loss of self esteem.
Teenagers, who account for about 30 percent of all abortions, are also at much high risk of suffering many abortion related complications. This is true of both immediate complications, and of long-term reproductive damage.(14)
1. An excellent resource for any attorney involved in abortion malpractice is Thomas Strahan’s Major Articles and Books Concerning the Detrimental Effects of Abortion (Rutherford Institute, PO Box 7482, Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482, (804) 978-388.) This resource includes brief summaries of major finding drawn from medical and psychology journal articles, books, and related materials, divided into major categories of relevant injuries. 2. Kaunitz, “Causes of Maternal Mortality in the United States,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 65(5) May 1985. 3. H.L. Howe, et al., “Early Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk Among Women Under Age 40,” International Journal of Epidemiology 18(2):300-304 (1989); L.I. Remennick, “Induced Abortion as A Cancer Risk Factor: A Review of Epidemiological Evidence,” Journal of Epidemiological Community Health, (1990); M.C. Pike, “Oral Contraceptive Use and Early Abortion as Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Young Women,” British Journal of Cancer 43:72 (1981). 4. M-G, Le, et al., “Oral Contraceptive Use and Breast or Cervical Cancer: Preliminary Results of a French Case- Control Study, Hormones and Sexual Factors in Human Cancer Etiology, ed. JP Wolff, et al., Excerpta Medica: New York (1984) pp.139-147; F. Parazzini, et al., “Reproductive Factors and the Risk of Invasive and Intraepithelial Cervical Neoplasia,” British Journal of Cancer, 59:805-809 (1989); H.L. Stewart, et al., “Epidemiology of Cancers of the Uterine Cervix and Corpus, Breast and Ovary in Israel and New York City,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 37(1):1-96; I. Fujimoto, et al., “Epidemiologic Study of Carcinoma in Situ of the Cervix,” Journal of Reproductive Medicine 30(7):535 (July 1985); N. Weiss, “Events of Reproductive Life and the Incidence of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer,” Am. J. of Epidemiology, 117(2):128-139 (1983); V. Beral, et al., “Does Pregnancy Protect Against Ovarian Cancer,” The Lancet, May 20, 1978, pp. 1083-1087; C. LaVecchia, et al., “Reproductive Factors and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women,” International Journal of Cancer, 52:351, 1992. 5. S. Kaali, et al., “The Frequency and Management of Uterine Perforations During First-Trimester Abortions,” Am. J. Obstetrics and Gynecology 161:406-408, August 1989; M. White, “A Case-Control Study of Uterine Perforations documented at Laparoscopy,” Am. J. Obstetrics and Gynecology 129:623 (1977).
- D. Grimes, et al., “Prevention of uterine perforation During Curettage Abortion,” JAMA, 251:2108-2111 (1984); D. Grimes, et al.,”Local versus General Anesthesia: Which is Safer For Performing Suction Abortions?” Am. J. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 135:1030 (1979). 7. K. Schulz, et al., “Measures to Prevent Cervical Injuries During Suction Curettage Abortion,” The Lancet, May 28, 1983, pp 1182-1184; W. Cates, “The Risks Associated with Teenage Abortion,” New England Journal of Medicine, 309(11):612-624; R. Castadot, “Pregnancy Termination: Techniques, Risks, and Complications and Their Management,” Fertility and Sterility, 45(1):5-16 (1986). 8. Barrett, et al., “Induced Abortion: A Risk Factor for Placenta Previa”, American Journal of Ob&Gyn. 141:7 (1981). 9. Hogue, Cates and Tietze, “Impact of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion on Future Childbearing: A Review”, Family Planning Perspectives (May-June 1983),vol.15, no.3. 10. Daling,, “Ectopic Pregnancy in Relation to Previous Induced Abortion”, JAMA, 253(7):1005-1008 (Feb. 15, 1985); Levin,, “Ectopic Pregnancy and Prior Induced Abortion”, American Journal of Public Health (1982), vol.72,p253; C.S. Chung, “Induced Abortion and Ectopic Pregnancy in Subsequent Pregnancies,” American Journal of Epidemiology 115(6):879-887 (1982) 11. T. Radberg, et al., “Chlamydia Trachomatis in Relation to Infections Following First Trimester Abortions,” Acta Obstricia Gynoecological (Supp. 93), 54:478 (1980); L. Westergaard, “Significance of Cervical Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Post-abortal Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 60(3):322-325, (1982); M. Chacko, et al., “Chlamydia Trachomatosis Infection in Sexually Active Adolescents: Prevalence and Risk Factors,” Pediatrics, 73(6), (1984); M. Barbacci, et al., “Post- Abortal Endometritis and Isolation of Chlamydia Trachomatis,” Obstetrics and Gynecology 68(5):668-690, (1986); S. Duthrie, et al., “Morbidity After Termination of Pregnancy in First-Trimester,” Genitourinary Medicine 63(3):182-187, (1987). 12. Burkman, et al., “Morbidity Risk Among Young Adolescents Undergoing Elective Abortion” Contraception, 30:99-105 (1984); “Post-Abortal Endometritis and Isolation of Chlamydia Trachomatis,” Obstetrics and Gynecology 68(5):668- 690, (1986) 13. Frank,, “Induced Abortion Operations and Their Early Sequelae”, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners (April 1985),35(73):175-180; Grimes and Cates, “Abortion: Methods and Complications”, Human Reproduction, 2nd ed., 796-813; M.A. Freedman, “Comparison of complication rates in first trimester abortions performed by physician assistants and physicians,” Am. J. Public Health, 76(5):550- 554 (1986). 