As we have entered a culture war, we must realize first that we are in a spiritual war. The greatest advantage an enemy can have over you is to make you believe he does not exist. We must know the enemy! They live
among us executing their strategy and plans. President Trump has laid out a strategy for the nation to bring us into a “Golden Age”. This will not manifest unless we the “Remnant Ecclesia” do our part!
IMPORTANT: There are battles and there is a war. We must stay focused on war even though the battles are important. The church must act like an army (2 Timothy 2:1-4, Ephesians 6:12-18). It must organize itself as an Army. We know the church finally wins the war as it states in the Bible, but we are put amid the various battles. We have artillery and air support (praying intercessors), who also take ground action from a spiritual perspective. God has raised up a spiritual band of brothers and sisters.
BLITZCREIG – It is a war conducted with great speed and force…specifically : a violent surprise offensive by massed air forces and mechanized ground forces in close coordination.
“And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:13)
Strategic Steps to Change a Culture – (Ret. Lt. General Jerry Boykin other Contributors) – What about the command structure that is needed to win the war?
1. The Strategic Level is led by a key spiritual general or national Christian leader(s) who have the vision and command the whole theater (United States). They lay out the plans and the strategy. There are a number of national ministries who have capable leadership, better yet, maybe a unified group of Christian national leaders working together as a bring different focuses to the table.
2. The Operational Level is led by other spiritual general(s) who lead key ministries for a state. Campaign plans are developed by this group. We must advance the Kingdom of God by; birthing a great harvest of souls; the fight to end abortion; maintain traditional marriage; stop Sharia law; bring a Biblical worldview paradigm into education and government; etc.
3. The Tactical Level includes individuals (soldiers of Christ) working at the ground level facing the enemy eye to eye. They develop operational ground plans. Pastors, local ministry, and community leaders are at this level…as they take the Gospel into the communities leading their congregations to be the salt of the earth. They work at the grassroots to bring forth that transformational change that our culture so desperately needs.
PROBLEM: Many times people try to do another person’s job on another level and not focus on their own assignment. Christ trained 12 men and they went out to build the church. He did not micro-manage them. He sent them out, trusted them and empowered them. People below each level must be released so they can reach their potential
1. Determine the Objective: It is defining what you are trying to accomplish. Many times organizations start doing one thing then end up doing another…this is loss of focus and direction (Mission Creep – military term). Objective must be determined and you must stick to it and not veer off the path. Leadership must make sure you stay focused. The Holy Spirit is a force multiplier that enables one to go beyond any human capacity. What is force multiplication? Force Multiplication is using a small force of well trained and dedicated people to build a force of many. Their efforts are multiplied as they recruit, equip, organize, and equip others to become a force more powerful and effective than they would be operating on their own. You may not have the capability, but do you have the right capacity for it? Can prayer produce a Divine empowerment and increase that capacity? Yes! Is small the next big? Yes! The Lord will use the foolish and weak to accomplish great things (1 Corinthians 1: 26-31). Define the objective and what you are trying to achieve and see what God can do.
2. Take the Offensive: You do not win on the defensive. You cannot work from a reactionary realm. You must get ahead of the enemy. In the spiritual this means the intercessors must pray ahead of things and not wait for something to manifest. We must have people of prayer who can see prophetically, have discernment, and hear warnings from God because they have relationship with Him. Identify strongholds ahead of time and pray and take action. There must be no mercy for the enemy that blinds men’s souls.
NOTE: Individuals who are called to engage in any one of the cultural gateways must not be reactionary, but lead the way in any community. If the problem has already surfaced take the offensive to push it back.
3. Mass: It is generating and consolidating all of our combat power in a specific place at a specific time to accomplish the objective. Unity is a key to see victory. Spiritually we see the church divided. The Church not unifying in our past elections and standing for moral principles is a prime example. We must unify around a Biblical Worldview paradigm…or all will be lost.
4. Economy of Force: Christian Special Forces go in to set the stage for a larger assault. These Special Forces are applying an economy of force. A few well trained intercessors will go into an area of conflict, deal with a serious issue, or attack against the church. The tendency of the Church is to run to every challenge and lose focus of the main mission – so “specialist” should be sent in instead.
5. Maneuver: When the enemy has changed his tactics we must maneuver staying focused on the objective. The plan must be adjusted without losing the main focus. During a maneuver, when the spiritual enemy is on the run you pursue him with no mercy. Intercessors must continue to pray for total destruction of strongholds that bind the hearts of men and women. Remember, the enemies are the principalities and powers who are out to destroy men’s souls (Ephesians 6:10-20).
