Chuck Pierce Judah Breakthrough 1/24/2025

Judah Breakthrough

Shekinah Church

Chuck Pierce

January 24, 2025

Lord, thank you. So unusual.

Now put your hand on somebody and say the glory of God is here.

Wow, you may be seated.

The Spirit of God is really here. I want to share with you some things that I’m seeing, but I don’t think I would be…. And you know, after you’ve

gone to 160 nations and gone all over in Honduras.. I’ll have a word for Honduras before you leave.

You wonder how the Lord did that [reference to story told by Barbara Yoder] and how that occurred. And I think it was just because, you know, there comes times in our life where he is everything, nothing else. And you know, I’ve got a wonderful family, but we didn’t even have a family till I surrendered to go to places, to the world.

I mean, see, God knows us. So that’s why he didn’t let us judge each other too partially because we only He knows what we all have gone through and what he ordained for us to begin with. And yet I’m not sure I would be who I have been and who I am in the spirit world without God bringing me to Detroit and me meeting Apostle Barbara Yoder and these incredible people of Michigan. Let’s thank God for a possible

Barbara and I had never met, till we did this meeting in Detroit together at one of the large hotels there, Renaissance Hotel, and the Spirit of God came down, just sovereignly came down. It was one of those things where, you know you, you just saw the Lord come down, and people started confessing all of their sins and repenting.

One guy of murder. I mean, it was crazy, some of the things that God brought out, but this is what happened as a result of the… what happened in that room… It went out all over the city, and there were tents all over the city, and Detroit was about to go ablaze again, 

with riots, and that was on a Saturday. And on Monday USA Today, the headline was “Violence Turned in Detroit.” That’s how powerful God’s people, a they have a kingdom mentality, can change an entire city in a moment. Let’s thank God for that.

And God honored us. They gave us the Spirit of Detroit Award. It was just… the mayors recognized it, and it shifted my life into a place of seeing how when God’s people move in a certain way, how entire territories can be changed, how a city can be changed in a day. And

so that brings me to why we’re here tonight. Because my life changed drastically at the beginning of 2020, when COVID came and everything; the world changed, we went into a whole new era, and yet I knew it was the moment for the Lord to do a great shift in me as well, and I spent lots of time with him and began to only.. that first year, He only told me I could go to 10 places.

See when you travel 550,000 miles a year, air miles and then all of a sudden, the Lord said, I’m going to start off and you’re going to be able to go to 10 cities. And you’re going to have to hear me over each city, because I’m beginning to do a new work in America. It was really a different assignment. I can’t say… but one time when Dutch shoes and I went to all 50 states in America that I have even felt called to America. It’s not been my call, so to speak. When God gives me an assignment, I do it. But you know, I’m called to the world and the nations; I surrendered to that when I was 18, and yet he was redoing my call.

And what happened at Feast of Tabernacles this past year 5785, all of a sudden it took about those four years for me to get clarity of all he was doing. And I mean, I’m still going 200,000 miles now a year, 250, but I couldn’t I knew he was doing something differently. And when, Apostle Barbara, was there, I was there we were at the celebration of Bishop Bill Hammon’s 90th birthday, 70th year of ministry, and all of a sudden, the Lord spoke to me, and said, I will direct your steps now back to the places where thin places have occurred from prior moves of God and where I am ready to fully open the portals of my glory.

Well, one of my first thoughts was Detroit, and yet I knew I couldn’t do anything about this. I couldn’t pick up the phone and call anybody, I couldn’t do anything. I just knew that the Lord had said, this will be the year now, because you have seen so many things happen, you’ve all prayed so many prayers. I mean, some of you have prayed till your blue in the face, I mean, and you just… there’s nothing else to pray, and the atmosphere between heaven and earth is very thin, and the Lord said, I’m going to take you back to where I’m going to open the portals. That’s why I’m here.

There is a portal up here [in Michigan] that is now opening. Look at somebody and say, NOW.

So apostle, Barbara, I think you saw the throne that’s coming down. And I want to share some things to try to help us get to the place today and tomorrow, that we get to a place that we are not operating in past seasons, but we’re stepping through into this new dimension.