14. Wadhera, “Legal Abortion Among Teens, 1974-1978”, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 122:1386-1389,(June 1980). 15. Ney,, “The Effects of Pregnancy Loss on Women’s Health,” Soc. Sci. Med. 48(9):1193-1200, 1994; Badgley, Caron, & Powell, Report of the Committee on the Abortion Law, Supply and Services, Ottawa, 1997: 319-321.16. Gissler, M., et. al., “Pregnancy-associated deaths in Finland 1987-1994 — definition problems and benefits of record linkage,” Acta Obsetricia et Gynecolgica Scandinavica 76:651-657 (1997). 17. Zhou, Weijin, et. al., “Induced Abortion and Subsequent Pregnancy Duration,” Obstetrics & Gynecology 94(6):948-953 (Dec. 1999).18. D. Berkeley, P.L. Humphreys, and D. Davidson, “Demands Made on General Practice by Women Before and After an Abortion,” J. R. Coll. Gen. Pract. 34:310-315, 1984. bortion Risks and Complications, copyright 1997, 2000 Elliot Institute. Compiled by David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
(Fact Sheet Courtesy of the Elliot Institute, PO Box 73478 Springfield, IL 62791-7348)
In a study of post-abortion patients only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor. (2) A 5 year retrospective study in two Canadian provinces found significantly greater use of medical and psychiatric services among aborted women. Most significant was the finding that 25% of aborted women made visits to psychiatrists as compared to 3% of the control group. (3) Women who have had abortions are significantly more likely than others to subsequently require admission to a psychiatric hospital. At especially high risk are teenagers, separated or divorced women, and women with a history of more than one abortion. (4)
Since many post-aborted women use repression as a coping mechanism, there may be a long period of denial before a woman seeks psychiatric care. These repressed feelings may cause psychosomatic illnesses and psychiatric or behavioral in other areas of her life. As a result, some counselors report that unacknowledged post-abortion distress is the causative factor in many of their female patients, even though their patients have come to them seeking therapy for seemingly unrelated problems. (5)
POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD or PAS): A major random study found that a minimum of 19% of post- abortion women suffer from diagnosable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Approximately half had many, but not all, symptoms of PTSD, and 20 to 40 percent showed moderate to high levels of stress and avoidance behavior relative to their abortion experiences. (6) Because this is a major disorder which may be present in many plaintiffs, and is not readily understood outside the counseling profession, the following summary is more complete than other entries in this section. PTSD is a psychological dysfunction which results from a traumatic experience which overwhelms a person’s normal defense mechanisms resulting in intense fear, feelings of helplessness or being trapped, or loss of control. The risk that an experience will be traumatic is increased when the traumatizing event is perceived as including threats of physical injury, sexual violation, or the witnessing of or participation in a violent death. PTSD results when the traumatic event causes the hyperarousal of “flight or fight” defense mechanisms. This hyperarousal causes these defense mechanisms to become disorganized, disconnected from present circumstances, and take on a life of their own resulting in abnormal behavior and major personality disorders. As an example of this disconnection of mental functions, some PTSD victim may experience intense emotion but without clear memory of the event; others may remember every detail but without emotion; still others may re-experience both the event and the emotions in intrusive and overwhelming flashback experiences. (7)
Women may experience abortion as a traumatic event for several reasons. Many are forced into an unwanted abortions by husbands, boyfriends, parents, or others. If the woman has repeatedly been a victim of domineering abuse, such an unwanted abortion may be perceived as the ultimate violation in a life characterized by abuse. Other women, no matter how compelling the reasons they have for seeking an abortion, may still perceive the termination of their pregnancy as the violent killing of their own child. The fear, anxiety, pain, and guilt associated with the procedure are mixed into this perception of grotesque and violent death. Still other women, report that the pain of abortion, inflicted upon them by a masked stranger invading their body, feels identical to rape. (8) Indeed, researchers have found that women with a history of sexual assault may experience greater distress during and after an abortion exactly because of these associations between the two experiences. (9) When the stressor leading to PTSD is abortion, some clinicians refer to this as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS).
