Lord’s Living Room

Contact Scott Armstrong @ pastorscott@thehillchurch.com Phone 248.506.9950

The Hill Church

LLR Nightly Prayer Call
Teleconference #:  218.486.1616 passcode 874300#
M-F @ 10:00 pm


Each night, we’ll have a different focus.  Each night we will align with a different “mountain” of culture to pray for.  Below are the general topics:
Monday:  Our Family (Mountain of Family)
Tuesday: The Body of Christ (Mountain of Religion)
Wednesday:  Our Schools (Mountain of Education)
Thursday:  The Marketplace (Mountains of Arts/Entertainment, Media, Government, Business)
Friday:  Open Prayer, Praise & Testimony (The Mountain of God)


Message: This is a nightly prayer call M-F at 10:00 pm where a group of like
minded prayer warriors gather to seek God to lead and guide our
mission.  The more the merrier! All is welcome.

The Hill Church is growing a network Lord’s Living Room’s with the
hopes to reclaim the spaces we work live and play for His glory! The
thought is that we’ve let the spaces we live to forget God. The
mission of the Lord’s Living Room (Board Room or Locker Room) is to
reclaim these spaces by making Him the daily center of life again.

The LLR is a lifestyle as much as it is “house church” centered around
the natural communities we live in.  A foundational component of each LLR is daily prayer. The desire is to
have every community we live in to be praying daily!

For His Glory, Scott