What Hinders A Move Of God?

The three main difficulties were control, racism/division, and not allowing the Holy Spirit to fully move. These factors hindered and cut short what could have been even a greater release of God’s intentions on earth. I have to search my own heart as I share this and want to get out of the way. It is a battle of flesh vs the spirit Humility is the key where we must be willing to go to the back of the line and be hidden. Continue reading What Hinders A Move Of God?

An Apostolic Blueprint Where Heaven Will Invade Michigan

Transformation Michigan has been given an apostolic blueprint where we feel heaven can invade our state and the nation. An apostolic foundation is prayer, praise, declaration and worship.
Jesus Christ is the cornerstone and foundation. We are looking for the workers and co-laborers to run with us in 2012. We all have a sphere of influence and need to lay down all divisions, jealousies, strife’s, and competitions amongst ourselves. How desperate must we become before we see Divine intervention? We need you now! Review the 2012 sustainment plan Continue reading An Apostolic Blueprint Where Heaven Will Invade Michigan

Herrnhut Prayer

There have been times in history which have released the favor of God. Herrnhutt was one such place. A prophetic word was spoken and was birthed out of hardship and persecution. Read this account and story below and may hope rise up out of the desperate circumstance you may be facing. Continue reading Herrnhut Prayer

Call of the Shofars

We can hear the sound of Shofar’s surrounding Mosques, the Capital Building and universities for starters. Transformation Michigan will be organizing event and providing education and information on the Shofar Ministry. We need to give a better definition to this misunderstood ministry which is necessary and part of the body of Christ. Continue reading Call of the Shofars