Fred, I see over there, and Michigan is on God’s radar. And something has really happened in my life since November, at the beginning of November, before the election, the Lord has been just overwhelming me with Revelation, pouring revelation down. I’m in some sort of revelatory wind, and we’re going to all create that up here also. And yeah…

Barbara’s already told you I can be a little mischievous, too, so on top of that. But that’s… God is doing something in us he has never done before. I want you to throw your hand up and say, Here I am, Lord.

Now let’s look at this. So, really the time is now. Everybody say now. See now is a time word it’s that f ? moment where all of a sudden, things are aligned, and you’re in this moment that is so important, and we’re warring to see that promise that God has… We’ve heard the Lord say we’re warring to step into the reality of it. It’s not just a matter of God is saying anymore? It’s, How do we step into the reality of that?

Now I want to give you four words to think about, because we have all… I’ve been involved since the mid 80s with the prayer movement. My role started when I would work with Keston College in England and we worked into the Soviet Block countries to help release prisoners. And so they were an incredible group, and we began to learn how to pray for the nations and pray for the Body of Christ in the nations. And so we went through this series, and Peter Doris Wagner came on the scene out of Fullerton [?] in California, and

raised up this ask in a meeting in Luzon that we were all at to raise up a worldwide prayer movement. And they did that, and I was privileged to be a part of that worldwide prayer movement.

And so the first word I want you to write down is prayer. And you know, we’ve gone through all of those prayer movements here in America, many, many, many, and we’re always supposed to have that built within us. And so, prayer, and I want to say strategic prayer, is a part of the DNA of what God is doing right now in the body of Christ.

The second word I want you to write down, then we’re going to get to how all this are going to work, is prophecy. Now, Barbara and I came into a movement in the 80s, a prophetic movement, and it was, it’s amazing how you pray and pray, but then there comes a time where you’re going to have to say. And so we shifted from the prayer movement into a full blown prophetic movement, and so write the word down prophecy. See, we’ve moved… We’ve got all of this DNA stirring in US of prayer and prophecy.

We all prophesy, and then

during midway through… after the millennium, again, we started shifting from prophesying to decreeing. Write down the word decree. I mean decree a thing and watch it happen. That’s different than just prophesying something, because prophecy has five dimensions to it. It has a comfort dimension, it has an encouragement dimension, all of us do that. It has an exhortation where it starts getting a little more complex, because you’re tearing down and you’re building up at the same time. But then it has a directive anointing about it, where you’re actually bringing the will of Heaven down and directing it, and when you decree it, it’s done.

But this year, we enter in to the last dimension of this, and it’s called action, because, see, you can decree a thing but still not act on it. Did you notice when our new president, he made all these decrees for a year of what he was going to do, but action didn’t start taking place till he started signing executive orders.

See, a big difference in the things you’ve decreed and how God’s signet ring is about to come down to say, I’m giving you an order today, and what has been decreed, I want to see action in it. I want to see faith, action that is unexplainable.

That’s where we’re headed. See, we have entered this season. See, in September of 2019 we started into this new era. And it’s in Hebrew it’s called the Pey era. And all of you know what happened by March 2020, every nation, what God has shut down every nation.

It was the first Passover since the original Passover – we were all behind the door, and the Lord said, Wait a minute. I put siesta on this thing for a moment. I’m going to evaluate my remnant for the future. I’m going to start an evaluation. See really Barbara explained judgment earlier and visitation is linked with… it’s like an audit. I’m going to start auditing my people to see what remnant is going to go forward.

And so this whole season for 10 years, is, how will you develop your testimony in the midst of war, conflict, confusion.

And then in the midst of that, what Pey really means is I’m going to bring my people face to face with me. The word actually means face. I’m going to bring you face to face. I’m going to speak to you, then you’re going to speak for me.

So how your voice is expressing what the will of God is in heaven is how all of a sudden, the atmosphere is shifting again; major, major shifts going on. It’s, it’s a new era. It’s not an era that… that means history is being reformed in the earth realm. they’ll look back at this era and see how history was reformed. But anytime biblically, you find a new era, you also find that the dragon rises up and says, I must stop the lion of the tribe of Judah and his tribe from advancing. Look at somebody and say, I’m glad and I’m in that tribe.

