Faith2Action Michigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Faith2Action Michigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Statewide Meeting with Janet Porter Regarding Proposal 3

Time: Nov 5, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Who: Calling on all pastors, ministry leaders and watchmen.

NOTE: Remember, Janet Porter is the originator of the Heartbeat Bill 

and led the charge in Texas in the Dobbs case where Roe v Wade 

was overturned. This call is a final charge for prayer and action. This 

upcoming Sunday service will be critical in overturning Prop 3.

SHARE: Get the word out to pastors, ministry leaders, friends and your 

sphere of influence. We will be a church of unity and one accord!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 9533 3659
Passcode: 290775
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Meeting ID: 927 9533 3659
Passcode: 290775
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God bless,

Janet Porter –

Corey Shankleton –

Mark Gurley – MI Oak Initiative

Rick Warzywak – Transformation MI/MICHOP

One thought on “Faith2Action Michigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

  1. Fasting, Praying, Believing
    For A Greater Shift in the Nations !
    God is Raising The Standard in
    “We The People “ !!!
    Have your way Holy Spirit!!
    God bless you all

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