FROM A RABBI IN ISRAEL – “Shalom … and I sincerely mean SHALOM!

So, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were installed into the two top offices of the USA today. Many believers are in a state of shock; questioning if the Lord has denied our request for a righteous election result, for the vindication of our President, and for moving this nation into a great faith Awakening. Let me tell you right now, THE DELIVERANCE OF THE LORD FOR AMERICA IS STILL UNFOLDING; DIVINE JUSTICE IS STILL ON THE WAY.

How quickly we forget what the Lord has told us. He said that HE WILL DO THIS HIS WAY, AND IN HIS TIMING, SO THAT NO MAN WILL GET CREDIT FOR THE MASSIVE TURNAROUND. He did not say I will do it Q anon’s way. Our God’s timing is perfect, and His methods are profoundly wise and effective.

Think for a minute. What does GOD bless and what does He hate? If our nation were being set up for total judgement (because the Lord was angry with the sin of the people to the point of rejecting us and all our prayers), Biden would have been elected outright, overwhelmingly, and honestly. That would have been a measurement of the American hearts, priorities, values, and choices. More than half of the people of this nation would never have voted for Trump in that case. But they did vote for Trump: 75 million of them!

It took huge acts of theft, deception, and corruption, from a great conspiracy of the Luciferian elite, to hand the office to Biden. GOD did not do that. Who declared that they would NOT ALLOW Trump to be reelected (hint: The World Economic Forum, i.e. George Soros) … to the point that they released a weaponized virus upon the world, in order to bankrupt economies, divide the people, take away civil rights, and demand mail-in voting? That was Satan’s team, not the Lord’s.

Who said that He was pleased with Trump and would bless Him for a future victory, and fulfillment of his God-given assignment? How quickly we forget the word of the Lord? Most certainly there are some important things that we still need to do to receive the deliverance that the Lord is bringing. I will write about that in a minute.

But first look at what scripture says about situations like this:

Isaiah 1:23-24 Your rulers are rebels, friends of thieves. They all love bribes and chasing after rewards. They do not defend the fatherless, and the plea of the widow never comes before them. Therefore the Lord GOD of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, declares: “Ah, I will be relieved of My foes and avenge Myself on My enemies.

Did you read that? Does GOD avenge Himself on those that are doing His will through righteous leadership? Did Biden and company need to get into office, so that the Lord would be justified in publicly striking them down? What does He hate and attack? Satan maneuvered his agenda into position, but the Lord will not allow it to stay there, if we hold and press in with faith, for what He has already declared; and do the necessary repentance before the Lord. More about that in a minute.

Romans 3:43 What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Certainly not! Let God be TRUE and every man a liar. As it is written: “So that You may be proved right when You speak and victorious when You judge.”

This conflict of leadership for this nation is about the Lord, His reputation, and His promises. He is not expecting the whole nation to be righteous. He looked for a repentant, praying, remnant, and He found one. Now we need to let Him do what He has intended to do all along. Solid, proven prophetic voices of the Lord shared that the Lord determined/declared a second term for Trump. Many believers around the world have heard that same thing in their prayer sessions before the Lord.

Now that it looks as if this word is not coming to pass, are we going to stand down; suggesting that the Lord did not speak those words? I am not moving an inch from His declaration. I will stand until the Lord is done doing what HE INTENDS to do. So far, He continues to say, “Trust Me … I have this … Hold and do not doubt what I have said. You will see the deliverance and the reformation of your nation in My way and in My timing. It is still coming to you.” My hope is high!

This may sound odd, but there is an abundance of blessings hidden in having Biden and Harris temporarily installed in the leadership of this nation. Much will be exposed now, which heretofore the blind ones have been unwilling to see … and those, who have given their souls to humanism, have been unable to hear. We need to see some things very clearly that, only until now, have been hiding in the shadows.

Satan thinks that he has won. His followers believe it and are mocking the righteous with accusations of defeat and threatening with soon coming destruction of their lives and businesses. They expect us to be their acquiescent servants under their unholy rulings. As a result, these servants of darkness will be rolling out their wicked agenda to bring their form of oppression upon those, who do not agree with them.

Perhaps it is in doing this that the deceived can finally be shocked at the level of rebellion, and at the realities of communism, that have been in the Democratic platform for all this time. We needed this time of a contested election to fully see how significantly, dishonestly, and illegally Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have been controlling, redirecting, and censoring our communications for years. Imagine the chutzpah of these tech giants blocking a sitting American president from communicating with the people of this nation? UNHEARD OF!

