Chuck Pierce Judah Breakthrough 1/25/2025

Judah Breakthrough

Shekinah Church, Ann Arbor, MI

Chuck Pierce

January 25, 2025

[Does not include first several minutes]

There’s nothing He can’t bring back better.

So, on September the third. See, that’s why I don’t have a problem remembering time. On September the third, 1972 God gave me a scripture out of Proverbs, and it said, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding.”

And I’ve got a real good brain, and some of you have real good brains, but that can be a detriment to you if you’re not careful. And he said, If you’ll give me your first fruits, every… your first fruits, then I’ll refill your barns. I’ll heal all of your body. See it’s right here in Proverbs, chapter three. And I’ll give you new wine every day. So, I had to ask the Lord, what is first fruits? Because I want to do that for you to restore all. 

See, here’s how promises and prophecy works. You’re going to have to find the thread and the layer of what’s going to unravel everything that needs to be unraveled. And I think that’s been a key to my life. I’ve been able to keep clear what God has said to me as I have maneuvered through life. Because life isn’t that easy at times, but life is movement.

So, I like what Fred said, You quit moving and you quit life. That’s how simple it is. The word life is linked with movement. And so when you feel yourself not moving, you have to know life is getting stagnant.

And so as I pursued the Lord, from the time I was 18 on, God gave me revelation of First Fruits. Rosh Chodesh. In the Bible, it’s a timed place of action. See, the Bible is timed around..our covenant is timed. God’s not in time, but we are. So you have to learn the time of our covenant and how to walk in it.

The first time, essence is Shabbat. He worked seven days, and he’s six days, and he stopped on the seventh and he Shabbatted. Now, God did not get tired. God doesn’t get tired. But he knew what he needed to do was look back at the last six days, review what he had made, and determine if it was good or did he want to adjust it? See if you’ll do that every six days in your life, if you’ll stop and say, God, look back at those last six days. First of all, I don’t want to go through this. I don’t want to go through this. I do want to take what happened on the third day and take it into next week with me.

You’ll begin to prosper in a whole new way, and then the next time element is first fruits – once a month, and the Word of God is timed around… and see the Earth… we’re part of a universe. You know, the first time I ever said that some people thought you’re not supposed to be looking at the stars or talking about any of this.

I said, What world do you come from? We’re part of a universe that got made, and you’ve got to know you’re very important in that universe, not just very important in the world. Are very important in Michigan. Are very important in Ann Arbor. You are important in the entire universe that God has placed you, and you need to see that.

And first fruits is timed so that once a month, you’re able to look at your lump. This is what Romans says. First fruits is not an Old Testament dynamic. It’s right there in Romans also, you look at the best… the lump you have, and you say, out of that lump I’m going to devote this portion to you. There’s no rules on it. You give your best out of your lump that you can give to Him, and then all of a sudden, it projects you with all the blessings the next month.

You have confidence that you’re going to receive all those blessings. You’re going to have confidence that he’s going to direct your path when you’re not moving right.

And then the third time element is linked with the Feast times. And he said those will be… had to be understood from generation, generation, generation. Now having to celebrate them — there are no rules in that, but the timing of the feast becomes very important because they’re all linked around harvest, and if you don’t stay in the timing of them, you’re going to lose your harvest mentality. And not be able to keep the cycle of harvest going on. That needs to go on.

Honduras, you stand up. The Lord said, I am coming down to create new cycles in Honduras. I’ve been twice. That was with Paul Wilbur — we did big worship gatherings there. The Lord said, I’m coming down to create new cycles in Honduras. And the cycle of violence is beginning to wane. The Lord said violence is linked with broken covenants. So I’m saying to you, son, you are there to restore the covenant of that land back to me. I say to you all the broken covenants in Honduras, I’m going to start addressing this year and where they have been broken and where violence has erupted from the breaking of those covenants. I say to you; you’re going to begin to see covenants made in new ways. You’re going to begin to see new alignments occur. And the Lord says, I’m even going to cause the political workings of that territory to acknowledge that there is something happening new. I say your day has changed in Honduras, and I am sending you back in there with a new covenant anointing on you, and you watch The Covenant double and double again in days ahead.