So, this Judah breakthrough that we’re in, what we’re saying is that Judah is now rising up, and Judah, I’m going to show you in a moment how God is about to bring a dimension into this atmosphere that we’ve not seen before.

Now you have to remember that you’re in progress. A lot of people call it transition, but I think you’re making progress. You’re just a work in progress. Tell somebody I know that one was for you!

But what I’ve seen is the fallacy of –  in the body of Christ is –  they don’t know how to rehearse the blessings of what God is offering.

See for 40 years, God had already established a promise for them to go into Moses was leading this group into this promise.

But Moses got messed up and wasn’t able to go fully stand in what he had been leading them to get to. And all of a sudden, Moses shifts leadership from Moses to Joshua. Well, Joshua, the first thing the Lord says, I want you to go back and meditate on everything Moses has said to you.

And if you’ll meditate on everything, Moses has said day and night, rehearse it, chew it, let it become a part of your bloodstream. If you do that, you will have success over every step you take. Just amazing.

But the first thing the Lord said was you have to rehearse where you’ve come from. You’re going to have to rehearse what God said, and I don’t want us to miss that as we go into this next season. You’re going to have to know how you got to where you are today. You’re going to have to rehearse certain promises and prophecies that have been given you, and you’re going to have to bring them in to today and not leave them, God “said,” but bring them into God is “saying.”

So don’t miss that step. And see what happens when you begin to repeat something all of a sudden, if you repeat it enough, it forms an entire pattern around you. It reshapes everything around you.

And this is what us shifting from church to kingdoms about. See, put your hand on here. The kingdom of God is within you.

So you got all this kingdom down here, and knit within your spirit is all the names of God, the king of the kingdom.

And so when you start rehearsing and speaking, all of a sudden, that name starts taking action in you. Now, if you don’t know him, and you’re listening to me today, your spirit already has all that knit in you because he knit you together in your mother’s womb. But you’re going to submit your spirit back to the Father of your spirit. That is not your earthly mother and father. He made you a spiritual being. Once you submit and surrender that spirit back to Him all of a sudden, all His Names come alive in you. The word NAME IS shema, same as shaman. And so that’s linked with the air and how you control the atmosphere. So what God is saying… I’m going to have you rehearse the kingdom that’s already working inside of you, and then when you speak it forth, it’s going to penetrate the atmosphere that I’m sending it to, and you’ll speak it enough, and before long, that atmosphere has to submit and transform into My name ruling it.

Ever since October, when the Lord said, I’m taking you back to the portals, you will not orchestrate this. I will have you called back to the portals. I did not call Barbara and say I need to come see you.

I started praying for 10 cities that I know their gates will change. One will be Detroit.

See, what has to happen is the ruler of the king has to some way rise up and be over the gate of entry into a territory. And so that brings us to this new place. We are coming in to this place where we are entering into this time of Recovery. Barbara said it. This time of recovery started on January the 20th for three years.

So you can time this very clearly. God’s been saying we’re going to come into it, but all of a sudden, we’re in it. When you step up tonight, out of that chair to step forward to lead you’re in a moment of recovery you’ve never been in before. That means you’re gonna be… that means you’re gonna be able to recover things you didn’t think you could recover before you got up out of the chair. Just gonna happen to you.

And see recovery doesn’t just bring it back to where, where you lost something. Recovery brings you back to a place and gets you back to a place that you can look and say, the restorative factor of me moving in this recovery is multiplication. Everybody say, it’s time to multiply. Now it’s the kingdom that has to have this mentality. We keep waiting for a nation to have this mentality. But it’s the Kingdom people that must think like this everywhere we go. And what they’ll do is bring us into a new level of prosperity, and then everything will just break open around us. Judah breakthrough. Everybody say Judah break through.

So what happened to me on November the third was I’ve written books because God visited me in 86 and showed me 10 year increments, 96, 2006 all the details in those 10 year increments, 2016, 2026. You know, every time someone would get off on the rapture, I’d say, Well, you might be gonna be raptured, but I’m not. I’m gonna be here through 2026. We had one big group leave the church in 2008 because I wouldn’t tell anyone I saw that we were going to be around [?] in 2008. They came back in 2016 – they’re still here too.