They felt confident in the victory that Satan promised them, so that they could bring down their fists upon the righteous. Why did we miss that manipulation and control until now? We needed this to happen to expose the depth of evil’s intentions and embedded operations in our nation.

Imagine, a sitting Speaker of the House being so wicked, that she repeatedly set up deceitful traps and attacks against the President … and then suggested that if he would state, on any platform, that the November 3rd election was stolen, he would be brought up on insurrection charges (a crime that holds the death penalty). Yes, she said that. She likely intends to do that.

The depth of betrayal and complicity in the politicians, leaders, and judges on the federal and state level have now been exposed … and will be exposed even more in the coming days. We all have the opportunity now to see the socialized, acculturated, embedded, wickedness in full operation. That will enable us to understand the amazing grace of the Lord, when He restores us and deals with this evil. Talk about shouts of praise and tears of joy when that day comes!!

Another important facet of why Biden had to be inaugurated is that we needed to see the utter futility of trusting in a rescue by human beings. Far too many believers trusted in the Q drops, and in the various prognosticators, that suggested the white hats would have this all taken down and exposed before the inauguration. There well may be many good guys working on behalf of righteousness and serving as tools in the hand of GOD for turning this nation; but GOD is the ONLY ONE WHO SAVES US. The Lord needed to have our false hope in human strategies fail.

He needed the exciting reports of human deliverers to be unfulfilled. We must have a great repentance by the people for trusting in these human endeavors, and reports, more that we trusted in the Lord. We needed to be listening to Him and seeking His strategies, rather than spending hours building up our hope attending to these many reports declaring certain defeat of Biden and the cabal before January 20th.

I was shocked to hear one of these spokespeople say that if Trump released that army, and exposed all the evidence before the election, he would be the greatest of all American presidents. If he failed to release the “Kraken” of evidence and unleash the military power … if he allowed Biden to be inaugurated and simply walked away … he would be the WORST president in history. How fickle, arrogant, and judgmental is that?!

Trump did not have to do things the way these people suggested he should. He sought the Lord every day and labored over decisions. The constant onslaught of high-level witchcraft/sorcery pounded him day and night. People he trusted misled him and betrayed him. I believe he followed the leading of the Lord. He did say, “Sometimes we must lose a battle, in order to win the war.” He must step back now and allow the Lord to complete what HE started. It will be done better and more completely done than if the Q forces did it without the Lord.

Sadly, most believers have not been taught how to deal with unmet expectations, or how to stand and to believe when the evidence in the natural suggests the contrary to what the Lord has promised. The Lord never said that Biden and Harris would not briefly hold office. It was part of His plan for that to come to pass.

There is MUCH repentance that must take place if we are to take advantage of the opportunity the Lord is about to bring for a national reformation.

What if He wants to show the believers exactly what they foolishly voted for in selecting Biden? Even if the election was manipulated to give victory to the election loser of the actual vote, far too many people (especially among those, who call themselves believers) were moved by their hatred and offense of Trump’s personality, so that they voted against the loud call of the Holy Spirit that endorsed Trump.

How could a true believer vote for abortion up to birth? How could a true believer in Yeshua vote for such a high level of corruption and immorality … persecution of those who oppose humanistic liberalism … communism and globalism that strips us of our rights and freedom (speech, right to have arms, etc.) … controls what any church can teach … taking parental authority away from parents to give it to the state … crippling our nation by giving citizenship to 11 million illegals in the country, and dissolving the border, so that anyone can come in without consideration of character or intentions?

And what about the corruption evidence that was widely known by anyone, who turned away from the mainstream media for a few minutes? God in heaven!! The evidence of crime and corruption … of collusion to give China free access of control in our nation … it was all there, and so much more! What were these voters thinking?

Satan led these deluded, offended people by lies to carry away through the soul. The truth and wisdom of the Spirit was totally ignored. That needs to be repented seriously. But how will the need for repentance be realized … how will the repentance come, unless those people actually see how quickly and dramatically the God-blessed steps accomplished by Pres. Trump will be overturned by Biden?

Those, who have been blind to the gift of God, and to the course set for this nation through a Godly president, need to be shocked awake. They need to repent that they judged a man by his personality rather than by the fruit of his righteous works. They fed on lies because their souls were legalistically and self-righteously engulfed in contrived hatred.