So, I have a very unique book called A Time to Advance when you understand time, you’re able to move. This book is about tribes and the relationship with the tribes and the time, monthly time, and the cycles of blessings. This book is very, very key and very unusual and gets a lot of flak but will open your eyes in a new way. I also have a book that ??? Alma ?? a new one since I’ve been up here, I believe, and it’s called and it’s where we’re headed.

It’s what we’re I think, for the first time, we some way or another, when our president signed those executive orders, it made us aware of something we had lost — that there is a power of the signet ring. We have entered the season of the signet ring. Also, I want to give you that book, and I want to decree that the signet ring, you will watch how it moves in days ahead.

Now, so you can have any three books back there. We’ve got… Dutch and I have updated The Prophetic Destiny in the Nation is back there also a lot of books. I’ve written a bunch, and they’re good and they’re different, you know, and there’s some that are real simple. One time I was thinking up here, somebody stood up said, Do you have a book that won’t stress me out?

That’s why your clapping was so needed.

I said, Yeah, I got one, my wife and I wrote it together. It’s called One Thing. It’s about how faith, all you gotta do is find the one thing God’s telling you to do and it will unravel everything else. And Pam and I, we’ve been married 52 years.., and yeah! When we wrote another book together called the Rewards of Simplicity, which was used in the secular world also. And the publisher, I’ve co-authored a lot of books with people, but I did the two with my wife, and when we were doing the Rewards of Simplicity, they said, you two are as different as night and day. How have you lived together all these years? She said it’s real simple. He’s traveled the whole time. So, think about what really happened when COVID occurred and none of us could go anywhere. And all of a sudden, Pam got me!

So incredibly… and to finish the story, I went blind and was diagnosed with a tumor on the optic nerve, and he got my attention to see, and the rest is history. I’ve followed him ever since, and I’ve watched him do every step of it, not me, nothing, anything I would have chosen to do, and I will tell you he is worth following. Let’s thank God for that.

Now, here’s what we’re going to see this year.

Let me go quickly, because we’ll have to leave for the airport. This is what’s happening. We’re under a time of visitation, and God is ordering that time of visitation in the midst of this war. I’m going to concentrate on America for a little while. Starting… it’s been almost 10, eight days now, the Lord awakened me and said, I will show you the next 1000 days if you want to see it. Well, you know, I had fear and trembling; like Ezekiel only, you know, Lord, whether I want to see that or not.

And yet again, my whole life revolves around following him and seeing how he wants us to step. And so He began to show me how little by little, 100 days at a time, we would progress into a new dimension of glory. And what would be happening in the midst of these things. Well, when he first started this with me, he showed me nations going, I mean, it was like a puzzle of the world, which I’m very familiar with, the world. And they were… you didn’t even know where to place the pieces, because they were flying in this circle, and a hand would come out, and then a hand would put them down into the puzzle.

So the word of the Lord to the nations and for the State Department in America is every nation is going to have a visitation, and they are going to be determined how they will be positioned for the future over these next 1000 days. There will be a rearrangement of nations throughout the earth. And it was amazing to see it, and to see some you wouldn’t have thought, but Honduras, that’s why I’m so shocked you were here. I mean, see, I don’t go just out of knowledge, cuz I’ve got a lot. I can’t do that. God said Honduras would change. That was last week. And here you are. So, you carry that back to that nation, and you say, now we’ve got quite a history here, the most violent nation in the world at times, and the Lord says we have just changed, and we’re getting repositioned on his map.

See, that’s how you rehearse what God say. And when hell doesn’t like what God is saying, you say it louder. That’s how it works. You get louder and louder. You know, we didn’t have kids for 10 years, the Pam got healed, and we had all those kids. Oh God! And they’re all brilliant, and they’re all on the edge. It’s easier to say they’re on the verge, and they’ve all had a real interesting dynamic about them, and yet God gave me a scripture, All your children will be taught of the Lord and great will be the peace of your children. So, when they’re all acting like fools, I get louder with that verse, and I watched that verse frame them into their future.