The major symptoms of PTSD are generally classified under three categories: hyper-arousal, intrusion, and constriction.
Hyper-arousal is a characteristic of inappropriately and chronically aroused “fight or flight” defense mechanisms. The person is seemingly on permanent alert for threats of danger. Symptoms of hyper-arousal include: exaggerated startle responses, anxiety attacks, irritability, outbursts of anger or rage, aggressive behavior, difficulty concentrating, hyper-vigilance, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or physiological reactions upon exposure to situations that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic experience (elevated pulse or sweat during a pelvic exam, or upon hearing a vacuum pump sound.)
Intrusion is the re-experience of the traumatic event at unwanted and unexpected times. Symptoms of intrusion in PAS cases include: recurrent and intrusive thoughts about the abortion or aborted child, flashbacks in which the woman momentarily re-experiences an aspect of the abortion experience, nightmares about the abortion or child, or anniversary reactions of intense grief or depression on the due date of the aborted pregnancy or the anniversary date of the abortion.
Constriction is the numbing of emotional resources, or the development of behavioral patterns, so as to avoid stimuli associated with the trauma. It is avoidance behavior; an attempt to deny and avoid negative feelings or people, places, or things which aggravate the negative feelings associated with the trauma. In post-abortion trauma cases, constriction may include: an inability to recall the abortion experience or important parts of it; efforts to avoid activities or situations which may arouse recollections of the abortion; withdrawal from relationships, especially estrangement from those involved in the abortion decision; avoidance of children; efforts to avoid or deny thoughts or feelings about the abortion; restricted range of loving or tender feelings; a sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect a career, marriage, or children, or a long life.); diminished interest in previously enjoyed activities; drug or alcohol abuse; suicidal thoughts or acts; and other self-destructive tendencies.
As previously mentioned, Barnard’s study identified a 19% rate of PTSD among women who had abortions three to five years previously. But in reality the actual rate is probably higher. Like most post-abortion studies, Barnard’s study was handicapped by a fifty percent drop out rate. Clinical experience has demonstrated that the women least likely to cooperate in post-abortion research are those for whom the abortion caused the most psychological distress. Research has confirmed this insight, demonstrating that the women who refuse follow up evaluation most closely match the demographic characteristics of the women who suffer the most post-abortion distress. (10) The extraordinary high rate of refusal to participate in post-abortion studies may interpreted as evidence of constriction or avoidance behavior (not wanting to think about the abortion) which is a major symptom of PTSD.
For many women, the onset or accurate identification of PTSD symptoms may be delayed for several years. (11) Until a PTSD sufferer has received counseling and achieved adequate recovery, PTSD may result in a psychological disability which would prevent an injured abortion patient from bringing action within the normal statutory period. This disability may, therefore, provide grounds for an extended statutory period.
