Transformation Michigan – “SIFTING AND SHAKING CHURCHES AND GOVERNMENTS” -Day 1531 January 13!
PRAYER ALERT FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP – ELEVATED WARNING FOR JANUARY 19th…BE ON ALERT! – -prophesy-of-attempt-on-trumps-life-on-jan-19-received/ – During the final 30 days before the Inauguration, the members of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family have been on alert, praying that President Trump will be alive to be inaugurated as our 47th President on January 20th, 2025 and then serve his full term to the GLORY OF GOD!
Ps Loan learned that there will be a public rally at 3 PM in Washington, DC on January 19th at 3 PM in the Capital One Arena, home to the NBA’s Washington Wizards and the NHL’s Washington Capitals. This presents a serious danger of exposure to him:
“An emergency prayer call from 2-5 PM on Sunday while the rally takes place.” – We invite as many intercessors as can to join us in prayer for our President.
Call in to 712-770-4340 and enter code: 543555 #
A Scripture verse: “Thou, oh Lord, are a Shield about him; Yo u’re the Glory and the Lifter of his head!” Psalm 3:3
A song: Lord, Have Mercy on Us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land…Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch…Humbly we bow and call upon You now…Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, protect and preserve President Trump’s life, for Your Glory and the good of this nation!
Ps Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo – 247NationalStrategicPrayerCall
As I was seeking the Lord recently about the season we are in and how He wants His people to prepare, I heard by His Spirit, “Tell My people to trim their wicks.” I immediately thought of the parable of the ten virgins. They were waiting for the bridegroom, as we are. When the midnight cry came, they all rose and trimmed their lamps. (Trimming is cutting the dead, charred ends of the wick.) “Then all those virgins got up and put their own lamps in order [trimmed the wicks and added oil and lit them].” (Matthew 25:7 AMP) Jesus said that this is a parable of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 25:1). The ten virgins represent the Ecclesia (the Body of Christ). Many have preached about and taught the necessity of making sure we have enough oil (representing the Holy Spirit), but I personally have never heard anyone talk about trimming the wicks. It bears noting that the wicks need to be trimmed before the filling of the oil.
Reasons Why We Must Trim Our Wicks
I burn candles, so I understand the need to trim the wicks. As I sought the Holy Spirit, He gave me wisdom on how this relates to our lives. As we move forward to possess new ground, the Lord desires we do so as pure vessels, walking circumspectly as carriers of His precious and costly anointing. We need to continually keep our wicks trimmed. The following are some reasons why this is so important:
1. Untrimmed wicks produce a lot of smoke. We want the fire of the Holy Spirit, not just smoke! Also, charring splits the end of the wick and causes the smoke to scatter, leaving marks everywhere it settles. That speaks of when we are operating in the flesh or soul, rather than being led by the Holy Spirit. When we do that, we leave the wrong kind of marks on others, not the effects of being in the presence of the Lord. Smoke also obscures clear vision, hindering our path moving forward, or leading us in the wrong direction altogether.
2. Trimming the wick produces a cleaner, brighter flame. We want to be full of, and revealing, the pure light of the Lord.
3. Trimming the wick produces a steady burn, giving a longer lifespan to the candle/oil. Longer wicks burn high and hot, burning the oil/wax faster, so you run out sooner and have to refill more often. We want to stay the course, in pace with the Holy Spirit, not crashing and burning out from overreacting in our emotions or fleshly inclinations.
4. Trimming the wick prevents the flame from getting too big, which can be a safety hazard. The flame getting too big represents pride and ego, both of which are a safety hazard for ourselves and others! “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18 NKJV) When we are humble and of a meek spirit, we can better hear the Holy Spirit and bring forth words of truth that others will want to hear and receive, and make them hungry for more of the Lord!
Remove the Dead Things
The charred end of the wick represents the dead things in our lives! Let the Holy Spirit daily show you what they are and remove them! The first mention in Scripture of lampstands and trimming of the wicks is found in the book of Exodus. Every morning the lampstands in the tabernacle had their charred wicks trimmed. “Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it; he shall burn it every morning when he trims the lamps.” (Exodus 30:7 NASB) In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus addresses the seven lampstands (the churches, according to Revelation 1:20). Each area that He corrects and admonishes is an area where we need to examine ourselves. We are His lampstands, our bodies the temple of the Holy Spirit, shining His light to a dark world. He was (and is) “trimming the wicks” of the seven lampstands and supplying fresh oil. He was cutting away those things which hindered their shining brightly. Receiving His correction and walking in His ways brings a fresh supply of oil. Look at the things He corrected: complacency, pridefulness, lifelessness, faithlessness, abandonment of their first love, lukewarmness, worldliness, toleration of false doctrines, idolatry, and immorality. Thank God for the precious Holy Spirit and His still small voice of correction, which we would do well to take heed of, before we get more severe tools of correction, or sidelined!
