Would you like to financially help support our “tech team”?

Urgent Tech Team Financial Help Needed

There is more action, events, news, and great results than ever before in the history of our ministry. We desire to keep you connected to this activity as best as we can. Thanks to the help of Nan Schut and Bill Latocki, both are investing much time and services regarding our website, newsletters, etc. We are now able to effectively use Facebook and Twitter.  We also have a new website and blog page. We are launching a website and newsletter for our Michigan Capitol House of Prayer facility which focuses on our government and its leaders.

Can you please send a monthly offering or any size one-time financial gift to Transformation Michigan to support this critical aspect of our ministry as we march towards TheCall: Detroit 11.11.11?  A workman is worthy to be supported and I want them blessed for the many hours they put into this ministry.  You can click on the PayPal link below (you don’t have to have a PayPal account to use this button just a debit/credit card.)

You may also send your check to: Transformation Michigan, P.O.Box 12, Atlanta, MI 49709

Many thanks and may God bless Bill and Nan for your talented gifts.

Thank you, – Rick Warzywak, Transformation Michigan