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION: Thirty to fifty percent of aborted women report experiencing sexual dysfunctions, of both short and long duration, beginning immediately after their abortions. These problems may include one or more of the following: loss of pleasure from intercourse, increased pain, an aversion to sex and/or males in general, or the development of a promiscuous life-style. (12)
SUICIDAL IDEATION AND SUICIDE ATTEMPTS: Approximately 60 percent of women who experience post-abortion consequences report suicidal ideation, with 28 percent actually attempting suicide, of which half attempted suicide two or more times. Researchers in Finland have identified a strong statistical association between abortion and suicide in a records based study. The identified 73 suicides associated within one year to a pregnancy ending either naturally or by induced abortion. The mean annual suicide rate for all women was 11.3 per 100,000. Suicide rate associated with birth was significantly lower (5.9). Rates for pregnancy loss were significantly higher. For miscarriage the rate was 18.1 per 100,000 and for abortion 34.7 per 100,000. The suicide rate within one year after an abortion was three times higher than for all women, seven times higher than for women carrying to term, and nearly twice as high as for women who suffered a miscarriage. Suicide attempts appear to be especially prevalent among post-abortion teenagers.(13)
INCREASED SMOKING WITH CORRESPONDENT NEGATIVE HEALTH EFFECTS: Post-abortion stress is linked with increased cigarette smoking. Women who abort are twice as likely to become heavy smokers and suffer the corresponding health risks. (14)
Post-abortion women are also more likely to continue smoking during subsequent wanted pregnancies with increased risk of neonatal death or congenital anomalies. (15)
ALCOHOL ABUSE: Abortion is significantly linked with a two fold increased risk of alcohol abuse among women. (16) Abortion followed by alcohol abuse is linked to violent behavior, divorce or separation, auto accidents, and job loss. (17) Abortion is significantly linked to subsequent drug abuse. In addition to the psycho-social costs of such abuse, drug abuse is linked with increased exposure to HIV/AIDS infections, congenital malformations, and assaultive behavior. (18)
EATING DISORDERS: For at least some women, post-abortion stress is associated with eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa. (19)
CHILD NEGLECT OR ABUSE: Abortion is linked with increased depression, violent behavior, alcohol and drug abuse, replacement pregnancies, and reduced maternal bonding with children born subsequently. These factors are closely associated with child abuse and would appear to confirm individual clinical assessments linking post-abortion trauma with subsequent child abuse. (20)
DIVORCE AND CHRONIC RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: For most couples, an abortion causes unforeseen problems in their relationship. Post-abortion couples are more likely to divorce or separate. Many post-abortion women develop a greater difficulty forming lasting bonds with a male partner. This may be due to abortion related reactions such as lowered self-esteem, greater distrust of males, sexual dysfunction, substance abuse, and increased levels of depression, anxiety, and volatile anger. Women who have more than one abortion (representing about 45% of all abortions) are more likely to require public assistance, in part because they are also more likely to become single parents. (21)
REPEAT ABORTIONS: Women who have one abortion are at increased risk of having additional abortions in the future. Women with a prior abortion experience are four times more likely to abort a current pregnancy than those with no prior abortion history. (22)
This increased risk is associated with the prior abortion due to lowered self esteem, a conscious or unconscious desire for a replacement pregnancy, and increased sexual activity post-abortion. Subsequent abortions may occur because of conflicted desires to become pregnant and have a child and continued pressures to abort, such as abandonment by the new male partner. Aspects of self-punishment through repeated abortions are also reported. (23)
Approximately 45% of all abortions are now repeat abortions. The risk of falling into a repeat abortion pattern should be discussed with a patient considering her first abortion. Furthermore, since women who have more than one abortion are at a significantly increased risk of suffering physical and psychological sequelae, these heightened risks should be thoroughly discussed with women seeking abortions.
