Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due

From Capital Hill Partners –

Today we want to honor Rick Warzywak and his Michigan prayer team, who began praying together last year, the day after the election, knowing that something was terribly wrong with that vote.

Beginning with about 30 intercessors on the night of Wednesday, November 4th, when Rick called an emergency session of his own prayer team to begin to cry out to the LORD for a recount, these nightly sessions continued and grew . . .and grew . . . and grew . . . as word spread through the intercessory networks that Rick was holding these prayer sessions every night, seven days per week. By the end of that first week, several hundred had joined this prayer army until now, several thousand are on the line, every night, crying out for Election Integrity for President Trump’s election.

These prayer sessions have now continued, NONSTOP . . . for 252 nights!

THANK YOU, Rick Warzywak, for your diligence, your faithfulness and your persistence in prayer. Just like the widow in  Luke 18:4-8, your dedication to this work is now paying off!

> > > Finally we take note that, like a series of dominoes, the blockades that had been set in place by the enemy, hiding the true vote in last year’s election, have now begun to fall, state by state by state. To GOD be the GLORY! Great things He has done! 

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.For more info, visit their website at: