Day 1573 February 24 – MI GOP UPDATES
Our Health Matters to God. What does God say about good health? Does He want you to be healthy, and is it of any concern to Him? As we open up our Bibles and look at the Word of God through the lens of health, we observe a theme: God does care deeply about our health. He did not create sickness, and His heart is for healing and wholeness. When Jesus came, He reversed the effect of disease through His words, touch, and actions. He is the Author of life, and He always brings and provides life. This beautiful truth still holds within it the tension of the mystery of suffering and the sovereignty of God’s timing.I f we hold to a biblical understanding of good health, we see God’s desire is to heal and be present in the midst of human suffering. He works through all things, but His intentions are always clear: He is the Healer. He will heal His way, in His time, for His purpose. He’s not defined by our experience or circumstance but by the revelation of His Word!
Attacks on Our Health…Attacks on our health come in all shapes and forms, including high levels of stress. Extensive research indicates the negative impacts of stress on our health, confirming Proverbs 17:22: “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Stress is inevitable in life and impacts our minds, bodies, and spirits. However, we can build resilience through the Spirit of God within us.
What God Says About Our Health…“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2) “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) The Lord’s intention through His Son is that we not only have eternal life but also abundant life on Earth. Terror and negativity surround us, and the enemy prowls around, waiting for us to take the bait. The good news is that we can rise out of this battlefield in our minds and agree with the Lord’s desire for our physical bodies to be healthy.
Our Choices…Choose not to align yourself with the negative thoughts in your head. Though dismay may be happening all around you, instead, you must. Pray and meditate. Go to the Healer in prayer. Align your thoughts with His thoughts and proclaim His truth over your life. Get into God’s Word. Continuously renew your mind with the covenant promises of God through His Word. We must surrender to the Holy Spirit and embrace the fruit of self-discipline. The Spirit provides this fruit for our good so that we may come into agreement with the Lord and His will.
Pursuing Good Health Honors God…The Spirit of God within us is our biggest motivation for healthy living. 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies“. Our bodies are important to God. He created our physical form for our life on Earth, and through the blood covering of Jesus, He indwells us with His Spirit. We are carrying God within us everywhere we go! This shows how much God values our bodies and that we are the resting place of His Holy Spirit. Out of love and respect for God, be encouraged to know He wants His temple (your body) to be healthy and strong, representing Him on the earth. When you make healthy choices in your diet and lifestyle, you honor God and His choice to be within you. Physical, spiritual, and emotional health go hand in hand. That’s why lifestyle and alignment are so key to whole healing.
Come Into Agreement with What God Says About You…As said earlier, stress and reactions to it significantly impact physical health. There is wisdom in saying “no” and bringing our calendars under the authority of Jesus, Yeshua, for His guidance in what we commit to. But some stress in life is unavoidable. That’s why our reaction is also key, as our reaction often exposes what we truly believe about God in our situation. Examine how you feel about God when stress hits. Do you feel He is distant? Unavailable? Disengaged? Regardless of how things feel in the moment, if you’re covered by Jesus’ blood and filled with His Holy Spirit, He is with you and within you in every circumstance. You have the Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom, indwelling you, and when you turn your focus to Him, you can be protected by His peace while you wait for Him to move and provide in your circumstances. 10Your good health and wellness matters to God. Taking care of yourself is biblical! It means coming into agreement with what God says about you and how He chooses to work through you. Prioritizing what God says about good health will impact every other area of your life and the opportunities God puts before you. We are to make good health a goal and partner with God in His desire to bring wholeness to every area of our lives.
God’s Spirit Brings Life to Your Body…While our choices matter in this fallen world, God’s healing power ultimately preserves and restores our health. The Spirit of God within us is our greatest hope for complete healing. Romans 8:11 says, “If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Our bodies are the home of the Healer. Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10). It is vital to align with this truth about the nature of God and His intention for our quality of life. He draws us closer to Him and is glorified in our seasons of suffering, but it is important that we not come into agreement with our pain or with disappointment. Ask Jesus to show you areas in your season of suffering that have caused you to come into agreement with something about His nature and purpose that is not true.