- An excellent resource for any attorney involved in abortion malpractice is Thomas Strahan’s Major Articles and Books Concerning the Detrimental Effects of Abortion (Rutherford Institute, PO Box 7482, Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482, (804) 978-388.) This resource includes brief summaries of major finding drawn from medical and psychology journal articles, books, and related materials, divided into major ategories of relevant injuries.2. Ashton,”They Psychosocial Outcome of Induced Abortion”, British Journal of Ob&Gyn., 87:1115-1122, (1980).3. Badgley,,Report of the Committee on the Operation of the Abortion Law (Ottawa:Supply and Services, 1977)pp.313-321.4. R. Somers, “Risk of Admission to Psychiatric Institutions Among Danish Women who Experienced Induced Abortion: An Analysis on National Record Linkage,” Dissertation Abstracts International, Public Health 2621-B, Order No. 7926066 (1979); H. David, et al., “Postpartum and Postabortion Psychotic Reactions,” Family Planning Perspectives 13:88-91 (1981). 5. Kent, et al., “Bereavement in Post-Abortive Women: A Clinical Report”, World Journal of Psychosynthesis (Autumn-Winter 1981), vol.13,nos.3-4.6. Catherine Barnard, The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Abortion, Portsmouth, N.H.: Institute for Pregnancy Loss, 1990).7. Herman, Trauma and Recovery, (New York: Basic Books, 1992) 34. 8. Francke, The Ambivalence of Abortion (New York: Random House, 1978) 84-95. 9. Zakus, “Adolescent Abortion Option,” Social Work in Health Care, 12(4):87 (1987); Makhorn, “Sexual Assault & Pregnancy,” New Perspectives on Human Abortion, Mall & Watts, eds., (Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1981).10. Adler, “Sample Attrition in Studies of Psycho-social Sequelae of Abortion: How great a problem.” Journal of Social Issues, 1979, 35, 100-110. 11. Speckhard, “Postabortion Syndrome: An Emerging Public Health Concern,” Journal of Social Issues, 48(3):95-119.12. Speckhard, Psycho-social Stress Following Abortion, Sheed & Ward, Kansas City: MO, 1987; and Belsey, et al., “Predictive Factors in Emotional Response to Abortion: King’s Termination Study – IV,” Soc. Sci. & Med., 11:71-82 (1977).13. Speckhard, Psycho-social Stress Following Abortion, Sheed & Ward, Kansas City: MO, 1987; Gissler, Hemminki & Lonnqvist, “Suicides after pregnancy in Finland, 1987-94: register linkage study,” British Journal of Medicine 313:1431-4, 1996.C. Haignere, et al., “HIV/AIDS Prevention and Multiple Risk Behaviors of Gay Male and Runaway Adolescents,” Sixth International Conference on AIDS: San Francisco, June 1990; N. Campbell, et al., “Abortion in Adolescence,” Adolescence, 23(92):813-823 (1988); H. Vaughan, Canonical Variates of Post-Abortion Syndrome, Portsmouth, NH: Institute for Pregnancy Loss, 1991; B. Garfinkel, “Stress, Depression and Suicide: A Study of Adolescents in Minnesota,” Responding to High Risk Youth, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota (1986). 14. Harlap, “Characteristics of Pregnant Women Reporting Previous Induced Abortions,” Bulletin World Health Organization, 52:149 (1975); N. Meirik, “Outcome of First Delivery After 2nd Trimester Two Stage Induced Abortion: A Controlled Cohort Study,” Acta Obsetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavia 63(1):45-50(1984); Levin, et al., “Association of Induced Abortion with Subsequent Pregnancy Loss,” JAMA, 243:2495-2499, June 27, 1980.15. Obel, “Pregnancy Complications Following Legally Induced Abortion: An Analysis of the Population with Special Reference to Prematurity,” Danish Medical Bulletin, 26:192- 199 (1979); Martin, “An Overview: Maternal Nicotine and Caffeine Consumption and Offspring Outcome,” Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Tertology, 4(4):421-427, (1982). 16. Klassen, “Sexual Experience and Drinking Among Women in a U.S. National Survey,” Archives of Sexual Behavior, 15(5):363-39 ; M. Plant, Women, Drinking and Pregnancy, Tavistock Pub, London (1985); Kuzma & Kissinger, “Patterns of Alcohol and Cigarette Use in Pregnancy,” Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Terotology, 3:211-221 (1981).17. Morrissey, et al., “Stressful Life Events and Alcohol Problems Among Women Seen at a Detoxification Center,” Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 39(9):1159 (1978). 18. Oro, et al., “Perinatal Cocaine and Methamphetamine Exposure Maternal and Neo-Natal Correlates,” J. Pediatrics, 111:571- 578 (1978); D.A. Frank, et al., “Cocaine Use During Pregnancy Prevalence and Correlates,” Pediatrics, 82(6):888 (1988); H. Amaro, et al., “Drug Use Among Adolescent Mothers: Profile of Risk,” Pediatrics 84:144-150, (1989)19. Speckhard, Psycho-social Stress Following Abortion, Sheed & Ward, Kansas City: MO, 1987; J. Spaulding, et al, “Psychoses Following Therapeutic Abortion, Am. J. of Psychiatry 125(3):364 (1978); R.K. McAll, et al., “Ritual Mourning in Anorexia Nervosa,” The Lancet, August 16, 1980, p. 368. 20. Benedict, et al., “Maternal Perinatal Risk Factors and Child Abuse,” Child Abuse and Neglect, 9:217-224 (1985); P.G. Ney, “Relationship between Abortion and Child Abuse,” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 24:610-620, 1979; Reardon, Aborted Women – Silent No More (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1987), 129-30, describes a case of woman who beat her three year old son to death shortly after an abortion which triggered a “psychotic episode” of grief, guilt, and misplaced anger. 