Heartbeat Bill in MI – 9/19

I had indicated that 2 important newsletters were going to being released from Transformation MI. This is the second one. On this Thursday, morning a press release and social media blast is being made. It is regarding the HEARTBEAT BILL in Michigan.

We have provided numerous endorsements in MI for the Michigan Heartbeat Coalition (MHC) initiative. The media release today by a major voice in the Pro-Life movement (Abby Johnson – UNPLANNED) will have a real positive impact on our efforts.

Many have heard of the movie “UNPLANNED” and it’s impact on the dialogue in our nation regarding “LIFE OF THE UNBORN”. The main focus of the movie was suction abortion. I have seen it 3 times and wept in parts of the movie each time. I knew the mission we are on to end Roe v Wade has been confirmed. The main character of the movie was ABBY JOHNSON – a GIANT in the LIFE Movement today.

Our team personally met with her and we have forged a great relationship with her. She had 2 abortions and as a Planned Parenthood Director facilitated 22,000 others. We must give thanks to the Lord for His love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. She is now a voice for LIFE!


1. Abby fully supports the MI Heartbeat Bill! We have her personal video endorsement for you to view and utilize below.     SHARE…SHARE…SHARE

2. She said that Planned Parenthood is not concerned about “Dismemberment” but fears the “Heartbeat” movement in our nation.    VIDEO COMING NEXT WEEK!

3.  RTL in MI is predominantly a Catholic organization. Abby produced an appeal video for Bishops and Catholics in MI to support Heartbeat.     SHARE…SHARE…SHARE – with of your Catholic friends: 

4. The Heartbeat is what impacted her the most in her transformational change in a encounter with the Lord for forgiveness.     VIDEO COMING NEXT WEEK!

5. Abby is very disturbed with the RTL movement and their incremental efforts across America to oppose Heartbeat.     VIDEO COMING NEXT WEEK!

6. Abby is very disturbed about the disunity caused by RTL and their incrementalist approach to regulate and not end abortion.

7. She believes the Heartbeat movement in our nation is the path to overturn Roe v Wade!    NOTE: The videos above are only a beginning as we have others where she shares her heart on various aspects of her testimony for LIFE. We are producing a short video to be shown before a church service for Heartbeat Bill signature gatherings!.

If you have any UNPLANNED movie showings please contact me at rw247365@gmail.com

IMPORTANT: Share these videos on all of your social media sites, email list, with church leaders, pro-life advocates! We all have our own sphere of influence. 

God bless,

Rick Warzywak – Transformation MI/ATD/MHC