See, I’m doing the same thing with my grandkids. I didn’t even particularly like kids, and here we’ve got all these kids and all these grandkids, and I’m enjoying it. Last Thanksgiving, I said, y’all just all stay in the house. Thank God I’ve had my way out.. and y’all just stay in the house and eat and enjoy each other. I’ll go watch the kids in the backyard. Well, the next thing I know, the six year old is teaching the five and four year old how to get up… we have a guest house in our backyard that has three stories. He was teaching them how to get up to the top of the roof. I just sat there and watched.

So finally, when they reach their goal, you know, you gotta let kids reach their goal. I call back into the house and I said, “John, Issac, y’all’s kids are up on the third story roof of the guest house.” I mean, we don’t have a big house, but in the backyard, we’ve got this guest house that is just incredible. I heard this incredible commotion go on in our house, and they all come, came running out screaming, Dad, you were supposed to be watching those kids. I said, I did watch ‘em. I watched ‘em go all the way up to the roof. You’re crazy if you think I’m going up there to get ‘em down.

Now that brings me to this point. We’re going to see some things that you gonna’ have to step back and just let it happen this year and not try to stop it until it gets to the place that it needs to be.

See, God does the same thing. He said, Abraham, here’s your promise, here’s your boundaries, here’s all and then don’t you love the Lord? He said, Here’s your boundaries, what it will be. And within those boundaries is the Gergashites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, on and on. He said, here’s all the enemies that will take over the boundary, but they’re in your boundaries, so they’re yours. Within your promise, all the enemies belong to you. Now remember that you can always find the enemies inside the promise, and you already have authority over. And he said, but now they’re not going to come into all they are supposed to be, and they’re not going to amass all the wealth they’re supposed to amass for 10 generations. Then I’m going to send a group in to take their wealth, overthrow them, and what I promised I’m going to give you. That’s why we’re rehearsing the promise. There’s a lot out there waiting on us that we have not taken. There’s a lot in Honduras, and there’s some buried treasures in Honduras that have never been uncovered, and the Lord said it’s because the covenant hadn’t gotten to a place of demonstration to uncover it.

So with this portal being repositioned over us, with our nation shifting now, all of a sudden, the wealth of the world is beginning to shift. And the enemies are clamoring for their rule.

But look at someone and say, but God! We still here! Look at em’ and say, we still here.

Let me go quickly with you, because I want to reiterate something that Fred has said to us.

We’re living in this era of war, but we’re toward the land of fruitfulness.

In the progression, this is a year of supernatural grace and supernatural ability to overtake some of what the enemy has in storage. That’s what… that’s how Jesus said the enemy, you’re not gonna’ be able to pull what he’s got back into you until you bind him. You have to bind the strong man, and then all of what he’s got stored up is going to pour out to You.

Now, Lord, we lose that in Michigan. And so see, this year really is summarized as being a year to dethrone atmospheric shifts and tear down the Goliaths.

Now the Goliaths are the ones who are trying to set the atmosphere under a demonic rule from their voice. So see, it’s a war of voice. Goliath withstand for 40 days decree over Israel how it was going to be defeated. And after those 40 days, they were believing it. When you walk out here today and all the people you know out here, this is how this thing multiplies. You need to say, we’re not listening to what they’re saying in the atmosphere.

We’re not agreeing with it. We can hear it but not agree with it. That’s what happened to David. He walked in there and said, Why y’all agreeing with this? And then the Lord used him to dethrone it. You’re going to be surprised who the Lord uses to dethrone lots of enemies this year.

And so when this is shifting back, what’s happening is, all of a sudden, the word of God is becoming active again.

We’re hearing it, and the atmosphere is going to take on a new rule. The atmosphere will be penetrated this year, especially where God intends for the portal to come so Michigan, get ready. We have prayed in every nook and cranny of this state, and I even prayed over Mackinaw Island yesterday, and God says, I’m repositioning myself over you. I brought you to attention last year. This year, I’m repositioning myself over you, and you will go to war.

And it’s not striving. It’s just you walking out and saying, God is going is doing this in our midst right now. Now, with that what you really see going on here is David’s Tabernacle will be restored and a portal of Heaven realigned in key places.

