“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

I indicated a number of times on our conference call a link would be provided regarding apologetics which would assist us in defending the faith. This website was created by me a number of years ago to address so many areas I get confronted with on college campuses. For example, if you go to the top RED bar and click on ISSUES you will see many of the areas that I have been covering on our calls. The topical areas on this website are many…so you have to methodically go through areas of interest so you can utilize the links to help others that you are attempting to win for Christ.

It took me many hours to put this together and where you see videos that are no longer available I am in the process of replacing them with new updated ones. It just takes time as my web administrator works for nothing basically in comparison to the hours she puts in. She has been a blessing over the years in helping the ministry go forward.

Remember, as I have emphasized, we have the advantage when witnessing to those who are weak in the faith, unbelievers, agnostics, atheists, and those following other religions and false Gods. We have assurance that God is not a “respecter of persons” (Romans 2:11-16) and gives all a “space to repent” (2 Peter 3:9). 

1. We are all created in God’s image and have a mind, will, emotions, and imagination (Genesis 1).
2. The creation was given to us as a witness as there is a designer for the grand design we see with our eyes and so man will have an excuse (Romans 1:18-21).
3. The moral law was written into our hearts which is embodied in the two greatest commandments (Romans 2:14-15). This law written in our hearts is a schoolmaster to bring us    to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:24).4. We each have been given a conscience to approve or condemn our actions and our thoughts (1 Timothy 1:5).5. The Moral Code…10 Commandments are Common Sense  principles we can cite to the LOST!

No one has the perfect approach as we witness the gospel to various individuals. In Jude 3 it says to save some with fear and others with compassion. Some common questions I like to open with are these basic approaches:
1. Who is Jesus Christ to you?
2. Do you believe in God?
3. Do you believe the Bible is true?4. Do you believe you’re a good person?

One of these questions will certainly open the door for much of what we have covered in our conference calls and the website link below.

You have been called to bring in the great harvest of souls so use this website as a resource link!

“Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 8:9)

God bless,
Rick WarzywakTransformation Michigan Intercession/Michigan Capitol House of Prayer


  1. Pastor Rick!
    Thank you sooo much for putting together the apologetics on various subjects! I’m really loving how the Holy Spirit is giving a new fresh vision of scripture & how He reminded me : as a follower of Christ, I have a calling. I have a gift. God has given me an ability for service. So I must keep using it for the Lord.

  2. Thank you so much for all of these references. My wife Lois and I are dedicated to reaching the lost when we can, while we can until Jesus comes for HIS own. So we naturally want to be prepared (purpose to read our bible daily) to have a conversation with the folk that will facilitate a give and take while focusing on Jesus. We had no idea there was such a cache of information like this available. Thank you for all that you, yours and friends are doing for the LORD and we disciples.

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