ROAR OF INTERCESSION – LANA VAWSERRecently I heard the Lord say, ‘Stop apologizing for the groan I have given you, the roar of intercession within you cannot be contained.’
I then began to see many in the body of Christ receiving deep, deep groans of intercession that were ‘undignified’. There was a groaning travail that was so deep within many right now, and some of these ones were finding themselves misunderstood, rejected and criticized for this undignified groan and roar of intercession.
This groan and roar of intercession that was coming forth from many was catapulting them into deep places of prayer and in the hidden place in this hour to travail: and many of these ones were finding themselves in the swirl of being misunderstood by others as they carry the fierce emotions of the Lord’s heart. As I leaned in and listened to the Lord, I heard the Lord say:
‘My people, come away! Come away! Come away to the hidden place and pray. Do not apologize or try to contain the groan that I have given you. You must allow the groan to do its work within you, and you must make room for the groan to come forth. You must allow the groan to increase and the groan of My Spirit to be released in the ways that I am bringing it forth. Those of you that are carrying these deep groans, keep your eyes on Me. For some of you, this is unchartered territory to carry My burdens, My groans and My emotion and heart in such a deep way: but you must stay close to Me and allow Me to teach you how to intercede and pray this through with Me.
‘You MUST come away. I say unto you, that as you pray and as you intercede I am birthing much through your prayer, but you must come into the quiet place and allow the groans to come forth. I say unto you that, the ROAR of intercession within you cannot be contained. The weight that many of you are feeling in the roar that is increasing in intercession cannot be silenced, Be careful to not silence the groans in this hour. It must be released and it must come forth with power – the power of My Spirit in intercession. And as My people are carrying the groans and burdens of My heart in significant increase right now and as intercession increases, I am going to bring seismic shifts in the earth.
‘I say unto you again, make room for the groan. Make room for the groans. There are many of you feeling that deep call to the prayer room and to consecrate yourselves in this hour unto Me, in a deeper way in the hidden place to pray. I say unto you, you MUST follow My leading and move, not to appease man, but follow My way. For I am not leading you into ISOLATION, I am leading you into the place of INCUBATION. Can you hear it My people? Can you hear the invitation in this hour to the place of INCUBATION in Me, that is going to see the groans of My heart increase and mature and give birth to the mighty move of My Spirit in the earth in greater ways. ‘My people, this is the hour where I am teaching My people to pray. I am teaching My people in greater ways how to intercede and pray in this tumultuous hour. The increase of insight I am releasing in this hour, does not equate to building more quickly or doing more: I am increasing insight and inviting you deeper into the place of intercession.
I say unto you, that I am releasing wisdom on unprecedented scales to those who fear Me and treasure My words (Proverbs 2) and to those who would ask for wisdom with humility (James 1:5) to walk in My ways in greater ways. My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who will devote themselves more deeply in this hour to PRAY. My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who will LEAN INTO my groans. ‘I say unto you, My people, do not be afraid of the tears that will flow in this hour in great increase. Do not be afraid of the deep place of travail that is coming upon My people in greater ways. The intensity of the groans are increasing, because of the MIGHTY move of My Spirit and My power in the earth like never before.
‘The groans I am releasing in this hour as you lean into them and make room for them is not only seeing you coming deeper into the place of intercession, but as you lean into the groans and allow the emotions of My heart to rest upon you – My burdens – as you lean in and pray, oh the insight that you shall receive. Oh the secrets of My heart that you will receive, and I will give you greater insight on My plans, My purposes and My strategies in this hour. I am not looking for those who would parade My groans, but I am looking for those who will treasure My groans, not run from them or stifle them or apologize for them, but lean into them and allow them to come forth however I chose for them to come forth through your intercession.
‘I say unto you, that many of you carrying these groans in this hour will be called wild and undignified, but I call you MY MIDWIVES. Look not at the words of man, look not at the judgements of others, but recognize the hour you have entered. Recognize the sacred place I have invited you into in My heart, to intercede in this hour to be part of the birthing that I am bringing forth in this hour. Recognize the hour that you are assisting in the birthing that I am bringing forth in the earth, and your travail and your groaning are the groaning of My Spirit that are too deep for words (Rom 8:26) and those groans will bring forth MY GLORY. Listen to My voice, My people, those GROANS will bring forth the manifestation of MY GLORY.
‘In a time where I am delivering My church from the platforms, from the self-seeking, need to be seen, worship of position, I am raising up an army in this hour that do not care to be seen by man and are crying out to carry My heart and partner with Me in all I am doing in the earth. And they will move with Me and obey Me whatever the cost, because of their devotion and love for Me. I am working deeply in My Bride, and I WILL RETURN for a PURE, SPOTLESS and VICTORIOUS BRIDE. I am looking for those who will embrace the undignified groans and intercession in this hour that is going to shift and change nations and the groans that will bring forth MY GLORY in the earth. My eyes are roaming, My people, who will embrace My groans in this hour, no matter the cost, no matter how it looks, to see My Glory come?’