But I finally, you know God told me, in 2008 Donald Trump would be president in the United States. That’s in a book.

He told me he was sitting there three and a half years, therefore, when everyone got into all that stuff at the end of his term, the first term and Dutch even said that it starting the year on Friday at our place. He said he called, and I said, well, that ain’t gonna happen. I mean, he said, then why am I going back to all these states, and praying I said because you need to go back to all those states and pray and gather a remnant. But Mr. Trump will not be president the next four years, because.


The Lord said, I’m going to pull him aside and do something to prepare America for its future. Now we’ve been… and of course, Dutch said ugly words to me like Barbara said ugly words. They all said so many ugly words to me, my wife, the other day.

I sent her to a meeting, meeting I did not want to go to, and I sent her, and she said it took me about three minutes to just say that ain’t gonna work. She and my sister work a lot with all the cities around us. That ain’t gonna work, and you’re gonna have to do this. And she said, for me, you can just shut down. They moved on. But she said, I don’t think they like me at all. I said, Well, I don’t like you at all. But what does that got to do with anything. [lol]

You have to do what you’re supposed to do? See, it’s not about all that like is not one of the fruit of the spirits, Steve, I’m telling you. Happy. Happy is not one of the fruit of the spirits. Precious is not one of the fruit of the spirits. You just gonna have to do what you’re supposed to be doing, and you’re gonna have to say what you’re supposed to be saying. However, I did so you think they’ll like me when they see me next, since they don’t like you anymore? She said, Well, I hope not.

Now, we are moving into a Kingdom dimension we have never been in before. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Doesn’t matter if you’re on a cane, doesn’t matter if you’re in a walker. If you are named by him with that seal on you, you better get ready to rev up your motor. There’s something he has still kept you here for.

But on November 3, I asked the Lord one thing. I said, Lord, can you show me anything past 2027. 2026. 2026 Is there anything in 2027 that you’ll show me? Because, I mean, I carried that for 40 years and watched it just all play out, and all of a sudden, at three o’clock in the morning, the Lord awakened me, and he said these words, Hezekiah, extend time.

Well, my goal in life, because the Lord told me to do this from the time I was 18, was to be able to read the Bible without ever opening the graphic book. So I started going through the word of God there in my prayer room when I got up, and I started reading, and I started thinking about everything Hezekiah is linked with. He did some great things. He also made some mistakes and the phone rang at four o’clock, and it was from Israel. And they said, we’re sorry we called we know it’s only four o’clock there in the morning, but God spoke to us so loudly to call you and say to you, he is saying Hezekiah to you right now.

That’s how important it was to the Lord. And I want to say this to you as you progress forward into the season ahead. It’s more important that you hear it. He is more interested in you hearing Him than you are. So, don’t get in all that stuff, striving and thinking, Oh, Lord, am I going to hear you? I want to hear you. I can’t hear you. He is very interested in you hearing Him.

And kingdom and about all this repentance. That was John the Baptist.  Kingdom we should have already gotten repented, what we needed to repent and be ready to move on. Kingdom is about fire. Kingdom is about power. That’s what happens… we always drip back to John the Baptist and the baptism of repentance. The Lord says, I want fire and I want power this season, so start rehearsing it now. Say out loud, fire!  Power!

You’re going to have to rehearse it till you start to burn.

But the Lord got me to this passage here, Isaiah, 37:30 – 32 this should be a sign for you see Sennacherib was going to wipe them out. Now some of you… remember how the prophetic works. It’s going to work through you personally, then it’s going to work through the corporate group you’re part of, then it’s going to work through the territory, then it’s going to work into the next generation. And so Sennacherib was saying… I’ve take taken out every god linked with every nation that I’ve come up upon, and their god has fallen, and we have kept moving, and now all these nations are under our control. And they came up to Judah and Hezekiah and they said, so don’t let Hezekiah tell you his God is bigger than what we’re able to take out. And they were saying all this stuff, and it was just sweeping through the territory, creating unbelief and fear.