Perhaps they need to experience the agony of a loss of rights and the advent of unholy control and persecution. Of course, there is always the danger of the compromised, double-minded ones to simply comply and to adopt the wickedness that this new administration will bring. GOD have mercy! I know that, according to the new watchdog for this administration and its agenda, they could arrest me and throw me in jail for announcing (in this writing) the wickedness that has just been put into office. But I’m not concerned about that.

TRUTH IS TRUTH AND IT MUST BE TOLD NOW, before our voices are totally silenced by the plans that are now unfolding. The only way to avoid this administration being over us for the next 4 years, and beyond, is to turn quickly and deeply turn to the Lord right now.

REPENTANCE must take place. It is a sin to hate. So why did so many Americans chose to HATE Trump (believing the lies of the media about him), and totally ignore the wonderful things that he did for this nation, and for the nations of the world (Israel especially)? Right now, those open doors need to be discovered and closed. The arrogance of thinking that we know it all, so that we do not have to do research is sin. Depending upon the spin of the media and of the internet personalities rather than the Lord is sin.

Just as we were about to overturn abortion in this nation, deceived and arrogant Americans chose to open the door wide, so that this satanic ritual of slaughtering children can be legal right up to full term of pregnancy. The Lord is grieved. He is all set and ready to bring us a great national deliverance, but this issue of the unborn being accepted by over half the nation is an obstacle to His reformation for us.

We MUST CHANGE COURSE. That is repentance. It is not merely saying we are sorry or that we’re grieved about a sin. It is about making a 180-degree change and returning to the Lord’s statues and standards. The remnant of the Body of Messiah repented, but the institutional believing community is still clueless of what danger they are in before the Lord. All the fluffy grace, from a tolerant Yeshua, who just wants good deeds and humanistic social justice, is an outrageous misrepresentation of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! How dare we dishonor Him like this!

That is what makes me sick to my stomach about Biden and Harris being put into these offices. It is not just the effectiveness of a conspiracy that appears to be (at least for a time) successful against the choice of the Lord. It is what we have done with the 4 years of blessing given to us by GOD through Donald Trump, after enduring the wickedness of 8 cruel years of Obama. We have wounded the heart of the Lord with our ingratitude and arrogance.

Yes, this inauguration of a wicked administration had to take place. After enduring a stretch of this false presidency, perhaps we will wake up and then recognize the deep goodness and mercy of the Lord, when He intervenes to save us from destruction. We must be brought to the place of understanding that we must NEVER go back to depravity after being blessed with righteousness from the Lord. We must repent of our blatant ingratitude, rebellion, and arrogance.

GOD HATES injustice, the shedding of innocent blood, lies, theft, murder, dishonest measures (including dishonest vote tallies) … He honors faithfulness, truth honesty, earnest prayer, righteousness, and hearts crying out for revival. Let us give Him want He wants, so that He can bring us the deliverance that we desperately need.

Meanwhile, those of us in the remnant, who have been crying out before the Lord for many months … and rejoicing in His gift of Donald Trump to our nation, this will be a time of challenge. I believe with absolute certainty that this administration will not be in place very long. The weight of all its corruption and evil will cause Satan to overplay his hand. Perhaps it has already. It will fall, by the hand of GOD. How long this trial will go on, depends upon what we do at this point. DON’T GIVE UP!

#1: Confess the sin of this nation and cry out for mercy. (You cannot repent for, or turn from, something you did not do, but you can confess and cry for mercy on behalf of your nation as an intercessor)

#2: Stand in faith and continue to thank and praise GOD for what He is doing.

#3: Do not say that we got it wrong in declaring that Trump was the Lord’s choice, and that he would again be president.

Until the Lord is finished doing what He is in process of doing right now, we should hold to the word He has given. Overnight, the Lord could bring down His hand and everything could change. Remember this is ultimately His conflict against Satan. This nation is ultimately His. This administration will be in place until THE LORD HIMSELF acts to take it down … and in such a way that we all know it is Him, who has done it. How long that takes may depend upon how long it takes for the American people to be shocked at what they see from the administration, and then repent for their agreement with the agenda.

#4: Forgive the wicked for their sins (the deceptions, the lies, the theft, the immorality, the suppression, and censorship, etc.) which they have committed against you and this nation. Leave the accounting of those things, regarding eternity, in the hands of the Lord. Pray for their salvation.

#5: Do not adopt the characteristics and methods of the Enemy when raising up your protests and resistance. NO VIOLENCE! No expression of obscene expletives! Seek the Lord when civil protest is required.

#6: Don’t’ speaking arrogantly; suggesting that you know all that is happening. Only the Lord knows

#7: Do not grieve the Lord by saying that He was unfaithful, or that He was unfair, to allow this theft to stand. Do not start casting blame at others.