Trays and Wick Trimmers of Pure Gold
Exodus 37 gives instructions for making the lampstands for the tabernacle. The lamps, wick trimmers, and trays were to be made of pure gold. Pure gold represents the result of the refining process of the Lord in our lives—becoming pure, holy carriers of His glory, rightly representing Him to others, and ministering to them as He would. The priests were assigned the task of wick trimming, which was to be done with gold wick trimmers. How does this relate to us? As Believers and followers of Jesus, we are kings and priests (Revelation 1:6, 5:10). One of the roles of a priest is to (when necessary) gently correct others in love, not berate, chastise, or talk about their weaknesses to others.“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1 NKJV)
“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” (2 Timothy 2:24–26 NKJV) The trays to hold the charred ends were to be pure gold also. After you have ministered to others, keep them covered in prayer and love. Don’t gossip about what the Lord has removed from them, or where He is continuing the work of redemption in their lives. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)! “And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude of sins.'” (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV)
Walk as Children of Light
As I meditated on these things, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “I shine My light in the darkness to reveal what is concealed. My light is pure and full of grace, so you can clearly see what needs to be erased, of the old leave not a trace. My reproof is not harsh, but gentle as a dove, always speaking the truth in love. Now unto others do the same, and more of My life will be your gain.” “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8 NKJV)
- Room 426 Prayer and Worship will be moving to a new location on the last Thursday of the month. The 4th floor is being renovated.
- In the meantime, the 426 group will be having a prayer and lunch gathering to celebrate on Thursday, January 30, to celebrate what the Lord has done. This will be held in the Freedom Embassy on the 6th floor in The Louie building that is at the southeast corner of Allegan and Capitol kiddy corner across from the Capitol from 10:00 to 1:00. Let me know if you are able to come. We are wanting to know for catering purposes.
- The Apostolic Regional Prayer Team will be gathering on the first Friday of the month from 11:30 to 1:00 in Room 161 in the Capitol directly across from the Speaker’s office.
“The Bible Is True” – We see the “Great Awakening” in America that is unfolding. The booklet is aimed at young and old. It was a result of Rick’s open air evangelism on university campuses for over 20 years. We are using a “Pay it Forward” mentality as Rick will be giving the 87 page booklet away FREE! The only thing he asks is that you would distribute it to all in your sphere of influence with your written testimony on how you became a believer in Christ. If you desire to donate to this “Great Awakening” initiative and request booklets contact Rick at Any offering for this outreach can be sent to Transformation MI – PO BOX 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709…or go to All offerings will go to printing more copies! NEAR 12000 have been distributed!
MICROBIOLOGY – The existence of life depends upon a substance which chemists call the universal solvent. This magnificent molecule, with its many unique properties, is ordinary water. Unlike almost all other liquids which contract upon changing from liquid to solid, water stops contracting and starts expanding at 4o C. This results in solid water (ice) being less dense (lighter) than liquid water. Thus lakes and rivers freeze from the top down instead of from the bottom up. If lakes froze from the bottom up, life within every lake in a freezing climate would be destroyed. Water also has a unique ability to conduct electricity at just the right resistance to make the processes of life possible within cells. In addition, its unique surface tension insulates some animals, while its inability to mix with body oils insulates other animals by keeping them dry. Water is only one of the special substances that God created to enhance and enable life. From the properties of the smallest molecule to the complex interrelated systems of life, the entire universe has every appearance of being designed to work together in perfect harmony. This is one of many ways in which creation provides a vivid testimony to our Creator’s attention to the details of life.
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” (Isaiah 40:28)
*THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR EFFORTS! Transformation Michigan expenses have increased due to the daily newsletter and website management for 1531 days of prayer calls. We have helped finance state capitol rallies on the Capitol steps; support missionaries; set up a benevolence fund; sow into advancing religious and personal freedom. Mail an offering to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Or go to and go to our website to give an offering. We appreciate all who have given, and who will give, as we contend in prayer to preserve our state and nation!
PAST CONFERENCE CALL LINKS: Share with your Friends, Family, and with Michigan Church Contacts!!!
CALL NUMBER: 727.731.2247 – No access code required.
Prayer Points discussed
1. President Trump and his cabinet through his term.
2. Police and Military
3. Our borders – for truth to be told
4. WEF (World Economic Forum) NOT to come here
5. WHO (World Health Organization) Pray against
6. Human Trafficking (gangs and cartels)
7. Shipping Containers (exposure of contents)
8. Sleeper Cells and Terrorists
9. Planned Parenthoods (Lay hands on a map)
10. Pornography Industry (and what it fuels)