Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas

Transformation Michigan and MICHOP desires to wish each of you a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are blessed to have all of you as part of our
team to take back our respective states and nation as well as to preserve a future for
our children and grandchildren. We will continue to stay the course and hold the line
through prayer and action initiatives.

The praying radical remnant that began to form on November 4, 2020 has built an
impregnable force that will shift this nation. You are part of that. Your participation on
our “nightly calls” has been a blessing. The offerings that you have given have been
put to good use and will continue to be used in ways as the Lord provides new
strategies. We now understand this is to be a long-term battle, but we are winning.
In 2024 we will face our spiritual enemies with a great tenacity as we know what is at
stake for our nation. What will be manifesting will be Biblical and historic. We are all
creating a legacy and being cheered on by multitudes in heaven. Corey, Mark and
myself along with our respective boards appreciate you very much.

NOTE: The publication “The Bible is True” will be in our hands in early January. We
see this evangelistic tool as a vehicle to be part to help birth the “Great Awakening” that
is upon us. Many have given directly to this effort and we sincerely thank you! I will be
providing copies for all of you. The website Campusreset.org will be up and running by
mid-January that is a supplement for the booklet. The website will provide an
abundance of added information that directly relates to young and old.

*You are the circuit riding radical praying remnant that will shift history. Stay the course
and hold the line! 2024 is ours to take back for the Lord!”
God Bless,
Rick Warzywak/Mark Gurley/Corey Shankleton