21. Shepard, et al., “Contraceptive Practice and Repeat Induced Abortion: An Epidemiological Investigation,” J. Biosocial Science, 11:289-302 (1979); M. Bracken, “First and Repeated Abortions: A Study of Decision-Making and Delay,” J. Biosocial Science, 7:473-491 (1975); S. Henshaw, “The Characteristics and Prior Contraceptive Use of U.S. Abortion Patients,” Family Planning Perspectives, 20(4):158-168 (1988); D. Sherman, et al., “The Abortion Experience in Private Practice,” Women and Loss: Psychobiological Perspectives, ed. W.F. Finn, et al., (New York: Praeger Publ. 1985), pp98-107; E.M. Belsey, et al., “Predictive Factors in Emotional Response to Abortion: King’s Termination Study – IV,” Social Science and Medicine, 11:71- 82 (1977); E. Freeman, et al., “Emotional Distress Patterns Among Women Having First or Repeat Abortions,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 55(5):630-636 (1980); C. Berger, et al., “Repeat Abortion: Is it a Problem?” Family Planning Perspectives 16(2):70-75 (1984).22. Joyce, “The Social and Economic Correlates of Pregnancy Resolution Among Adolescents in New York by Race and Ethnicity: A Multivariate Analysis,” Am. J. of Public Health, 78(6):626-631 (1988); C. Tietze, “Repeat Abortions – Why More?” Family Planning Perspectives 10(5):286-288, (1978). 23. Leach, “The Repeat Abortion Patient,” Family Planning Perspectives, 9(1):37-39 (1977); S. Fischer, “Reflection on Repeated Abortions: The meanings and motivations,” Journal of Social Work Practice 2(2):70-87 (1986); B. Howe, et al., “Repeat Abortion, Blaming the Victims,” Am. J. of Public Health, 69(12):1242-1246, (1979).copyright 1997 Elliot Institute Compiled by David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” [John 8:31-32]
- “SING A LITTLE LOUDER” – testimony of a German Christian during WWII in Nazi Germany.
After a speech, pro-life activist Penny Lea was approached by an old man. Weeping, he told her the following story:
“I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. I attended church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews, but like most people today in this country, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?
A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when one Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews. They were like cattle in those cars!
Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We could do nothing to help these poor miserable people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. By the time that train came rumbling past the church yard, we were singing at the top of our voices. If some of the screams reached our ears, we’d just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. Years have passed and no one talks about it much anymore, but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene.
“Their screams tormented us . . . If some of their screams reached our ears we’d just sing a little louder.”
Now, so many years later, I see it happening all over again in America. God forgive you as Americans for you have blocked out the screams of millions of your own children. The holocaust is here. The response is the same as it was in my country – SILENCE!”
Have you ever wondered HOW people could have stood by and let the holocaust just happen? Do you wonder why the Christians in this story chose to just sing their praise to God a little louder to drown out the victim’s cries?
Point to Ponder: When something is so horrifying we can’t bear to look at it, perhaps we shouldn’t be tolerating it!
(Paraphrased from a pamphlet handed out by Missionaries to the Preborn)
Many people will ask why show these sickening and bloody pictures below. They are displayed because the media has censored the preborn child from the “abortion debate”. The American press refuses to show the American people what these babies look like who are dying in the womb. As you view these photos below people can see for themselves exactly what a preborn child looks like after he or she has been in the hands of an abortionist.
Most believe that an abortion is just the removal of some benign tissue. The photographs below expose how mythical such thinking is. There is a holocaust going on in our midst and it must cease. Our indifference to this reality must stop or a nation will be lost.
There are many “historical precedents” for the display of such pictures. Just as we have seen horrific photographs of lynched black men in the south, and Jewish corpses in concentration camps, so we must look at the frozen, horrid images of preborn babies torn from their mother’s womb.
At the end of WWII, our American soldiers marched the citizens of Germany past the remains of those who died in death camps. They marched men, women, and children past the remains of those who died in the death camps. Why did they do it? It was because all those citizens stood guilty for having tolerated the atrocities that went on in their midst. So it is in America today, we all stand guilty for being silent while this atrocity goes on in our nation.