And all of a sudden, Isaiah rose up, the prophet. And the prophet said, God’s not saying that. God is saying this. He’s saying, first of all, your messenger. He’s going to deal with your messenger, and your Messenger is going to return to where he’s come from, and then they’re going to deal with it. We’re not even going to deal with it.

Second of all, he’s saying, I’m going to move you, Hezekiah, into three incredible years ahead. All of a sudden, I already knew we were in 2025 because my life revolves around the Hebrew year. I said, Well, that’s 25, year one, 26, year 2, year 27 — year three. I said, Lord, it took you 40 years to get me into another year. All of a sudden, the Lord said it’s not going to be that easy in 25 but tell my people, every seed they’ve seeded will grow.

They’re not gonna have to go back and re-pray about all that. I will make sure what they prayed up to now will start to grow. That’s why are you gonna do is rehearse it and say it and it’s just gonna cause the ground to come alive. It’s gonna cause the air to come alive.

Second thing he said, 2026 is gonna be similar. It’s going to keep moving forward. And of course, I started looking at America saying, Lord, you’re saying this to America because you put me back in a call to pray for America.

In 2027 what you sowed, you’re going to start reaping in incredible ways. Now, I believe what Barbara said is fully justified here.  We are heading into two pretty tough years, but we are not headed into destruction. We are on the verge.

We are moving into one of the greatest power shifts we have ever known in our life.  And power shifts throughout the Word of God is always linked with authority. Anytime you see an authority shift, you have to recognize that something is going on all the way between heaven and earth.

This power shift that’s going on right now is bigger than we have ever seen in history because of the communication system of the world. Major power shift. And therefore you’re going to have to know fully your alignment with authority. Because no greater faith have I seen in all of Israel, if they understand authority, therefore you’ve got to say, Okay, now, Lord, evaluate my faith. How does it operate? You’d be surprised how easy it is for unbelief, apathy, all those faith robbers to get down on him.

The Lord gave me a scripture out of Ezekiel because I started hearing so many people say, Well, this has been prophesied, I wonder if it will ever happen. And that passage in Ezekiel, from the prophet Ezekiel, the Lord, said this, tell them that proverb needs to end, and a new proverb needs to be put in their mouth, where they say, today is the day it starts happening. See, you’d be surprised how subtle the enemy is with us. So, faith comes by understanding authority. This is where the Centurion soldier wasn’t even the Jew. Jesus came for the Jews, and the Centurion soldier recognized his great authority, and he had an issue with one of his servants. And the Lord said, I’ll come with you to your house. And he said, I know who you are. See, he immediately recognized the authority he carried. He said, All you gotta do is speak and the word will heal him.

Now I’m telling you, we’re getting in an alignment. It’s not just alignment coming. You are being put into a new alignment, because that portal is where it’s not been able to come down and pour out in a territory; God says I’m going to break that thin membrane.

Now, that brings us to this year, which is halfway. Steve said it earlier. Always listen to every word that’s going on in a service that you’re in. We’re halfway through. Well, all through the word of God. When you’re halfway through, you have to make a big decision on how you gonna go forward. So see, the Lord’s brought me here halfway through this era to say, He wants to give you access to restore and fully enter into the immersion of the glory realm that he has for this territory.

And halfway through Abraham got halfway to where he was going after God called him out to herb the Chaldees his father Tehran, and they were at Haran, and God said, you have to leave your father and your family and everything you’ve got and follow me. Well, his dad was the biggest item maker in Ur of the Chaldeans, and yet he got his dad out, but his dad wouldn’t go all the way. Abraham had to make a choice, Do I keep going into a place that I know is there, even though I’ve never seen it before. Look at somebody and say, I’m on that path.

You don’t want to settle until you step. Keep stepping toward that place you never experienced, that you know God shown you. And see halfway there the Lord says, Five is always linked with grace. 80 is linked with a new beginning of testimony. So, the Lord says, I’m going to give you an incredible supernatural grace this year to bring your testimony to an end and a beginning. And

then this grace is going to empower you to move forward. Five is also linked with the concept of high places in the Word of God, and so the Lord says I’m giving my people grace to deal with all the high places in their bloodline and in their territory.

