Transformation MI and MI Capitol House of Prayer are thrilled to partner in this “Call to the Wall” initiative. We see this as critical to the future of our state and nation. We will make every effort to activate our sphere of influence. On a night watch on Monday June 19, I was on, I brought up the word from Chuck Pierce regarding the borders of the Northern states. We reflected on words from Dutch Sheets, Gina Ghoulston and other prophetic voices. During that night watch call I was impressed to activate our sphere of influence to send out teams to pray across the state covering various locations. 

That day I found out and I connected with Cindy Williams Moore of Pray MI. She received the same and began to activate her sphere of influence and developing a plan which we will use. Co-laboring as one in unity is critical as we need to bring the Ecclesia together.  


We have a nightly conference prayer call at 9PM EST 727.731.2247 that has been ongoing for over 960 consecutive nights. These 2 links below explain why we believe what has been birthed will activate intercessors and watchmen across our state.

This movement will cover the boundaries of our state…UP and Lower MI; highways, bridges, military/nuclear sites, and key areas the Lord will reveal to the praying and action Ecclesia! Rise up church this is our time. Stay the course and hold the line! Join state efforts to pray through the following prophetic words: Chuck Pierce: Fire and the Blood at the Border. Gina Gholston’s word: Paint the Border. Dutch Sheets: Command the FOREWARD.

God Bless – Transformation MI/MICHOP


NOTE: Dutch Sheets talks about Cape Henry and going back a declaring what was said there and  “FOREWARD” it to the places we pray in our state. SEE BELOW!

1. JUNE 19 Transformation MI/MICHOP Initial Launch…Forward to 15:12 –


3. GINA GHOLSTON spoke in May in Waterford MI about ‘Paint the Border” and “Command the Foreward”.

FROM CHUCK PIERCE JUNE 18, 2023: Chuck Pierce: I have just heard the Lord Speak; I have just heard the Lord Speak: ALL of you turn NORTH – Point your Hand NORTH – Those on our Northern Boundary: Set a Bloodline and Set a Fire of God on the NORTH. A movement is trying to quench the movement to try to Quench what would happen in this nation. And I say to you, in the NORTH, you are being blocked from coming in, to Bring Destruction. I say FIRE and BLOOD will now be the NORTH BORDER of the United States. Stay the course and hold the line!!! We are in preparation time. The remnant will not be surprised as future events unfold…instead will run into the battle.

MI BRIDGES TO PRAY AT –,Bridge%20and%20Detroit%2DWindsor%20Tunnel.





Cape Henry marks the approximate site were Jamestown settlers first landed in the New World on April 27, 1607. They built a wooden cross and planted it in the sand naming the place Cape Henry. This is the first landing site of those adventurous Englishmen who, some three weeks later, establish the first permanent English colony in North America at Jamestown. America’s destiny and purpose were sealed with that cross at Cape Henry. All that would follow in our nation’s growth hinged on the single proclamation that this land belong to Jesus Christ. In the Mayflower compact of 1620, the pilgrims reaffirmed the mission set forth by the original Virginia settlers.

Pastor Robert Hunt led colonists in the following prayer some 415 years ago: “Land, and ourselves, to reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise of Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth.”

All of us were taught that the Pilgrims came to America for freedom of worship or religious freedom, but that’s really not true, said Dr. Peter Marshall, an author and historian. They said that they came to America to, propagate the gospel among the Indians and to become, themselves, stepping stones for the furtherance of the gospel to the outermost parts of the earth. So they were literally missionaries who landed on our shores.

The Puritans carried the Cape Henry legacy further. On the deck of the Arbella, halfway between England and Cape Cod, leader John Winthrop declared, “We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present out from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world.”


June 19, 2023

I hear the Lord saying to Michigan, “I’m sitting on chaos. Now into September, the voice of chaos will increase so the church can see clearly what is coming out of the state. The Lord says, ‘hell has said, ‘we will fight like hell.’ Yet I say, I will reveal the plans of hell that had been inside the state, and I will not allow them to be hidden. Michigan, get ready; the fire and the glory are here, and I will consume the enemy’s plans. Stay on watch and look to see what I will do. My eyes are on you, and I will not let the enemy take this state.

I’m here to take you. Michigan is mine. I am here. The King of Glory is in your midst. Look up, call on My name. As you worship Me through the Summer, fire and glory will increase. 

Before chaos is delivered out of your state, you will know where it came from and how it came through. And the Lord says, speak and say you reject the root of death and violence that has been placed within this state. The Lord says you have no part of it, ‘You will call out for glory, for salvation, and I will meet you at the crossroads of this state where evil and good face off with one another.’

‘I am announcing and saying I’m here and overtaking with my good. I am overtaking you with the Zechariah 2.5 (the wall of fire). I’m circuit riding around Michigan at this time.’ 

Call to prayer: I believe this is an issue and a call to all of you who can get out there in the state and drive the state’s borders and declare and say that Michigan is God’s. It’s the call to the wall; get out to the borders through the Summer. To establish the boundary of the Lord that is around the state of Michigan. The Lord is going to set the enemy up for judgment.

I’m seeing September 15 through 17th as key dates of where the glory will culminate. And it’ll be like Moses standing at the Red Sea, and it looks like there’s no way out. And God opens the Red Sea from Michigan, and we cross over. Those dates are when the Days of Awe take place, prior to us entering into Tabernacles at the end of the month. I continue to see a shaking coming in September. We will be crossing over during Tabernacles, Michigan. We’re going to see what pursued us gets swallowed up. The Lord will part the waters as he did for Moses, hamstring the enemy and all his forces.