FULTON SHEEN ISA. 58 OUTREACH – Isaiah 58 – 243 N HWY 340 – PARROTTSVILLE, TN – 376843 –
I had the opportunity to speak with those running the local disaster relief efforts in the Newport TN area. They have 12 whiteboards with lists of where the effected families are located and, what they need from physical help and tools. Some homes need to be totally revamped, some need to be mucked out and they drywall replaced, some need plumbing or electrical and some need to simply be cleaned up. Some of their most important needs are cell phones, solar cell phone chargers, generators, and gasoline to run their generators.
The problem in the more rural areas is that all the roads are washed out and the only way to get assistance or provisions to people is to walk it in with horses and mules, because of the mountainous terrain. They have also been doing helicopter drops to areas they know people were living, but they have not heard from. Many of these people will not leave their homes, because it’s all they have. They are going to rebuild no matter what the conditions are. The concern is can they do it before winter sets in?
If you come to TN, we have places for you to stay and all-day long people are bringing food for victims and volunteers. We have around five people who are planning to come at this point, but the more people who can come the better. Any donations will go toward helping victims, because we have no overhead. Isaiah 58:12 tries to help communities that aren’t getting help from anyone else and that’s the way it is in Newport, especially the mountainous area. It’s going to take a long time for the area to recover, so this will be a long term effort. Please let me know if you are able to help physically and/or financially. For those who want to send a donation, please make checks out to Isaiah 58:12 and send them to 249 N. Hwy 340 Parrottsville, TN 37843. And please pray for comfort, provision and restoration for the hurricane victims of NC and South Eastern TN.
Take Care & God Bless – Fulton Sheen
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -COMING TO MICHIGAN -Prophet Robin Bullock & The Eleventh Hour Team
October 31st & November 1st – 7::PM Each Night – The Gilmore: 5179 W. River Dr, Grand Rapids, MI 49321 |
“The Bible Is True” – We see the “Great Awakening” in America that is unfolding. The booklet is aimed at young and old. It was a result of Rick’s open air evangelism on university campuses for over 20 years. We are using a “Pay it Forward” mentality as Rick will be giving the 87 page booklet away FREE! The only thing he asks is that you would distribute it to all in your sphere of influence with your written testimony on how you became a believer in Christ. If you desire to donate to this “Great Awakening” initiative and request booklets contact Rick at Any offering for this outreach can be sent to Transformation MI – PO BOX 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709…or go to All offerings will go to printing more copies! NEAR 8000 have been distributed! Pray for a donor(s) to step forward and print 5000 more copies by the end of August!
UPDATE: We have delivered near 10,000. Consider contributing to this effort! BOOKLET FINAL COST…2.25 per copy plus Shipping!
UPDATE: We are going digital and utilize Kindle in 2 weeks! We will have FREE digital downloads available soon to send to friends and family!!!
BIOLOGY – Lungfish have been proposed as a link between sea and land animals because they have the ability to survive for long periods on water. There are many varieties of lungfish found in Australia, Africa, and South America. In Australia they live in quiet pools of water which become stagnant in the summer. Because there isn’t much oxygen dissolved in the water, these fish need lungs in order to breathe air, just as we do. Lungfish in South America live in swamps which often dry up during the dry season. They spend the dry season resting in burrows. The African lungfish also spent the dry season burled in the mud, but it builds a breathing tube to the mud to allow air to reach it. Lungfish are not fish in the process of evolving into land animals, they are simply animals designed to survive for periods of time outside of water. Lungfish lacked critical biological features such as bones and muscles for movement on land. This makes it impossible for them to ever become anything other than a fish. Furthermore, the lungfish we find living today are exactly the same as those which are found in the fossil record. There is absolutely no evidence that lungfish has ever been, or ever will be, anything other than a lungfish.
“I will praise the, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all my marvelous works.” (Psalm 9:1)
*THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR EFFORTS! Transformation Michigan expenses have increased due to the daily newsletter and website management for 1447 days of prayer calls. We have helped finance state capitol rallies on the Capitol steps; support missionaries; set up a benevolence fund; sow into advancing religious and personal freedom. Mail an offering to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Or go to and go to our website to give an offering. We appreciate all who have given, and who will give, as we contend in prayer to preserve our state and nation!
PAST CONFERENCE CALL LINKS: Share with your Friends, Family, and with Michigan Church Contacts!!!
CALL NUMBER: 727.731.2247 – No access code required.
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10/19 ISA 58 UPDATE