That doesn’t mean they’re to go out yelling at every… listen people, there are plenty of demons out there. You do not have to go hut… You know, I was teaching a Master’s course, one at Southwestern, and they said, do you just see demons behind every tree? I said, No, I see at least 10 behind every tree. But I don’t mess with them unless one of them gets in my path. Then once they’re in my path, one of us have to go. Now, I’m telling you, God is saying now I’ve evaluated from remnant like somebody say, Well, we’re still here. Little tired, but still here. Little beat up, but still here, but you still here. I evaluated the remnant, and now I’m going to give them access from heaven to go up to the high place that has tried to hold their atmosphere captive and command that thing and worship in a way there. Judah always goes first — worship in a way there that that thing cannot stay in place any longer.

The Lord knows where the places are. And he knows those that will worship. See Judah takes precedent. Judah has to go first. We’ll look at some of that tomorrow.

So, when God says it’s abundant grace, you’re going to go back and you’re going to rehearse that You are going to accept His goodness and kindness over everything that has gotten you to this place. You’re going to look back at certain situations where you’ve been traumatized, where you’ve been abused, and you’re gonna say, but you know, I’m still here, therefore God’s goodness and kindness was doing something to keep me here today and now, he says, and because you recognize that I’m going to pour it out on you in a new way!

Grace produces joy. Now, Joy is a fruit and favor and grace are very similar, but they’re different. Favor is going to come down on you when you do an action; you just get grace. When you start acknowledging that God is, I am… We sang it. You get grace. But then, as you act with grace, favor comes and you wear it. People see it. You’re able to… it’s almost tangible. You can’t work for grace. But the minute you activate grace, faith starts rising and favor comes on you like a new mantle.

That’s what’s gonna happen this year. We’re in a place to receive the supernatural favor and release it everywhere we go.

Now, couple more things see this year, faith has to rise up, and a lot of people don’t understand when you go all the way through the word of God, faith always starts with a problem, and

and faith cometh, but it cometh usually in the midst of your promise problem. Remember, Moses is on the back 40. He’s a murderer. He’s been back there for 40 years, and God comes and shows him this bush, and then the Lord says, Moses, we got a problem. Where do you ran from, Where I had put you right in Pharaoh’s court, That thing now is controlling my covenant people, and I got a problem with it.

And here’s the beauty of an action Moses sees this bush burning. Bushes burn out in the desert. They’ll just catch on fire. But this one won’t quit burning. So the Word of God says, Moses turns aside to go see the bush. From that action, all of a sudden the Bush begins to speak.

Now, quit looking at your problems the same way this year. If you say, God, I got $1 left, lay it out and say, now, Lord, this is our problem. We have it. Show me what to do with it.

Rehearse everything you know about it, but then watch for a sign. Here’s another place where we’re slow at; you gonna have to see God do something and recognize it. That was God. That was God that came down right there. That was God that had that person call me. That was God that I found that purse and it didn’t have a name in it, it just had money in it. That was God that I saw him at the airport and He said, Let me buy you lunch.

You’ve got to recognize the signs and turn aside. And then faith has to come. Faith cometh. Everybody say it out loud, Faith cometh.

If you start rehearsing, Faith is going to come, faith cometh. Remember the Lord said that they had a problem. God had brought this… this man had brought this epileptic child to them to heal him. And the disciples couldn’t do anything with him, so they look at his shoe, and they said, kid, we can’t handle this problem. Have you ever said that to the Lord? Lord, we can’t handle this problem? And the Lord said, Well that was going to take a different action from you. You gonna have to pray it fast over that problem, because that’s the only way that kind that’s controlling him is going to come out, Oh ye of little faith. He wasn’t saying they didn’t have any faith. He was saying your faith is so underdeveloped you can’t deal with that problem.

Now I want you to say Faith’s coming. Faith’s coming. Faith’s coming. Faith’s coming. We’re going… Kingdom people are going to explode with faith and then we’re going to move with action.