Matthew Brady, the famed Civil War photographer, took and displayed many photographs of the war dead. In 1862, the New York Times wrote the following about Brady’s photographs.
The dead of the battlefield come up to us very rarely, even in dreams. We see the list in the morning paper at breakfast, but dismiss its recollection with the coffee. We recognize the battlefield as reality, but it stands as a remote one. It is like a funeral next door. It attracts your attention, but it does not enlist your sympathy. But it is very different when the hearse stops at your own door and the corpse is carried over your own threshold. Mr. Brady has done something to bring us the terrible reality and earnestness of the war. If he has not brought bodies and laid them in our dooryards and along our streets, he has done something very like it.
NOTE: Why is there a Holocaust Museum in Washington DC? It is to remind people of atrocities that mankind can afflict upon people so history will not repeat itself!
This picture shows the body of a 21 week old preborn baby, killed by a D&C abortion.
This powerful picture below illustrates the horrible similarity between Hitler’s murder of 6 million Jews, and America’s murder of over 50 million pre-born babies since 1973. Let your community know about AMERICA’s holocaust, by showing them the truth about this horror.
This picture features the severed head of a preborn baby girl, aborted in the third tri-mester of her mother’s pregnancy. When abortion advocates talk about “FREEDOM OF CHOICE”, this is the result… the gruesome death of a precious child.
This shocking picture shows a baby killed by a first-trimester D&C abortion. His humanity speaks for itself.
(And it’s Racist Roots)
Many of your neighbors still do not know that Planned Parenthood kills more children than any other organization in America. Let them know! This precious baby boy below will remind mothers what they have to loose if they choose abortion. Life really is a gift from God. Their original target groups were minorities.
Planned Parenthood’s Racist Roots!
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” – Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”1 in a letter that she sent to Clarence Gamble in which she was outlining her “Negro Project”2 wherein she wanted to convince blacks to have fewer children and provide them with contraceptives. Sanger considered Blacks, Hispanics, and others to be “human weeds” and “a menace to civilization.” 3
Sanger herself proposed that dysgenic groups (those with “bad genes”) be given their choice of sterilization or lifelong segregation (work camps).4
Planned Parenthood has never condemned Margaret Sanger for her writings; rather they honor her. Every year, Planned Parenthood gives awards to those who support and encourage their agenda. The top award given is The Margaret Sanger Award.5
These are the atrocities that Planned Parenthood commits! They are walking in the footsteps of Margaret Sanger!
1. Linda Gordon, Woman’s Body Woman’s Right: Social History of Birth Control in America (New York, Grossman Publishers, 1976) p.333.
2. Ibid.
3. Margaret Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization (New York: Brentano’s, 1922).
4. Margaret Sanger, Plan for Peace, Birth Control Review (April 1932), p.107.
5. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Annual Report, 1999-2000.
Planned Parenthood admits Abortion is Murder
Most people think that abortion is just the removing of some tissue and cells; but those who participate in the killing of the preborn, including Planned Parenthood, know that it is the killing of a baby.
In 1963, before abortion was legal, a Planned Parenthood pamphlet declared, “An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun.”1 Even after abortion was legalized, a 1973 Planned Parenthood booklet stated, “One sperm joins one egg = baby.”2
Those who actually do abortions know that they are killing a baby. Abortionist Martin Haskell stated in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on May 28, 1999, that “When or how the fetus dies is of no real consequence.”3 Another abortionist from Milwaukee put it this way: “We know that it is killing but the State permits killing under certain circumstances.” 4
Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report (1999-2000) declares that they bloodied their hands with the killing of 182,854 preborn babies in 1998.5 That is more than ten percent of all preborn children killed in America each year – done by one organization!
If you doubt the humanity of the preborn child, just go to your local public library, pull out a medical textbook on fetal development, and see for yourself what the child in the womb looks like.
1. Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness (Planned Parenthood – World Population, 1963)
2. ABC’s of Birth Control (Planned Parenthood – World Population, 1973), p. 4.
3. Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, May 28, 1999 edition.
4. Cover of “Massacre of Innocence: video (Reel to Real).
5. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Annual Report, 1999-2000.
“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood
Even though Margaret Sanger said this and many other cruel things, Planned Parenthood has never distanced themselves from her nor condemned her writings; rather they continue to honor her.