You’re seeing… because see David’s Tabernacle is a given promise, God said to Judah and Genesis 49 you will always have a scepter and someone from your tribe, and the redemptive.. that’s what you get out of this book here, a lot of stuff like that. The redemptive promise of that bloodline will always sit on the throne. And when David came on the throne, David made as many mistakes as other leaders made. Made three colossal mistakes, but what he did was he always had a heart to come back to the Lord and get the presence of God central in the nation.

Now, what God is looking at this year is who will bring that presence into a new central awakening. See all those prayer networks are part of the remnant, but when we have a meeting like this, we’re bringing revelation into a central place, and then we’re emanating out from it, and that’s what David always did, and what David did was bring the ark out of Moses

Tabernacle, very unconventionally, defy religion of the day and set it in a new tabernacle where it was not veiled, and people had access to it, because without the access to the presence, we could not see the change that needed to come. And so this year, the Kingdom war is over…

is over the presence and God has to have Kingdom violent people who are pursuing to get this presence in place. It’s really all it boils down to. And it was Jesus Yeshua who said, listen, nobody on earth has ever been greater than John the Baptist, but the least one in the kingdom will be greater. In other words, John the Baptist had one message repentance and Jesus said that was an awesome message that paved the way for me, but that message now is shifting from change your mind into demonstrate my kingdom power.

The least one in the kingdom will be greater than John the Baptist, the Lord said. And then he says to us, you know John, because John some group of disciples, of His disciples, to go and ask him, are you really knew him from the womb? That’s how easily if you don’t keep shifting, you can lose sight of where you’re going. Knew him from the womb, and now he’s in prison because that one message from that wineskin never took its next shift, only Philip and Andrew left him and went with Yeshua.

And now he’s sending… and The word of God said He… what happened to his disciples they went back to the Pharisees. Now, if you don’t shift, but let me say it this way… you gonna’ on a shift! Look at somebody and tell them you gonna’ shift, but it’s which way you go shift. You have to choose. Our nation is shifting, and we want it to go into a new glory realm.

And only two of those disciples went in from him. And he comes and sends the rest of these Pharisee people over to say, Are you really the one we still really looking for? And Jesus said, John, listen, whether you believe in me or not, everything you prophesied is happening. Believe in what you prophesied that’s going on right now. That’s why we go back and rehearse things, because we’re going to see things that people who believed that quit believing, and now they’re working it out. In this generation, they’re beginning to manifest.

You need to determine, I’m not going to lose sight of the manifestation and demonstration of the presence of God. And Michigan I’m telling you, God said, this is your year to demonstrate. I saw it. When y’all beat Ohio State. You all weren’t supposed to beat them. They won the national championship this year, but what jarred them into awakening was Michigan defeating them. Pushed em’ into revival and favor. Michigan, I’m telling you, you got so much word coming down through this portal this year. You gonna’ decree a thing and it’s going to start happening.

I’m glad I can see God, because see some way or another the last time we talked, we talked about how Michigan had such an anointing on it the year before, but all of a sudden, while I’m watching that game, or we’re going into that game, because, you know, I like to play cards, I like to do a few things, I could see the Lord coming down on Michigan, and that’s how you watch favor.

Now, some of you who’ve got good sense can be ?? that and say, I’m gonna’ see some favor coming down and I’m gonna’ prosper in a new way.

I loved it, but then they did try to stick their yellow flag in Ohio’s ground. Just only do what you’re supposed to do. Don’t go any further, but somebody needs to take Michigan’s flag, go to the very center of this state, stick it in the ground. Say, Listen, your day has changed. You didn’t do that before Passover.

Now with that, let’s look at David’s Tabernacle.

That’s where I want to go see, see Yeshua, that was prophesied to Judah. Judah… David accomplished that prophecy. And then what happened was, from that prophecy, after David’s rule, Solomon’s thing sort of fell apart, and all of a sudden, Amos is prophesying, but the tabernacle David will be rebuilt, and that’s how the Gentiles are going to come in. That’s in Amos nine.

Then you get over into Acts where the early church is forming, and all of a sudden, they get in a big discussion over the Gentiles, and they come to the conclusion we’re going to agree on one thing, the tabernacle of David will be restored and rebuilt. See, this is one of those prophecies that will happen, but if you don’t get in an understanding of it, you won’t see it while it is happening. Does that make sense to you? That’s what happens to John. He couldn’t see what he had prophesied happening because he didn’t keep going toward it, and he was great.