Let’s skip to that portal. I want to show you what it really looks like. The Lord spoke to me and shared with James Nesbit, he was there also. This is what it looks like. The Lord said I’m coming back to my portals. Now we have had some blowout meetings up here. Now look at Gary and Kathy and I mean some blowout meetings. Pile up blowout meetings, back in the 90s, people were loving that Toronto move and someone ahead in one of the meetings Barbara was having, before long, there were stacks of shoes that nobody knew how they got there. People were stacked up. Blowout meetings. But the Lord said, but I’m ??? I know the portals where they’ve been created. And I’m going to bring my word down with fire.

Last year was about a door, but now this year, Hey, five, is linked with the window aligning with the door in the midst of you speaking; it’s what makes it different, different places than we’ve ever been before. And so, this is beginning in January to be repositioned over this territory,

Because I can’t go anywhere unless he sends me and acts 17 says he predetermines your time and place. He sent me just to say he’s realigning this and how we’re going to ?? with that, and we’re going to look at that in the morning, and what that really looks like, apostolic, prophetically, kingdom. And all of a sudden, all these accesses are being given, starting tonight and this is really what it looks like.

It’s not just one door. You’re gonna have know you’re being given these keys. And every time you go through one, a whole new dimension of understanding comes to you. That’s why you’re going to have to rehearse some of these places you walk through in the past season that you really didn’t see The level of glory that God wanted you to. And before long, you will be standing right in the middle of a place you never been before, and you gonna know we showed up for church, and God was here. Not just us. See you, can ??? right now, moving.

So, these next 10 months The Lord said, I’m going to pull him aside and do something to prepare America for its future.

You’re gonna move from just decreeing, each month, into saying, Lord, is there an action we need to take right now. And then over these next 10 months in this nation, we’re going to hit this 30 days of intensity, and all of a sudden, we’re going to be gathering and praying three times a day, just like Daniel had to. And we’re going to love it. Because he’s calling us to. And I’m just praying. Remember, we’re going to move from prayer into prophecy, into decreeing, and then when we leave, we’re going to say, we got some action.

Now, this is what I want to end with tonight.

The war of… has shifted into a place where the enemy is saying to us, are you really going to rule that territory? See, I don’t think we have a mountain lingo around again. I think God extended grace to this nation, state by state by state. I want to end by saying this.

Joshua, after he started rehearsing, all of a sudden, you’re going to find it before Jericho, the angel came down and visit him. Well, that was the same angel that came down that God said in Exodus 23 I’m going to send an angel before you that’s going to go take you into your promise. Don’t mess him up. But they messed him up. That angel didn’t show up til 40 years later.

Now, the Lord instructed me to say this to all of you, there are some angels coming back to start moving in ways that they could move in other seasons, but they’re ready to move now. And he said, Because I’m restoring and realigning My portals, tell them to watch for the angelic activity.

So, this is how I want to end. Something happened to me five days ago. If you’ll remember, we’ve been… we’ve all had to do our part over these last four or five years. But one of the things we’ve been doing is going from state to state, recording it, building a platform, we can keep our states updated. Because when I was at the Citadel in 2022, we had a gathering there. It was first time the Citadel, our oldest War University, had ever allowed an outside group to come in; packed at 700 people.

An incredible gathering. And then I was speaking, Dutch was speaking, and ?? also was speaking. And Dutch started speaking in his session, and all of a sudden, God caught me up and he showed me America

See he had shown me that he had called me to America, but I didn’t quite get it until this started happening, and I was in a heavenly realm with him, and there were four ruling angels that had surrounded America. And then all of a sudden, 51 angels came in. And they all had… they were all standing with their sword and their sheath. And the Lord said, in August of 2022, I have surrounded America.

I think that’s probably why I was okay through all of the last couple of years. I mean, I saw it, we were surrounded. I would get prophecies about all those terrorist attacks and all this, but God had us surrounded for a time to come.

And then he said, starting at Passover 2024, I’m going to start visiting and looking at each state one by one, not all of them…

And he said, by My Spirit, when it is time for me to look at a state, and when it’s time for me to make a decision over a state, that angel over that territory will take it’s sheath out and I’ll send it.