For example, every year Planned Parenthood gives awards to those who encourage and support their agenda. The top award which they give is called The Margaret Sanger Award.2 To journalists who encourage and support their agenda, they give The Maggie Award referring to Margaret Sanger.3
Alan Guttmacher, who succeeded Margaret Sanger as president of Planned Parenthood, said “We are merely walking down the path that Ms. Sanger has carved out for us.”4
And Faye Wattleton, who was the president of Planned Parenthood until 1992, said that she was “proud” to be “walking in the footsteps” of Margaret Sanger.5
One of Planned Parenthood’s largest abortion clinics is located in New York City, and it is called The Margaret Sanger Clinic.6
1. Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (New York: Brentano’s, 1920).
2. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Annual Report 1999-2000.
3. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Annual Report 1999-2000.
4. Quoted in Morgan Scott LaTrobe, The Path of Destruction (Cleveland: The Ohio Life Alliance Fund,
What organization has proposed forced sterilization for those who have already had two children?
The answer is—Planned Parenthood!
Frederick Jaffe, who was the head of research at Planned Parenthood, proposed “compulsory sterilization for those who have already had two children” in a memo entitled “Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility.” 1
He also proposed “compulsory abortion for out-of-wedlock pregnancies,” 2 federal entitlement “payments to encourage abortion,” 3 and “tax penalties” for existing large families.4
Alan Guttmacher himself, who was the president of Planned Parenthood for over a decade, stated, “Each country will have to decide its own form of coercion, determining when and how it should be employed,” noting that “the means presently available are compulsory sterilization and abortion.” 5 He told a reporter that such force may be especially needed “in areas where the pressure is the greatest, possibly in India and China.” 6
This is why Planned Parenthood has written in support of China’s coercive one-child per couple policy.7 This brutal policy includes mandatory sterilization and forced abortions. Planned Parenthood fought to restore U.S. funding to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) which had committed $100 million to this Chinese program.8
These are the atrocities that Planned Parenthood commits and to which Planned Parenthood is committed!
*Planned Parenthood aborts over 180,000 children a year.
* Planned Parenthood receives over $180,000,000.00 of your tax dollars every year!
* If you would like to obtain a boycott list of corporations which support Planned Parenthood, call Life Decisions International at 202-347-2066.
* For more information about Planned Parenthood, contact Missionaries to the Preborn, P.O. Box 26931 Milwaukee, WI 53226 414-462-3399 or go to the website
1. Examples of proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, a Planned Parenthood memo written by Frederick Jaffe (Planned Parenthood head of research), 1969.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S., a memo written by Frederick Jaffe and quoted in Family Planning Perspectives special supplement no. 1129, 10-70/30, p. ix.
5. Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle, (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1977), p. 330.
6. Richard D. Glasow, Ph.D., Ideology Compels Fervid PPFA Abortion Advocacy, National Right to Life News (March 28, 1985), p. 5.
7. The Wall Street Journal, December 19, 1984.
8. Douglas Johnson, New Battle Looms Over U.S. Aid for U.N. Agency Supporting Coerced Abortion, National Right to Life News (May 1, 1986), p. 1.
“Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One form us both within our mothers?” Job 31:15
These videos below are unedited proof that Planned Parenthood is in the business of selling baby body parts. I am thankful for these Christians who went in to obtain verbal proof from a number of sources in the Planned Parenthood leadership structure.
They are presently being indicted with false charges by a liberal and hateful group that is trying to cover up the evidence given. We will have to see where the courts go with this case.
The general church and many pastors have remained silent in America regarding this issue of abortion (and same sex marriage) due to a number of reasons. It could be a seared conscience, fear of man, loss of members and subsequent donations to the church, ignorance of the importance of this matter, lack of concern and sympathy for the unborn, becoming politically correct (a deception), believing it can’t or should not be preached about from the pulpits, or a fear of losing tax exempt status.
None of these reasons above are valid. Every church, pastor or Christian who confesses Christ as Lord and Savoir has the responsibility to share the truth on how God honors life in the womb and those who pre-maturely take it (abortion) are guilty of murder and breaking of the 6th commandment – Do not murder! These people need to ask God for forgiveness and plead for His mercy. God prefers mercy over judgment and is a God of love, mercy and longsuffering but we must not take these attributes for granted.
We all will stand before God someday and give an account. Our opinions on this matter do not matter as it is only God’s opinion. God’s Word is the standard and it is plain that life begins at conception and to believe anything differently is a self imposed deception. Mary was found with child and not tissue.
“Contend for the faith” – Jude 3