And I hear even to the nation, watch Michigan, watch Michigan, Pharaoh is going down. Watch Michigan to see how I form a new war. I form New War the out of Michigan. You declared and said, ‘We will fight like hell.’ And the Lord says, not on My watch nor My nation.

I hear the Lord saying that I am coming from Michigan because Michigan is a picture to the nation of how the Lord Sabaoth visits. I see Him swirling around, and I know that’s the ‘hallel’ or hallelujah celebrating. He circuit rides around to say, ‘No, I’m going to stretch out my righteous right arm, and I will take Michigan. Now watch me work with miracle signs of wonders, but understand that in this season, you’re facing off with Pharoah, and how many trials will you go through? How many trials will you stand through?

And I hear him say, “All of them, Michigan, you will stand through all of them.” I’m just hearing it, ‘It’s on.’ 

We declare the fire of God is here and that the blood of Jesus Christ is covering us. We declare that we are in the season, and the enemy is being overtaken and overthrown as we advance. We declare that we do not tolerate the thrones of iniquities erected or attempted to be erected in the state. We do not tolerate you.

I see a sword. I declare a sword is drawn, and I’m drawing the line in the sand today and saying Michigan to the Lord, and we will fight with God spiritually to overturn hell in this state, in Jesus’ name. 

I decree that the enemy is saying what he is saying because the Lord has already determined that the angels will fight like heaven. And we release the angels to fight like heaven in this state where we also decree that the borders are secured; we decree the bloodline over the state to cut off anything more trying to come into this nation. And Lord, we give you the glory that you have secured this state, and you’ve given us the wisdom and revelation to move forward and bring the kingdom down in the name of Jesus.

Melt like wax you mountains, you hills, valleys be raised, mountains be winnowed and chafed and taken down in this state; I declare that we are entering into the great days of awe and the splendor and the glory of the Lord.

And the fear of the Lord will be loosed upon the people. And the spiritual enemy will run from Michigan. The enemy will run. IS 35 & 62, the highways of the Lord, are being established in the state. Wickedness, you cannot enter here. Fools, come to your senses.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is here. Lord Sabaoth is here.

Cindy Williams Moore – Pray Michigan! – MIAPC – – Artist

           Call to the Wall Prayer Team Guide


*What to take: Pictures of your journey! Anointing oil, communion, a match to strike, your team (2+ people), and a map. Teams are anointing their tires with oil too to cover MI as they drive!

*Additional reading in preparation for your journey: Jeremiah 51, represents God addressing the powers of this world. IS 49, represents the blessings of God to His people, and to MI.

*Worship – Worship God in this place, open in prayer lifting Him up as the Creator of all things, including everything that exists in Michigan.
             Command the Forward/Paint the Border

  • Take the oil and anoint the border. (Many are using a brush to paint it on as Gina Gholston saw in her vision). 

‘We anoint Michigan. We Command of the Forward as recorded in 1607, at Cape Henry, by Rev. Robert Hunt dedicating this land to God. We release it over Michigan as we read it: 

Pastor Robert Hunt led colonists in the following prayer some 415 years ago: “Land, and ourselves, to reach the people within these shores with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise of Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth.”

May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.” 
Psalm 22. 27-28
All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord’s: and he is the governor among the nations
We release the shaking over Michigan. Only His Kingdom shall remain. 
Hebrews 12:26-28
When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: “Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heavens also.” This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.  For our God is a devouring fire.

                            Set the Fire & Blood

  • Light a match to release the fire and glory of God that fills the earth. 
  • Take communion as a team, and release a few crumbs of bread and drops of grape juice, representing the power of the Blood of Jesus being released over Michigan.

Chuck Pierces word: To those on the northern set a blood line, and set the fire of God. In the North there’s a movement to try to quench what would happen in this nation. You are being blocked from bringing in destruction. Fire and blood will be the border of the US. 
Final Decree: 
We declare the power of the Blood of Jesus is set around MI. We release the fire of God and His glory to remove any plan of the enemy that would block our state and the nation from being God’s. We declare the shaking and shifting has begun. Michigan belongs to God.

We decree Michigan that God is your maker and your Redeemer. We call you by name. Open your ears, your eyes, and your heart and receive God’s words and ways. First Kings 18:21. Do not halt between two opinions. Choose baal or choose God. But like in Elijah’s time, we declare God’s glory is coming by his spirit with power and authority. He is coming back to take what is His. We declare that there is a reordering going on over our state.
We place the guard of Isaiah 35 and Isaiah 62: 10-12 over our waters and land. All who come through our gates will see and here the good news of the Lord and His glory. Michigan speak, arise and release your voice. Declare God’s salvation. Lift up your banner for all to see. As in the days of old to all nations. His counsel will lead many to peace. And the sound of God’s glory will be carried upon the air, land, and sea. God is your future. Rise up, Michigan.
Prayer Team Decrees – Team members, release your prayers and decrees. 
                                      FOLLOW UP

Team reports: Post your journey on Facebook,

Email final reports that include: Names of team members, where you drove, note anything interesting that came up as you completed the assignment (key scriptures, signs that could have been from God, etc.) pictures, and contact information.

NOTE: If you became part of “Call to the Wall” through our prayer call…please email Rick at


  1. Hi Rick. My name is Gail Oslund I have been a part of the nightly phone calls just shortly after you started. I am from Delta Co. in the U.P. My self and a few other intercessors in our area would like to cover this county with call to the wall prayer action. I left a message with West Michigan Prayer Center trying to contact Cindy Williams. I will call again today. One other point. We have 2 Feme camps here. One is in Menominee Co. out in the forest. It is under construction, designed to house 20,000 men and women and is under armed guard. The other is in K I Sawyer. 6-27-23

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