So, why He’s reducing these portals is because he’s looking at the states. When we did Michigan, it was one of the best we’ve done. But now he’s saying, but I’m positioning my portal back.

So what happened five days ago was because I’m going through something, and anybody that knows me knows I don’t get into things unless he gets me in.

I’d rather eat breakfast and biscuits and gravy and be normal, but that’s never been what happens when he’s ready for me not to be. And that has been labeled. And also He caught me up again, and these angels pulled their swords out.

Now they haven’t come to attack America, but I will say they pull their sword. So that’s how I’m going to end with us tonight.

See Something happens when angels go ahead, unleash their sword. Barbara said earlier, you got judgment, you got restoration, but you got harvest. You got opportunity. Angels are not human like us. The war of angels is spiritual.

We’re seeing California right now. And I love California. I never thought it would fall off in the ocean. It’s being burned, but it’s not falling off in the ocean. And my kids are there, and she even called my daughter, who’s, you know, she’s California, and she said, Dad, did the Lord ever tell you anything after 2026? I said he just spoke to me, spoke to me and said, We’re going to be extended a year. She said, hallelujah. Thank God! because they have a house that overlooks all of LA and they’ve been able to just sit and watch this incredible tragedy occur.

But it’s spiritual, see angels when they start coming in, they say, wait a minute, we’re going to do war with the spiritual forces that’s blocking my kingdom people from experiencing the glory I want them to experience.

When they take their sword out, that means the word goes into motion. Now Ed, You’re gonna have to go back and see prophecies, because all of a sudden, it set prophecies whirling. See, time in like this, [makes linear motion] time is circle, and it’s moving, and the end is connecting to the beginning. And all of a sudden, the more you prophesy, you’re bringing that word into today, and before long, you’re  creating a whirlwind moving,

But God said Now the word and all the words that have been spoken are now in action. And as my people rehearse them, they’re going to start moving into their appropriate places.

Angels are always linked with public authority shifts.

So what we’ve just seen has created incredible, angelic activity, but I believe it’s the kingdom of God people and their government that God’s calling on right now.

They bring messages. They protect us, they guide us. They warn us of dangers that are coming. God doesn’t want to ever judgment to come out as he’s trying to restore something you have to look at California and start prophesying the restoration that will come. But God did speak to me two days ago and said, I will not act till this happens. And if we were in California, I’d probably say it. When they pull their sword out that means a rivalry just started. They gonna go into a rivalry with what’s been controlling and stopping this portal from having it’s focus.

When they pull their sword out, you have access to power. You can ask a thing, and you’ll hear it.

I wouldn’t be here unless he wasn’t giving Michigan. And I think actually this territory goes all the way into Indiana. Oh, we got Indiana here. I do know Canada. We went all the way across Canada once, and it almost broke through. But God says, Wait a minute. I had to start shifting the power over Canada. And so you gonna come back from this portal, and you going to decree all those portals start realigning.

All of a sudden, new messages start coming forward, See, you gonna get songs from the tabernacle in heaven that we’ve never sung here on Earth.  You’re gonna have to

hear a sound and say, Where’d they come from? And then all of a sudden, it’s gonna develop, and the atmosphere of Heaven and Earth will align.

And then these incredible financial shifts start, biblically,

All you have to do is look at the word of God, when those angels show up the spoils that the enemy’s holding start getting unlocked.

You think she was just saying those words that we goin’ into some depression. The Lord said, I got angels already waiting with their swords. Tell my people to get ready to step in to a new financial dimension.

You might just have $1. That doesn’t bother God at all. He’s fine with $1. He knows how to multiply. He wants you to do with that $1 the same thing he’s going to start dealing with people to do with $1 million. And he might not unlock the 1 million til you use the one right. That’s why I’m not going to ever miss an opportunity to jump in this, because I know how he brings us to a place. And I know what has been done in this place, in Flint, in Lansing, in Detroit, and Ann Arbor in Pontiac, Grand Rapids.

And God just brought me back to say this portal is realigning back in place. Gain access while access is available, let’s stand up.

As you’re standing up. I know one of the actions we take is a giving action. Into everything we do. God spoke to me before I came and said, I’m going to tell you what to give in to that portal.

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