Great Awakening in Michigan and Our Nation

Will Michigan be the net Herrnhut?
Will Michigan be the net Herrnhut?

Why should we study history? We can learn both from the good and the bad. Any time God has directly intervened into man’s affairs history took a turn for the good. It is the result of prayer and the stirring of a remnant few.  Do we need a great awakening today? What are the common denominator’s that led to great awakenings throughout history?

Throughout history, God has divinely intervened during times of great distress all over the world. Why not Michigan? Why not America today? What are the common denominator’s that led to God’s visitations? Is it our responsibility to study history regarding Great Awakenings of the past and come into agreement with those principles?

These questions also need to be considered.  Is it possible for the church to come together in unity as we rally around these principles? Is it possible for individuals, churches, and ministries to come together and still maintain their identity as well as their calling? Is God allowing an opportunity for a man to enter into his end time plan? Does God prefer mercy over judgment? Do you desire to see a literal visitation of God in your family, city, County, state and nation?


*A call to pray as desperation sets in because of immorality and the secularization of society.

*A remnant that responds who seeks the presence of God with expectation and faith.

*A seeking of a greater revelation of the cross with the uplifting of Jesus Christ.

*A desire to pray for the un-saved along with intercession for the region.

*A spirit of repentance, open confession of sin, in a spirit of humility.

*A change of heart were forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation manifests.

*A response of obedience and holiness results.

*A deep desire a visitation which would be spirit led and not man centered.

*A declaration of God’s word over individuals and regions with importunity.

*A desire for unity in the church in proper alignment with Christ as the head.



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