Go to Him in prayer when you are experiencing negative thoughts and situations. Ask that He refresh your spirit and mind in Him. Ask Him to remind you of who you are in Yeshua’s blood, and ask what God says about good health. You will experience peace as the terror lifts off of your soul, and you once again believe in God’s goodness in your life. He wants to remove everything that hinders you from experiencing His life at work within you. Remember, the Spirit of God within you is your biggest motivation for healthy living and your greatest hope for complete healing. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in you, and Jesus came to bring abundant life. He will never leave you or forsake you. May your soul believe God’s Word today and His healing power be released over any stress or sickness in your life. May you come into alignment with God’s heart for you and set goals that will position you to grow and align with His Kingdom purpose!
All of us desire to know what truth is; what happens after I die; or what is my purpose for living. Young and old go through these various struggles. The Bible states in Isaiah 1:18 – “Let us reason together”. It states in Hosea 4:6 – “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. God wants us to know Him in a personal way and He desires for each of us to discover our purpose and destiny in life! Why not start a movement to directly help parents, grandparents, youth pastors, campus leaders to train and equip our young people and “PRODIGALS”? Why not create a “Spiritual Journey Devotional” to bring back prodigals but also prevent the younger generation from becoming one. I (Rick) have worked on University campuses for years talking with countless young people (thousands) discussing and debating issues regarding God and the Bible. Opportunities to debate with representatives of other religions, atheists, agnostics, liberals and philosophies have been numerous. Also many liberal professors challenged me. Out of these experiences seems to arise a constant flow of redundant questions and topics. I have come to conclude that the questions and answers must be given to our young people.
PRODIGALS: Many in your congregation or sphere of influence have children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and spouses who have become prodigals. Many wonder what happened as they were brought up in a Christian home. Can this be addressed directly in our churches and homes???
POINT TO PONDER: Many parents, pastors, youth leaders, cannot answer basic questions which are used to confuse believers and create seeds of doubt. We send our kids ill equipped into the world. Why not create a “DEVOTIONAL” answering these questions for parents and leaders to impact our church culture? It would be broke down into 3 sections – babes, you, and those mature in Christ. . Numerous church leaders I have contacted said this must be done. In my publication “Bible to be True” evidence was given. I believe was a a good start for a family devotional – proving the Bible to be undoubtedly true. What if each parent could cover one of those topics each week? Then tackle the basic questions that are in the new upcoming Devotional – 70 other questions or topical areas would be included. The plan would be a 4 color, High Gloss 100 page devotional.
WHAT IS THE COST PROJECTION???: Based on printing of 5000 copies in the past this is only an estimate to have it done with excellence…10,000$-15,000$. I have spoken with many leaders and they have given me counsel on how to proceed. They all said it is necessary to get this project moving forward. Look at what is happening on some universities: LINK
DONATE???: Send any check to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Make sure you indicate – Devotional project!
PRAYER AT STATE CAPITOL – Thursday Praise and Prayer will be in Room 428 (right beside 426) on February 27 – 10AM. It seems that they have now begun the remodeling of 426. A special guest will be attending “My God Votes” – James Buntrock.
*THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR EFFORTS! Transformation Michigan expenses have increased due to the daily newsletter and website management for 1573 days of prayer calls. We have helped finance state capitol rallies on the Capitol steps; support missionaries; set up a benevolence fund; sow into advancing religious and personal freedom. Mail an offering to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Or go to and go to our website to give an offering. We appreciate all who have given, and who will give, as we contend in prayer to preserve our state and nation!
PAST CONFERENCE CALL LINKS: Share with your Friends, Family, and with Michigan Church Contacts!!!
CALL NUMBER: 727.731.2247 – No access code required.