Search your own heart.

#8: Stay in praise and thanksgiving for what the Lord IS doing. He is doing marvelous things to turn this around. He has said that what He will do will be done suddenly and bring shock and awe. We do not have to see it to trust Him or to thank Him in advance. He is faithful. He WILL RESTORE what has been stolen.

#9: Stay united and stay on the wall of intercession. Do not stop praying just because the battle has been long, or because you cannot see the end of it. Get rest in the Lord. Pray in the Spirit often.

#10: Be careful what you say. Do not speak out of the soul but repeat what the Holy Spirit says.

#11: Do not blame Donald Trump for this development. Do not say that God rejected him for his arrogance or for anything else. Arrogant religious spirits are saying such things. We are not GOD. He looks at the heart, not at the outward appearances and human shortcomings.

#12 Pray for Pres. Trump, for Melania and the whole family. Surely their hearts are broken. Even now the many wonderful things our President did are being undone, and evil is being put into their place. That must be devastating. Pray for the Lord to hold his heart, while the vindication is still coming.

#13 Pray for the Spirit of Conviction to come down upon all those, who have been deceived about what is occurring … about what the Lord is doing. Pray that their faith will not fail, if they are in the remnant. If they are in the opposition, pray that they will get a divine revelation quickly, so that they will not be crushed by the coming judgments.

#14: ENCOURAGE each other. Gather together, stay in contact! Lift each other up and remember that the disciples thought all was lost until three days after the crucifixion. We have a resurrection God! And One who loves bringing suddenlies and surprises.

#15: Do not beat yourself up (or others) for having had expectations … expectations that were an expression of your faith, but they never manifested in reality. Stay expectant. Miraculous breakthroughs are still coming.

#16: Ask the Lord for more faith, more courage, more endurance, more wisdom, more discernment, more patience, and more grace. This is a growing time for all of us. This is an opportunity to increase in the character of the Lord, so that when the breakthrough comes, we will be in the state of spirit/soul/body to serve as His gatherers in the harvest.

#17: Stay off all mainstream media and most social media … only check with things that will build the Kingdom and stand upon the truth.

#18: Keep on living in HOPE. Do not surrender your hope.

Nothing is lost when the Lord has it all in His hand. Trust Him.

Hebrews 11:11 Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see. Hebrew 11:66 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Luke 8:2524 The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” Then Yeshua got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters, and they subsided, and all was calm. 25 “Where is your faith?” Trust in the Lord with all your heart! Do not depend upon your own understanding of what is going on. In all your ways, acknowledge His faithfulness, goodness, Lordship, character, etc. Look to Him. He will direct your path through this difficult development.

I pray that you are uplifted by this writing. Know that while my heart is heavy for those, who expectations were dashed, I have not lost one bit of the vision. The Lord of ALL has this. We are in the process of being “reformed” into His image.

4 thoughts on “FROM A RABBI IN ISRAEL – “Shalom … and I sincerely mean SHALOM!

  1. Thank You all for your time, effort. It is of the highest privilege and honor to Stand in Agreement with all of you in these things, and I certainly do not mean to critique you, but I believe #14 should read ‘suddenlies and surprises’, not ‘sudden lies and surprises’. Thanks again, and blessings from western Colorado.

      1. Thank you… I just found out about you today at Shabbat Service. I’m so glad that there are others who feel the same way I do. Today during pray, for some reason, I emphasized that we all need to pray for G-d’s wisdom, discernment and love for this country. I pray that those who heard and really listened to my prayer, the voice of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), that they too will pray, repent, intercede, seek G-d’s face and ask for His wisdom, discernment and love. I pray we pray together, all of us, as one voice, one Spirit in Yeshua so that our prayers may not be overlooked in G-d’s throne room.
        I’ll be praying in my spirit to the L-rd Yeshua always.

    1. Thank you Soo much for your article, what we can do, what to pray for, and for all of us in Messiah Yeshua to get back to 2 Chron. 7:14.
      “When My people, over whom My name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

      This is what this country of ours needs to do, more than ever. As one who supported President Trump and was soo thankful for all he did including moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem as the one and only Capital of Israel. I thank G-d for that. I will continue to pray for G-d’s wisdom, discernment, love, and peace in my own heart. I will also wait and watch to see what my L-rd Yeshua will do to straighten this country out and bring us back to Him. I will also keep looking up…for our salvation and redemption is nigh.

      Baruch HaShem!

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