March 27th Update

TRANSFORMATION MICHIGAN MINISTRY CAR UPDATE I give one big thanks to the Body of Christ. A number of people are giving to this need for a ministry car for Transformation Michigan. As of this time I am approximately $3000.00 short of a new ministry car – no loans or debt. I am so thankful and even a low mileage second car was provided in a trade so my wife could have a more reliable vehicle. I call this a double portion blessing. The small and large gifts are adding up and I am trusting that the rest of the finances will come in so I can proceed with a purchase. I assure you that this is a definite need so all prayer objectives in Michigan can be met – especially regarding TheCall coming to Michigan.

Please join us for the CONFERENCE CALL – MONDAY MARCH 28th (TIME CHANGE – 8:00PM EST) Kyle Searcey will be speaking on the 818 Movement will give us many insights regarding unifying the Black prayer movement where all races can join together as one – in prayer. Kyle is on TheCall national advisory team. Call number is 712.432.3100 and the Conference code is 940350 (Save these numbers they are the same we use for all our conference calls. ) If you miss the Conference call you can login to our Media page and they are listed there so you an listen at your convenience.

The Lou Engle City Hop starts April 2 and goes through the 6th. It is at various locations in Michigan Check our Events Calendar for one near you.