6. Unity of Command: It is based on the supposition that we must submit ourselves to someone’s authority (pastor/ministry/community leader). It begins with Jesus Christ as the Head, then the spiritual leader God has placed you with. The problem in the church today is the lack of submission to authority. The enemy is destroying the church by leading revolts against the pastors. If you are leaving a church – leave with a blessing from the pastor! Ideally the church must establish a perimeter where we watch each other’s back. This is done through love, bearing the burdens of others, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, trust, covering each other’s sins, casting down jealousies, competition, strife, manipulation, control, and speaking blessing instead of cursing. God has appointed individuals to lead…pastors and ministry leaders.
7. Security: Watchmen are needed to watch out for spiritual leaders such as pastors and ministry leaders. Leaders must be surrounded by trusted people who will be able to speak to that leader’s heart as a help and safeguard to them. The flanks must be guarded so they are not caught off guard. Leaders must be able to take correction. People need to be enlisted to be praying for leaders to provide a covering.
8. Surprise: Strike at a time when the enemy is weakest. God will give that order to move, if we are listening to His instructions. You use the economy of force to strike. Find the enemies weakness and find those who are studying his tactics to prepare for a surprise assault. Today very few understand the dangers of, Woke, LGBTQ movement, Deep State, Liberalism, witchcraft, Islam and other agendas used to destroy our nation. Never let the enemy know what you are going to do. Look beyond the problems and see the possibilities and utilize surprise.
9. Simplicity: When things go bad and discouragement sets in remember the objective. The commander’s intent must be known so job can be done. It must be simple…simple…simple!
Point to Ponder: “It is likewise interesting the alignments that are now taking place. In the church, there are gatherings of believers from almost across the spectrum of denominations and movements who want to join together, not in a denominational organization, but as different groups who have a common enemy, a common threat to their existence. There are non-religious groups who want to join with the religious because of the overwhelming threat of evil they perceive. It is truly a remarkable time, and it seems that the greatest of all battles between good and evil is now unfolding, and we get to be in it!” – Rick Joyner
The Kindle book will show $9.99 until March 10th when it is free for five days March 10-14.
All of us desire to know what truth is; what happens after I die; or what is my purpose for living. Young and old go through these various struggles. The Bible states in Isaiah 1:18 – “Let us reason together”. It states in Hosea 4:6 – “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. God wants us to know Him in a personal way and He desires for each of us to discover our purpose and destiny in life! Why not start a movement to directly help parents, grandparents, youth pastors, campus leaders to train and equip our young people and “PRODIGALS”? Why not create a “Spiritual Journey Devotional” to bring back prodigals, but also prevent the younger generation from becoming one. I (Rick) have worked on University campuses for years talking with countless young people (thousands) discussing and debating issues regarding God and the Bible. Opportunities to debate with representatives of other religions, atheists, agnostics, liberals and philosophies have been numerous. Also many liberal professors challenged me. Out of these experiences seems to arise a constant flow of redundant questions and topics. I have come to conclude that the questions and answers must be given to our young people.
PRODIGALS: Many in your congregation or sphere of influence have children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and spouses who have become prodigals. Many wonder what happened as they were brought up in a Christian home. Can this be addressed directly in our churches and homes???
POINT TO PONDER: Many parents, pastors, youth leaders, cannot answer basic questions which are used to confuse believers and create seeds of doubt. We send our kids ill equipped into the world. Why not create a “DEVOTIONAL” answering these questions for parents and leaders to impact our church culture? It would be broke down into 3 sections – babes, you, and those mature in Christ. .Numerous church leaders I have contacted said this must be done.. In my publication “Bible to be True” evidence was given. I believe was a a good start for a family devotional – proving the Bible to be undoubtedly true. What if each parent could cover one of those topics each week? Then tackle the basic questions that are in the new upcoming Devotional – 70 other questions or topical areas would be included. The plan would be a 4 color, High Gloss 100 page devotional.
WHAT IS THE COST PROJECTION???: Based on printing of 5000 copies in the past this is only an estimate to have it done with excellence…10,000$-15,000$. I have spoken with many leaders and they have given me counsel on how to proceed. They all said it is necessary to get this project moving forward. Look at what is happening on some universities:
DONATE???: Send any check to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Make sure you indicate – Devotional project!
PRAYER AT STATE CAPITOL – Friday March 7th – Led by Wendy Waterson.- Room 428
*THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR EFFORTS! Transformation Michigan expenses have increased due to the daily newsletter and website management for 1583 days of prayer calls. We have helped finance state capitol rallies on the Capitol steps; support missionaries; set up a benevolence fund; sow into advancing religious and personal freedom. Mail an offering to Transformation Michigan – PO Box 12 – Atlanta, MI – 49709. Or go to and go to our website to give an offering. We appreciate all who have given, and who will give, as we contend in prayer to preserve our state and nation!
PAST CONFERENCE CALL LINKS: Share with your Friends, Family, and with Michigan Church Contacts!!!
CALL NUMBER: 727.731.2247 – No access code required.
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