The more influence one has in the church or secular culture provides opportunities of success or failure. True success can only be measured in the paradigm of God’s eyes. There is a counterfeit success the world offers. I was opposed on college campuses for preaching the Gospel open air for years by both the church and unbelievers. I knew inside that I needed to be faithful in what God called me to do no matter the pressure I was feeling from the outside. That faithfulness will always promote you to increased responsibility with the opportunity in advancing His Kingdom. When given any assignment by God make sure you are faithful in that sphere of influence no matter how big or small. He will not give you more than you are able to bear but His Grace will be sufficient.
When one stands for a true Biblical Worldview a person will most likely stand the chance of losing their influence, especially in secular circles. Do you want the favor with God or the favor of men? Someday we will face God before His throne and give an account. Jesus was offered the world’s kingdoms by Satan and all the riches of the world. We are all tempted in similar fashions. There is a price to pay in standing for truth. We serve a merciful and just God. We serve one who is good but severe. God is love but also a God of judgment. Fear of man is a great pressure that makes those who have gained influence to shrink back to compromise truth for the sake of keeping right standing in the eyes of men. Should we only speak of mercy and love? Should we only speak of judgment and justice? It is the whole counsel of God that must be addressed.
What about issues that plague society such as abortion and homosexuality? Should we not cover these issues in our pulpits because it is not popular with the world and people in our congregations? Are there other issues? Yes! But I see a confrontation of light and darkness over the issues of abortion (innocent blood on the land) and homosexuality (the destruction of traditional marriage) in our culture. The church is undergoing a test and I am being reminded of a scripture that says narrow be the way and few be there that find it (Matthew 7: 13-14). Who are the few who will rise up in the middle of adversity?