Now here’s the thing you want to know about the key of David, David’s Tabernacle being restored. Every generation was meant to restore David’s Tabernacle in their territory every generation. Now we have not done that well with that, and some nations don’t even embrace the Ark as central in their worship.

And really that was the only thing that differentiated Saul and David. Saul had a lot going for him. He was handsome. Had a lot happening for him, but he couldn’t care less whether the Ark got back in place.

See, God is looking right now, with this portal coming in alignment over territories is who’s going to make sure that the presence is intact?

Now David’s tabernacle is a prophetic, non-negotiable prophecy. It is being restored. This will happen. So that says to us, we’re gonna always have to rehearse that in the midst of what we’re doing. How is this restoring David’s Tabernacle? That’s the way you want to think about that. David’s tabernacle gave access. So if it’s being restored today, there’s new access to the presence without a veil. David’s Tabernacle had a sound about it. It had singers and musicians and dancers, and it had instruments, all of that was prophesying in the midst of it. And that’s what was used to keep the portal open and moving. That’s why hell hates the thought of sound coming down. But David’s Tabernacle just isn’t in the worship group… that isn’t what David’s Tabernacle is.

David’s tabernacle became the habitation of the Ark of God’s presence, and it would remain central until that presence could not be pulled out of the ground. Because, see, you find over in Amos, in that prophetic dimension, not only is that going all the way up into the heavenlies, but it’s going down through the stratas of the earth. See, so when you’re restoring David’s tabernacle, you’re breaking the iniquities out, and where those thrones are connected down into the iniquities of the Earth, they’re loosening up. So it takes that.


It pointed us to a new covenant filled with grace, not of law. Good Lord, I am… rules. Some of us aren’t real good with rules. You are aware of that. I have Reggie and Aaron with me, and you know, sometimes and God…  God doesn’t just look to make sure we follow all the rules, either. And sometimes, we’re havin’ to say Lord, We need grace to break this rule.

If you don’t do something, we’re gonna miss that flight, and we have to be to the next step. He said, What do you want me to do? Such a wonderful man, but not… He’s not a real crazy type.

And I said, I don’t care what you do. It’s right after 911 and the airports were crazy. I said, but you will do something, or else you gonna get it! J

Well, he heard. We walked we walked into the airport, Burbank Airport packed out, and all of a sudden he starts yelling to the top of his voice, “Famous person coming through, clear the way, clear the…”

Listen. Listen. Those people started parting… it was like the Red Sea parting and he would just get louder and louder. And, you know, Dutch is so straight laced it can run you crazy. Can run me crazy. And I thought, step back there or go with it, buddy. That’s the way revival is gonna be. You’re gonna need to stay back there. Or you just gonna go with it. And Brian… before long, I am the very first one in line with Dutch trailing behind me trying to go under the crowd and it. And they just… within minutes we were all the way through.

It was so amazing, until the anointing lifted off, and you wondered, oh Lord, I hope TSA does not drag me out of here some way. And so when we’re going through the people that are allowing me to go through with Dutch and Brian now, said Mr. Rogers, we are so glad to have you come through.

You.. I said, “It’s wonderful to be here!” And just kept walking. And Dutch said, “You know you are crazy.” I said, “But you got through!”

Now I’m telling ya.. there are certain times we have grace to press on.

David’s Tabernacle included all of us. Let’s give a clap and say thank God for David’s Tabernacle.

It suggested this new type of church where what Barbara said last night, believers could be kings and priests. Look at somebody next to you and say, “You are somebody!”

It shifted all that blood from killing all those animals into a place of joy.

And you know, again, I’ve been all over the world. I’ve been with certain people and into certain places, and we were in Hanoi once, and Cindy said that we have got to go in and decree the tabernacle David will replace that ruling structure in the temple there. And I said, help!

They were still sacrificing. I mean, you couldn’t get in without killing something. And I said, some way she got us past the first level. All those structures have levels to it. So when you’re taking the devil out, don’t get impatient. You got to take him out a level at a time. And finally, she got to about level four, and I said, I am out of here. I cannot take this any longer that Mama Chan was sitting up there on that throne I feel like she’s targeting me. I said, I’m going you finish it. Well, I’ve done that lots of times. I said, There’s snipers out there you go first. Marty, you came to intercede. Get out there and intercede. If you make it in, then I’ll go right behind you. I’m the one with the message. Don’t you get it?

