Michigan Attorney General Scorecard

The “Michigan Oak Initiative and the MI Coalition for Freedom” are “Grassroots” organizations who hold to a governmental Biblical Worldview. Both organizations have networking connections throughout Michigan, and we desire to be an informational conduit. We see the importance of this upcoming Attorney General election for our state. Much is at stake for families in the great State of MI.

How many desires justice to come forth in the state of Michigan? We believe grassroots has risen up who understand the fraud in the election; attack on our children with the Critical Race Theory/Wokeism; the assault on our religious and personal freedoms with mask and vaccine mandates; the lack of information on how to treat Covid; and so many moral issues. Which precinct delegates will take these issues to heart?

MESSAGE TO PRECINCT DELEGATES: On April 23 the state GOP convention precinct delegates will vote on who is our next Attorney General candidate to face Dana Nessle, our current Attorney General. It is being said that the current precinct delegates are being told who to vote for. This is not right if this is true! We must look at all the candidates fairly and make a final decision. What are their positions?

NOTE: We have made 5 attempts for Tom Leonard, Ryan Berman and Mattew DePerno to answer the Scorecard questions. As of this communication Mattew DePerno and Ryan Berman have answered the questions. As of this communication Tom Leonard has not responded to our requests.

Matthew DePerno

Click Here for Matthew DePerno Scorecard Results

Ryan Berman

Click Here for Ryan Berman Scorecard Results

Tom Leonard

As of this post Tom Leonard has not responded.


1. The matter of election integrity is a chief concern of many Michigan voters on the heels of the widely debated outcome of the 2020 election. What is the importance of surrounding the need for conducting a forensic audit and what value does it hold for the people of Michigan? 

2. What actions have you taken since the contention has been raised that the election was fraudulent on November 4, 2020?

3. We are right at the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic in this country resulting in controversial mask mandates and vaccine requirements. Where do you stand on these sanctions and in what direction will you take Michigan if elected as the next Attorney General? 

4. What actions have you taken these past 2 years to defend personal/religious freedoms for MI citizens regarding Mask mandates and Vaccine requirements?

5. Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s solution to the pandemic was to enforce a statewide lockdown. What has been your response to this lockdown, and do you find it to be in the best interests of Michiganders?

6. What literal actions have you taken these past 2 years for the freedoms of MI citizens regarding lockdowns?

7. Traditional conservatives advocate for pro-life initiatives and support the Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms. Where do your beliefs fall on the conservative spectrum regarding these issues?

8. What literal actions have you taken these past number years to defend Life in the Womb and the Second Amendment?

9. Recently, many school districts have elected to begin teaching Critical Race Theory in our schools. Where do you stand on this subject being added to our children’s educational curriculum?

10. What literal actions have you taken these past 2 years to stand up against this assault on parents/children and our schools?

11. Across the nation and in Michigan, we see much exposure regarding sexual impropriety.   What is the responsibility of any Attorney General regarding handling these accusations? Were you previously aware of the Chatfield situation that has been in the news?

12. What percentage of your donor base would be considered corporate or lobbyist donors and what percentage is from the Grassroots?

13. If elected AG will you hold people accountable in this present administration who have broken the law regarding election improprieties in this past election? 

Mark Gurley/Rick Warzywak

State Coordinators for the MI Oak Initiative/MI Coalition for Freedom