Now… and this tabernacle has prophetic life giving power that gains strategies for us to defeat the enemy. We don’t get strategies without the Tabernacle David. See, so every time we’ve made headway, it’s because we’ve gotten in the presence a little more center. That’s the way you want to think about

Go to that chart I made of what David’s Tabernacle look like.

What I think Barbara saw is this new government coming down to exercise power. And Dutch was with us when I sent Marty out first, because that sniper was killing everybody in DC, and we were up there to a meeting, and he had just killed someone that morning on the other street next to us. And I said, You crazy, if you think I’m going into that meeting first, and it was dark by now. I said, Marty, you came to intercede. You get up first. If you make it up through the door, we’re right behind you. And Dutch said, “I can’t believe you sent her out first.” I said, “Did you want to go first? I would have sent you out first.” He said, “Well, no, not really.” I said, “Then good, good. Let him shoot her first. Either we’ll run into the building or we’ll take off in the car.

You gotta think on how you gonna keep moving. Tell somebody I’m gonna keep moving this year!

David’s tabernacle… nobody is crazy enough to try to kill Marty Cassidy, she’s mean. J Everybody knows that about her. They would be crazy.

All right. Now, this is what it really looked like, the Ark of the Covenant once it gets central, then this judgment thing and gets comes into balance. Because judgment and justice begins to work through the prophets. And then you had all these people that David… this was part of David’s tabernacle, the commander of the army, the recorder and scribes. I’m decreeing every day that our government in DC start reflecting this look. You have musicians, singers, dancers, you have priests. You can’t get rid of the pastors just because you’re apostolic, prophetic. You’ve got to see the pastor’s role in David’s Tabernacle. You’ve got to see the Prophet’s role in David’s Tabernacle. But you’ve got to know that the apostolic role in David’s Tabernacle is to take the war strategies and execute them.

All those… That’s not a hierarchical thing we’re working with when we’re talking about first apostles, second, prophets, third, teachers. That is a foundational thing that all of you are, any of us are meant to stand upon. It’s foundational. Then David’s Tabernacle had chief ministers. You’ve got to know who are the…. who are the gatekeepers. The Treasury is linked with David tabernacle. So when your treasury starts not filling up always go back to first fruits and where is the presence right now?

And it had military divisions. See David’s Tabernacle, with the presence central could not be defeated. As long as the presence remains central, and everybody kept operating within it.

Now, this is what I want to do before I leave. The Lord told me, because of this portal realigning, I was to bring apostle Yoder a key. [to Barbara] Come right up here with me.

These are older keys, and they unlock all sorts of things. This key represents what you saw coming down. See, I didn’t know you saw that. We had not talked until I heard you say that up here. And the Lord said, but you had to have the key of David to unlock it. And the Lord says this year, the key of David is going to sweep across the Great Lakes Region. Oooo…I feel an anointing on that. The Lord said, I’ve realigned the portal here. My throne is coming down, and I’m giving you the key, and you will know how to move it across the Great Lakes Region. And over the next three years, that fire that has been prophesied will come alive along that Great Lake Region.  The Lord said, I have come back to realign myself over this Michigan land, and from this land, all of Canada can be changed, but the Great Lakes will be filled with fire. Let’s give a shout.

And the Lord says, You’ve got the key to the fire this year!

Now let me say this. So far this year, the Lord sent me to Philadelphia, to Massachusetts, the first city — Philadelphia Declaration of Independence, Massachusetts, Constitution, Alabama, the first state that has aligned with Israel in America when they became a nation and has remained aligned with them.

And Michigan, because the Lord said, I am putting in this hand a power to change the course of the land. And the Lord said, because you gather today and yesterday, I have acknowledged this gathering, heard your cry, and in the next 100 days, you will see movement begin to happen with Michigan. I bless you. I thank God for you. And I decree that the throne and Tabernacle of David is now being restored and rebuilt in Michigan. And a nation will rejoice over it in Jesus’ name.